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1、season教案成稿 Teaching DesignUnit2My FavouriteSeason Period1:Section AStudents:Grade Five(40Ss)Duration:45min Type:Dialogue Teachers:尹乐冯佳丽梅晓丽Teaching ideologyNew EnglishCurriculum advocatesquality-oriented educationand allaround learning.Ss canlearn new words andgrammar froman Englishspeaking environme

2、nt.They acquireEnglish knowledgein the situation wherethey useEnglish,so situationalteaching methodologyis requiredin the class.Teaching material&Learning condition1.Analysis of the teaching material Theteachingmaterialis theSection Apart ofUnit2My FavouriteSeason?from StudentsBook6,PEP PrimaryEngli

3、sh In this unit,Ss learnto talkabout theseasons andweather.There aresome new words inthis unit:season,spring,summer,fall,winter.This sectionmainly talks about differentseasons anddeals withthese dialogues:Whats yourfavorite season?-Itswhats theweather likein?-its2.Analysis of the learningcondition S

4、s in GradeFive areintermediate beginnersof English.They have some basicknowledge ofEnglish,including thevocabulary and some easydialogues.Due tothe psychologicaldevelopment ofthis age,they areactive andcurious,interested innew things.Therefore,level basedactivities aredesigned forthem.The Tshould at

5、tachimportance tothe municationwith them,providing themthe chancesof usinglanguage.Teaching objectives1.Language knowledgeand skillsBy theend of the lesson,Ss will be ableto (1)pronounce,recognize,write anduse thesewords:season,spring,summer,fall,winter. (2)describe eachseason withthese adjectives:w

6、arm,hot,cool,cold,sunny,windy,rainy,snowy. (3)understand,ask andanswer thesequestions:Whats yourfavourite season?Whats theweather likein?And usethese dialogues in thereal situation.2.Learning strategiesBy theend ofthe lesson,Ss will (1)improve theirabilities oflistening andspeaking byreading andprac

7、ticing the dialogues. (2)improve theirabilities ofmunication andcreativeness throughthe“interview game”. (3)perform goodco-operation in the group.3.Affect&Cultural awarenessBy theend ofthe lesson,Ss willbe ableto (1)find Englishis ineveryday life,because they can talkabout theweather andfavorite sea

8、sonin English,which willpromote themto bemore interestedin English.Teaching mainpoints&Anticipated difficulties1.Teaching mainpoints Sswillbeguided to (1)recognize,read andwrite thesewords correctly:season,spring,summer,fall,winter. (2)ask andanswer thesequestions:Whats yourfavourite season?Whats th

9、eweather likein?2.Anticipated difficultiesSs mayconfuse thesefour wordsof seasons.T willhelp themremember byshowing some pictures andsetting upthesituation of differentseasons.Teaching methods&Learning methods1.Teaching methodsThree-stage Model2.Learning methodsIndividual learningand cooperativelear

10、ning Teachingaids Multi-media devices;PPT document;Blackboard;somepictures;word cards;a key,Teaching procedure【Step1:Warming-up】【Activity1:Greetings】T willhave awarm greetingwith allthe Ss.【Activity2:Sing a song】T willguide Ss to singasong-My smallbedroomPre-learning(10min)【Step2:Leading-in】【Activit

11、y1:Review】T:Can youguess whats in my hand?T willdo theaction ofunlocking thedoor and lead the Ss toguess whatsinthe Ts hand.T:Itsa key.The keyis formy new house.Im veryhappy becauseI have a newhouse.Do youwant tohavealook?Then T will showSs apicture ofan emptyroom onPPT.T:My newhouse isempty.I wantt

12、o buysomething tomake myhouse beautiful.Can youhelp me?What should I buy?T willinvite5-6Ss togive thesuggestions.Ss:Desk,bed,chair.【Intention】A warmgreeting canshorten thedistance betweenthe Tand Ss.And songsnot onlyhelp relaxthemselves forthe followingEnglish learning,but alsoreview the words theyh

13、ave learnt,which can help continuethe teachingprocedure moresmoothly.And thereview is designed tohelp Ssrecall thewords about the furnitureandleadthem intoa realsituationoffurnishing anew room.In thiswhole part,Ss canimprove theirspeaking skills.While-learning(20min)【Step1:New words】【Activity1:Furni

14、sh my new room】T:OK,thank youvery much.I stillhavesomemoney.What elseshould I buy?Then T will showmany clotheson the PPT.T:Look,I havea lotof clothes.What shouldIbuy?T willshow thepicture ofa closeton thePPT and teach theSs the new word:closet,together withthe chant:closet,closet,open the closet.T:L

15、ook atthecloset.There isa mirroron it.T willteach theSs the new word:mirror,together withthe chant:mirror,mirror,mirror,clean themirror.T:Look atthe window.I dont wantto beseen byothers outside,so whatshouldIbuy?T willshow thepicture ofa curtainon thePPT andteach theSs the new word:curtain,together

16、withthe chant:curtain,curtain,close thecurtain.T:Are youtired?Im verytired andhot.What thingscan makeme cool?T willshow thepicture ofan air-conditioner on thePPTandteach theSs thenewword:air-conditioner,together withthe chant:air-conditioner,air-conditioner,makes mecool.T:Thank you,everyone.I havebought acloset witha mirrorandsomecurtains.Please sitdown pleaseand havea rest.T willshow apicture ofan end table withsome



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