人教版高中英语选修六Unit 2《Poems》(第4课时)ppt课件

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1、 词汇 1 e v to give someone something in return for something that they give you 2 f adv used to say that a particular situation or state will always exist 3 s vt to arrange for sth official to take place 4 p n someone who plays the piano 5 v n someone who plays the violin 6 adj 适当的 正当的 adv 7 n 冠军军称号

2、n 冠军军 8 n 黑暗 adj 黑暗的 使 变变黑 暗 9 n 暖和 温暖 adj 暖和的 10 n 奖奖学金 学问问 n 学者 奖奖学金获获得者 答案 1 exchange 2 forever 3 sponsor 4 pianist 5 violinist 6 appropriate appropriately 7 championship champion 8 darkness dark darken 9 warmth warm 10 scholarship scholar 短语 1 have 玩得高兴 2 chance 碰巧 意外地 3 take it 轻松 不紧张 从容 4 hold

3、 别挂断 继续 坚持 保持 5 the bottom of 在 的底部 6 oneself 独自地 独立地 7 try 测试 试验 8 let 发出 放走 答案 1 fun 2 by 3 easy 4 on 5 at 6 by 7 out 8 out 1 hold on hang on 1 别别挂电话电话 停一下 The line is busy would you like to hang hold on 电话电话 有人在打 请别请别 挂断好吗吗 2 抓紧紧 He hung held on until the rope broke 他抓紧紧着 直到绳绳子断了 3 在逆境中 坚坚持 不放弃 H

4、ang Hold on at your present job until you can get another 你在没有找到另一个工作前不要放弃目前的工作 4 等一下 停一下 Now hang hold on a minute you can t really believe what you just said 等一下 你不可能真的相信你刚刚才说说的话话吧 5 等待某事发发生 等候 I haven t heard if I ve got the job yet they ve kept me hanging on for days 我是否得到了那份工作的事还还没有消息 他们让们让 我 等

5、了好几天了 知识拓展 1 hang on sth 有赖于 取决于 某事物 It all hang on whether he is willing to help us 一切都取决于他是否愿意帮助我们 2 hold hang on to sth 1 抓紧某物 The little girl hung held on to her mother s hand while they crossed the street 横过马路的时候 小姑娘紧紧抓住她妈妈的手 2 保留 不卖卖掉 不放弃 Let s hang hold on to those old photographs they may be

6、 valuable 咱们们留着这这些旧照片吧 它们们或许许有价值值 3 hang out 常去某处处 泡在某处处 The local kids hang out at the mall 当地的孩子常在商业业街闲闲逛 4 hang up 挂断电话电话 After I hung up I remembered what I d wanted to say 我挂断电话电话 之后才想起来原本想说说的话话 知识运用 1 2008福建 29 a moment and I will go to your rescue A Go on B Hold on C Move on D Carry on 答案 B 本

7、题题意 坚持一会儿 我将去援救你 hold hang on 表示 在困境或危险中 坚持住 挺住 2 2008江苏苏 23 Is Peter there please I ll see if I can find him for you A Hold up B Hold on C Hold out D Hold off 答案 B 本题题题题 意 彼得在吗吗 请请稍等 我去 看看能否找到他 hold on表示 电话电话 用语语 别别挂断 等一 下 3 We thought of selling this old furniture But we ve decided to it It might

8、be valuable A hold on to B keep up with C turn to D look after 答案 A 本题题题题 意 我们们原本想把这这件旧家具卖卖掉 但是我们们已经经决定留下它 它或许许有价值值 hold on to 表示 保留 不卖卖掉 不放弃 2 try sb sth out on sb 1 试用某人 They re trying out a new presenter for the show 他们正在为这个节目试用一位新的主持人 2 测试 试验 The idea sounds fine but we need to try it out in pra

9、ctice 这个注意听起来不错 但我们要在实践中试验一下 知识拓展 1 try out for sth 参加 选拔 或试演 I m trying out for the basketball team 我在争取加入那篮球队 2 try sth on试穿 衣物 Try the shoes on before you buy them 鞋子要先穿上试一试再买 知识运用 1 Several pairs of shoes were tried but none of them were satisfactory A on B out C for D over 答案 A 本题题意 试了好几双鞋了 但没有

10、一双 是令人满意的 try sth on表示 试穿 衣物 2 Scientists thousands of chemicals before they found the right one A made out B worked out C tried out D turned out 答案 C 本题题题题 意 科学家们试验们试验 了数千种的化学 药药品才找到一种合适的 try out表示 测试测试 试验试验 3 let out 1 泄漏 I ll never tell you another secret if you let this one out 假如你把这个机密泄漏出去 有秘密的

11、事我再也不告 诉你了 2 发出 叫声等 He let out a cry of pain as the nail went into his foot 钉子扎进他的脚时 他痛苦地大喊了一声 3 使某人解脱 My flu let me out of attending the meeting 由于患了流感 我参加不了那个会了 4 把衬衬衣 外套等 放大 放长长 加宽宽 Mary s mother had to let out Mary s dress because she was growing so tall 玛丽玛丽 的母亲亲不得不把玛丽玛丽 的衣服放大些 因为玛丽为玛丽 长长得那么高 5

12、 解雇 革职职 开除 The shop closed down and all the men were let out 店关了门门 所有的员员工都被辞退了 6 租出去 In the park boats are let out for 3yuan per hour 在公园里 可以以每小时时3元的价格出租小游艇 7 放出 Let me out I m locked in 让让我出来 我被锁锁在里面了 知识拓展 1 let down 1 不能帮助 不能支持 某人 使失望 The team felt that they had let the coach down 队员们觉得他们让教练失望了 2

13、使 略逊一筹 美中不足 She speaks French very fluently but her pronunciation lets her down 他法语讲得很流利 但美中不足的是发音不大好 3 放下 降低 降下 Please let down the blinds 请请把百叶窗放下 4 把衣服 裙子 外套等 放长长 放出 褶边边 She let the dress down several centimeters 她把这这件衣服放长长了几厘米 2 let on to sb 对对某人 说说出秘密 泄密 She was terrified at the information but

14、 didn t let on 她听到消息十分害怕 但没有泄露 I m getting married next week but please don t let on to anyone about it will you 我就要结结婚了 但 这这事 请请不要泄露 给给任何人 行 吗吗 知识运用 1 He accidentally he had quarreled with his wife and that he hadn t been home for a couple of weeks A let out B took care C made sure D made out 答案 A 他无意中透漏出他和妻子吵了架 已经两 三个星期没回家了 let out 表示 泄露 2 Don t let the plan to the press A in B off C on D out 答案 D 本题题题题 意 别别把这计这计 划泄露给给新闻闻界 let out表示 泄漏 为为及物性的动词动词 短语语 3 He knew where the boy was but he didn t let A in B alone C on D out 答案 C 本题题题题 意 知道那孩子在哪 但是他没揭 发发 let on to sb 表示 对对某人 说说出秘密 泄密


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