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1、七年级期中学业水平测试英语试题(满分:120分 时间:90分钟)I词汇训练营。(10分)(A)请根据提供的图片,用其正确的英语表达完成句子。 1 Linda has a(C) She plays games on it2 There are(有)three(B) in my pencil case 3 Tom has a(E) His pencils are all(全部)in it4 Anna likes fruit very much She eats five(D) every day5 Do you have a(A) ? YesLook! My books are all(全部)in

2、 it(B) 从方框中选择词组或表达,并用其正确形式完成句子。lots of, thanks for, family name, call at, school ID card6 Where is my ? Its on the desk 7 I like playing ping-pong, and I have ping-pong balls8 Whats her ? Miller9 Do you know the phone number of Li Hong? Yes You can Li Hong 253-859710 your books I like them very much

3、(非常) 选择填空。(15分)1 Mum, my teacher(老师), Mr WangAshe isBthis isChere is 2 Are you Mr Li?_A Yes, I am B No, youre not C Yes, you are3Is this _ basketball?NoIts _ basketballAyou;myB my;youCyour;his4 What are those? are their booksAThat B Theyre CThey5Please these things to your brotherHe is at schoolAbri

4、ng B look Ctake6 are my keys? They are on the sofaA WhatB Where CWhy7 Do you like English? Yes, its AboringB interestingCdifficult8Whats this in English, Miss Zhang? Its _ eraser A an B the Ca 9Do you have a tennis racket? _ But I have a baseball bat AYes, I do BNo, I dont CYes, you do10. What do yo

5、u have _ breakfast?I eat eggs and hamburgersA in BforCon11 Where is your ruler?_ in the pencil caseAThey areBItsCThis is12 Is that man(男人) his uncle? _A Yes, he isBYes, it isC No, she isnt13 _ are your pens?_ blackA What; ItsB What color; TheyreC Where; Them14 He can sing(唱) lots of songs(歌曲) _ Engl

6、ishA inB withC on15 Gina likes tomatoes for lunch and _ for dessertA broccoliB hamburgers C ice cream 完成下面的句子。(30分)A) 将下面的单词重新排序,使其成为完整的句子(注意句尾标点)。1 color, your, what, is, pen _?2 an, he, card, ID, need, does _?3 is, family, on, my, the, dresser, photo _4 like, you, food, do, what _?5 does, pears, s

7、he, have, not _B) 按要求完成句子,每空一词。6 These are pencils(改为单数句)_ _ _ _7 He plays sports every day(改为一般疑问句)_ _ _ sports every day?8 The card is in the drawerThe book is in the drawer (合并为一个句子) The card _ the book _ in the drawer9 Are they your father and mother? (改为同义句) Are they your _?10 She has a white t

8、ennis racket (对划线部分提问) _ _ she _?C) 将下面的汉语句子译为英语,每空一词。11 请拨685-6026找玛莉。 Please _ Mary _ 685-602612 我爸爸有三个哥哥和一个姐姐。 My father _ _ brothers and one _13 我的钥匙在哪儿? 对不起,我不知道。 _ _ my keys? Sorry, I _ _14 咱们打篮球吧! _ us _ _15 “手表”这个单词怎么拼写?_ do you _ the word “watch”?IV 下面是Tim和Mary的对话,请从方框中选择恰当的句子补全对话。(10分)M: H

9、ello, TimHow are you?T: 1 What about you, Mary?M: Im OK, thanksDo you like some tea?T: 2 Do you have any orange juice(果汁)?M: Of course3 T: Thanks very muchIs this the photo of your family?M: 4 T: And is the boy with a basketball your brother?M: 5 ALet me get you some orange juiceBIm fine, thank youC

10、Yes, he likes basketball very muchDNo, thanksEYes, it isV Match the following sentences 从B栏中找出与A 栏各句相匹配的答语。(10分) A B ( ) 1 How are you?A No, she doesnt ( ) 2 Good morning! B Fine, thanks( ) 3 Do you have a ball? C Its an alarm clock( ) 4 Whats your name? D Amy( ) 5 What color are the pens? E Nice to

11、 meet you, too!( ) 6 Nice to meet you! F Good morning!( ) 7 Is this a green pen? G Yes, I do( ) 8 Whats this in English? H Yes, it is( ) 9 Wheres my baseball? I Theyre green( )10 Does your mother watch TV? J Its on the sofaVI阅读短文,从括号中选择正确的单词填空,使短文通顺连贯。(10分) This is the room of Li Lei Its a 1 (nice/well) roomYou can see a bed,two 2 (tables/table), a chair and a soccer ball on the floor What can you see 3 (on/in) the wall? You can see some 4 (picture


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