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1、 .蒲伯的隐居颂:注释: the first stanza can be rewritten like this: the man is happy, whose wish and care are bound by a few paternal acres, and who is content to breathe his native air in his own ground. 其意思相当于中庸上所说的“君子素位而行,不愿乎其外。”Jude The Obscure 中有一句话说:a contented mind is a continual feast.(Jude the Obscur

2、e.P378) Whose herds with milk, /whose fields with bread,/Whose flocks supply him with attire; 前两行省略了“supply him with”。Attire:服装。 unconcerndly,即unconcernedly:漫不经心,无忧无虑,悠然自得。第三节可以改写成:Blest is the man who can unconcerndly find Hours, days, and years slide soft away In health of body and in peace of min

3、d 相当于“ I see him leave.”这样的句子。 study and ease /Together mixd; sweet creation;/And innocence, which most does please/With meditation. 他劳逸结合,有令人欢喜的娱乐活动,还有天真的性情。这天真的性情与沉思结合起来,最使他高兴。 内容解析:避开尘世的烦扰,与世无争,潜心学术,并悠然自得地享受田园生活,这是最幸福的。与庄子“恬淡寂寞,虚无无为”(刻意)之说有相似之处。陶渊明有几句诗可以与此诗相参:“息交游闲业,卧起弄书琴。园蔬有余滋(生长得很多。滋:生长),旧谷犹储今。

4、营己良有极,过足非所钦。舂秫作美酒,酒熟吾自斟。弱子戏我侧,学语未成吟。此事真复乐,聊用忘华簪(比喻高官厚禄)。”(和郭主薄其一) 形式解析:此诗五节,每节四行。韵尾是abab。节奏主要是四音步抑扬格(i/ambic te/trameter),每节四音步: Happy the man, whose wish and care A few paternal acres bound, Content to breathe his native air In his own ground. Whose herds with milk, whose fields with bread, Whose f

5、locks supply him with attire; Whose trees in summer yield him shade, In winter fire. Blest, who can unconcerndly find Hours, days, and years slide soft away In health of body, peace of mind, Quiet by day, Sound sleep by night; study and ease Together mixd; sweet creation; And innocence, which most d

6、oes please With meditation. Thus let me live, unseen, unknown; Thus unlamented let me die; Steal from the world, and not a stone Tell where I lie. Ode on Solitude Alexander Pope Happy the man whose wish and care A few paternal acres bound, Content to breathe his native air, In his own ground. Whose

7、herds with milk, whose fields with bread, Whose flocks supply him with attire, Whose trees in summer yield him shade, In winter fire. Blest, who can unconcernedly find Hours, days, and years slide soft away, In health of body, peace of mind, Quiet by day. Sound sleep by night; study and ease, Togeth

8、er mixed; sweet recreation; And innocence, which most does please With meditation. Thus let me live, unseen, unknown; Thus unlamented let me die; Steal from the world, and not a stone Tell where I die. 参考译文:人生如何方为乐,唯有知足不贪心。 只守祖上数亩田,但吸故园气清新。 绵羊产毛制衫袍,乳牛耕地供食饮。 夏来密叶乘浓荫,冬至疏枝做柴薪。 一任岁月轻轻去,那堪忧思处处寻。 白日闲逸夜安眠,

9、一身强健心气平。 读书劳逸相结合,娱乐甜美悦人心。 最佳胜景有冥思,极乐世界属天真。 死后不受世哀悼,生时岂令人见闻。 幽幽偷辞浊世去,不铭何处葬我身。(石瓃)幽居颂 亚历山大波普 吕志鲁译他定是有福之人, 只关心父辈留下的几亩土地, 满足于呼吸家乡的空气, 故土寸步不离。牛奶自取,面包自给, 羊群供他穿衣, 树木夏天为他遮阴, 冬天让他炉火不熄。为他祝福,胸中一无牵挂, 只见岁月轻轻流逝的足迹, 身体康健,心平气和, 白日清静无比。夜来安睡,闲读书籍, 赏心乐事穿插随意, 还有一种最大的快乐: 任遐思漫无边际。让我就这样幽独地活在世上, 让我去世时无人悼念痛惜, 悄悄离开人间,死于何时何地,

10、 无需石碑铭记。Note:This poem was written by Alexander Pope when he was twelve years old. It shows the poets hope to have a peacefully secluded life. Popes immersion in Christian and Biblical culture gave great depth to his poetry.譯蒲柏隱居贊 野人動高興,隴畝自祖傳。 此氣令人醉,此境令人歡。 奶牛予我乳,田地予我食,群羊予我衣。 手栽嘉樹茂,冬夏皆得宜。 無心福佑至,時光悠悠逝

11、。 心氣頗和平,康強保身體。 清夜沈黑甜,勞逸應相輔。 有時獨沈思,鄉居何淳古。 無聞到終老,死去復何道。 親朋無使悲,棄世如雲杳。 無使立墓石,斜陽照秋草。 http:/ on Solitude隐居颂Alexander Pope幽居颂Ode on Solitude幽居颂Alexander Pope亚历山大波普Happy the man, whose wish and careA few paternal acres bound,Content to breathe his native air,In his own ground.他定是有福之人,只关心父辈留下的几亩土地,满足于呼吸家乡的空气

12、,故土寸步不离。Whose heads with milk, whose fields with bread,Whose flocks supply him with attire,Whose trees in summer yield him shade,In winter fire.牛奶自取,面包自给,羊群供他穿衣,树木夏天为他遮阴,冬天让他炉火不熄。Blest! who can unconcerndly findHours, days, and years slide soft away,In health of body, peace of mind,Quiet by day,为他祝福

13、,胸中一无牵挂,只见岁月轻轻流逝的足迹,身体康健,心平气和,白日清静无比。Sound sleep by night; study and easeTogether mixd; sweet recreation,And innocence, which most does please,With meditation.夜来安睡,闲读书籍,赏心乐事穿插随意,还有一种最大的快乐:任遐思漫无边际。Thus let me live, unseen, unknown;Thus unlamented let me dye;Steal from the world, and not a stoneTell where I lye.让我就这样幽独地活在世上,让我去世时无人悼念痛惜,悄悄离开人间,死于何时何地,无需石碑铭记。 【赏析】亚历山大波普(Alexander Pope,1688-1744年),英国诗人。他那些充满才气的讽刺诗嘲笑了安妮女王时期的民众和当时的风尚及信仰;而他的哲理和道德诗是各个时代的思想的汇集。波普的诗歌和其他新古典主义诗人的作品一样,正规而缺乏想象力,但是其精致、优雅和简洁的特色颇受称赞。 紫金飞鸿 http:/ http:/


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