新学案英语人教必修二习题:听说训练7 Word含答案

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1、听说训练7PartA模仿朗读听录音,模仿朗读短文,注意画线单词的发音。短文读两遍。It is hard to get people to think of sharks as anything but a deadlyenemy. They are often thought to attack people.But they perform a valuable service for earths waters and for human beings.Yet business and sport fishing are threatening their life.Some sharks

2、 are at risk of disappearing from earth.Warm weather may influence both fish and shark activities.Many fish swim near coastal areas because of their warm waters.Sharks may follow the fish into the same areas,where people also swim.In fact,most sharks do not purposelybite humans.They are thought to m

3、istake a person for a sea animal.It is hard to get people to think of sharks as anything but a deadlyenemy.They are often thought to attack people.But they perform a valuable service for earths waters and for human beings.Yet business and sport fishing are threatening their life.Some sharks are at r

4、isk of disappearing from earth.Warm weather may influence both fish and shark activities.Many fish swim near coastal areas because of their warm waters.Sharks may follow the fish into the same areas,where people also swim.In fact,most sharks do not purposelybite humans.They are thought to mistake a

5、person for a sea animal.答案sharksksdeadlydedlienemyenmiattacktkvaluable vljublthreateningretnIinfluenceInflunsactivitiesktIvtizpurposelyppslibitebaItPartB听录音回答问题1.听第一段对话,并回答录音提问的第1题。对话仅播放一遍。W:I want to ask the Dells to the party.Do you know their address,Blare?M:No,but Id like them to come.I think th

6、eir friend Alan can give you their address.听提问,回答第1个问题。提问读两遍:Question 1:What is the woman going to do?Question 1:Answer 1:2.听第二段对话,并回答录音提问的第23题。对话播放两遍。W:May I have a look at the house,please?M:Sure.Let me show you around.W:How long have you lived here?M:Ive lived here since my son was born,and now h

7、es 30.W:Thats a long time.Why do you want to sell it?M:Ive just retired.I want to buy a house in the countryside,because its quiet and the air is fresh there.听提问,回答第2个问题。提问读两遍:Question 2:How old is the mans son?Question 2:Answer 2:听提问,回答第3个问题。提问读两遍:Question 3:Why does the man want to buy a house in

8、the countryside?Question 3:Answer 3:答案Question 1:What is the woman going to do?Answer 1:Mail an invitation to the Dells.Question 2:How old is the mans son?Answer 2:He is 30 years old.Question 3:Why does the man want to buy a house in the countryside?Answer 3:Because he has retired,and its quiet and

9、the air is fresh there.PartC故事复述(一)听录音,注意速记,将信息补充完整,并根据速记复述故事。录音读两遍。It was winter.Mrs.Smith wanted to do a lot of shopping,so she waited until it was Saturday.When her husband was free,she took him shopping with her to pay for everything and to carry her bags.They went to a lot of shops.And Mrs.Smit

10、h bought a lot of things.She often stopped and said,“Look,Bill! Isnt it beautiful?” He then answered,“All right,dear.How much is it?” and took his money out to pay for it.It was dark when they came out of the last shop,and Mr.Smith was tired,and thinking about other things,like a nice drink by the s

11、ide of a warm fire at home.Suddenly his wife looked up at the sky and said,“Look at the beautiful moon,Bill!”Without thinking,Mr.Smith answered,“All right,dear.How much is it?”It was winter.Mrs.Smith wanted to do,so she it was Saturday.When her husband ,she shopping with her to everything and to .Th

12、ey went to shops.And Mrs.Smith a lot of things.She often ,“Look,Bill! ?” He then answered,“All right,dear.is it?” and to pay for it.It was when they the last shop,and Mr.Smith ,and things,like a by the side of .Suddenly his wife and said,“Look at the beautiful ,Bill!”,Mr.Smith answered,“All right,de

13、ar.How much is it?”(二)复述故事根据速记的内容口头复述故事。答案(一)a lot of shopping;waited until;was free;took him;pay for;carry her bags;a lot of;bought;stopped and said;Isnt it beautiful;How much;took his money out;dark;came out of;was tired;thinking about other;nice drink;a warm fire at home;looked up at the sky;moon;Without thinking(二)略PartD问题翻译1.你喜欢购物吗?2.你每周花多少时间购物?3.你比较重视质量还是价格?答案1.Do you enjoy shopping?2.How much time do you spend on shopping every week?3.Do you pay more attention to quality or to price?/Which do you pay more attention to,quality or price?资


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