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1、初一英语2015.9月阶段性测试(U1-U2)一、 单词辨音(10分)( )1. A. gradeB. ageC. gladD. table( )2.A. nameB. catC. manD. dad( )3. A. theseB. tenC. beD. me( )4. A. eggB. deskC. let D. we( )5. A. slimB. timeC. bikeD. nice( )6. A. kite B. himC. withD. sit( )7. A. boxB. stopC. notD. open( )8. A. thoseB. hopeC. e-dogD. over( )9

2、. A. usuallyB. funC. pupilD. music( )10. A. but B. sunC. music D. must二、 选择题(15分)( )1. Does Eddie have_e-dog? Sorry, I dont know.A. aB. anC. theD. /( )2. Where _your cousin_? Shanghai.A. dofrom B. doesfromC. doescome fromD.iscome from( )3. Tommys twin sister_ after school every Tuesday.A. walk to ho

3、meB. walks to homeC. walk homeD. walks home( )4. _your mother happy today?A. DoB. DoesC. IsD. Are( )5. -Good news. All of us will go to see the new film this afternoon. -_? Can we bring some drinks?A. ReallyB.NoC.OKD. Right( )6. Mary, let Jimmy_you water the flowers. A.to helpB. helping C. helps D.h

4、elp ( )7. Theygo to school _ every weekday. They dont go to school _the weekend.A. on; atB. /; at C. /; inD. on; on( )8. The girl looks_ because she gets many nice birthday presents. A. happyB. cuteC. wellD. beautiful( )9. We have _ homework to do every night.A. a lotB. lotsC. manyD. a lot of( )10.

5、Does yourbrother like playing _ table tennis? No, But he likes playing _ guitar.A./; theB. the; /C.the; theD. /; /( )11. Mr Yang is a_ Chinese teacher. He teaches us Chinese very_ A. well; wellB.good; goodC. good; wellD. well; good( )12. -_ does yourfather visit Beijing? -Twice a year.A.How longB.Ho

6、w oftenC. How manyD. How far( )13. We_ good friends. We_ English, too.A. are all; all likeB. all are; all likeC. are all;like allD. all are; like all( )14. What _ our mother_? She is beautiful with bright eyes and long hair. A. does; likeB. is; likeC. does; look D. is; look( )15. Where _ would you l

7、ike to go? A. otherB. othersC. the otherD. else三、 完型填空(10分)Are you good at English? Would you1to do well in English? Well, let me2you a way to learn English3by writing diaries (日记) in English. WhenI wasin Grade One, my 4 was not very good. My English teacher Mr Xu asked me to write diaries in Englis

8、h. At first, it was5difficult for me, but now I think it is very6 . I like reading, listening and speaking.7I often go to the Xinhua Book Store to8English stories for about three hours. I9 watch TV often. Now Im very good at English. I think10diaries is one of the best ways tohelp with your English

9、study.()1. A. like B. want C. to likeD. to want()2. A. talk B. tellC. to talkD. to tell()3. A. nice B. fine C. well D. good()4. A. English B. ChineseC. MathsD. drawing()5. A. a fewB. a little C. fewD. little()6. A. difficultB. interestingC. easyD. boring()7. A. AlwaysB. After schoolC. SometimesD. Us

10、ually()8. A. say B. speakC. talkD. read()9. A. dont B. am notC. didntD. wasnt()10. A. sayingB. writingC. listeningD. talking四、阅读理解(20分)(A)MysonLi Linis11yearsold.Heisatallboy.HeisastudentatYuyingMiddleSchool.Helovesvolleyballandheisgoodatit.HeoftenplaysvolleyballwithhisclassmatesafterschoolThetraini

11、ngmakes LiLinstrong.Aftertraining,heenjoyswatchingvolleyball games on TV. IamaworkerandIalsoplayvolleyball.IplayitbecausemysonenjoysplayingitandIwanttobehispartner(同伴). OnSaturdays,Igotoavolleyballclubwithmyson.Therearemanyplayersthere.Theyarefriendly.Sometimes,weplaywithotherplayers. I thinkitsagoo

12、dsport.Ithelpsmefeelgood.Inmyeyes,mysonplaysbetterthanme.Butinhiseyes,Imabetterplayer.Ihopemysonwillplayinthenationalteaminthefuture.( )1.WhatsLi Linlike?_.A.Heisshort.B.Heistall.C.Heisfat.D.Hehasshorthair.( )2.WhatdoesLi Lin likedoingaftertraining?_.A.Readingbooks. B.Havingdinner.C.WatchingTV.D.Sin

13、gingsongs.( )3.Whydoesthefatherplayvolleyball?_.A.Becausehissonlovesplayingit.B.Becausethefatherlovesit.C.Becausehiswifelovesit.D.BecauseheisaPEteacher. ( B )Mr. Smith is a teacher of English.He comes from America.He teaches English in China.He speaks Chinese quite well.He reads a lot of books and his wife often writes books for the students at home. Mr. Smith gets up at five in the morning. He leaves home at 5:50. He begins the first lesson at 8:00. He teaches English from Monday to Friday. At 11:50,


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