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1、 Unit 10 Youre supposed to shake hands. Section B (2a-2e)【学习目标】【学习目标】 1. 掌握文中出现的重点词汇和句型结构。 2. 学会表达各国饮食起居、生活习俗和对时间的看法。 3.了解各国风俗文化差异,比较中国的见面礼、生活习俗与其他国家的不同。【重点、难点】 学会表达各国饮食起居、生活习俗和对时间的看法及文中出现的重点词汇和句型结构的运用。自主预习【新词自查】根据句意和提示完成句子。1. You are supposed to learn some _(基本的) talking skills before starting work

2、.2. I decided to have an_ (交换) with your collections.3. Mary is the _(外孙女) of the old man who taught us to play games.4. Jack is down because he_ (表现) badly at his job interview.5. You can take away anything in this room_(除之外)that clock. 翻译下列短语 1. learn basic table manners _2. my host family _3. go

3、out of ones way _4. make feel at home_5. about my age_6. put your elbow on the table_7. get used to_探究案Step 1 2a 情景导入What do you know about customs in foreign countries?_What do you think is the biggest challenge when visiting a foreign country?_Step 2 1. 要求学生快速默读短文,熟知大意,并找出各段的主题大意并回答短文前的4个问题。 然后邀请几

4、位同学给出自己的答案,全班一起检查讨论。2. 先邀请几位同学阅读短文(可一人一段),教师要注意语音,及时纠正。然后播放录音,全班同学一起跟读。3. 短文内容巩固练习。教师可给出一篇改写了的短文,将一些重点的表达方式空出。让学生在规定的时间内补全短文。然后邀请若干同学给出自己的答案。Lin Yue is_ his exchange program in France. Things are better than he_ it would be. His host family goes out of their way to_him_at home. He has _in French. Hi

5、s biggest change is learning how to behave at the dinner table. There are many strange _in France. For example, you can put your bread on the table _your plate. You arent supposed to eat anything with your hands_ bread, not even fruit. Youre supposed to say “It was delicious ” instead of “Im full.”

6、Youre not supposed to put your hands in your lap. You can put your hands, but not your_ on the table. Its difficult for him to remember everything, but he is gradually_ them.Step 3 完成教材2c-2e的任务1.让学生再细读2c的句子并用适方框中所给的短文替换句子中的划线单词。2. 让学生2a的短文。在3c的表格中列举出法国人的习俗。4. 让学生两人一组合作,比较中国与法国的餐桌礼仪,列举出哪些是相同的,哪些是不同的。

7、a.词汇包except prep.除之外; except 该词为介词,意为“除之外(表示不包括所说的在内)。常用句型:1 .except +名/代【例句】:Every one of us ,except him , went to see the exhibition . 除他以外,我们都去参观了展览会 。2except +不定式;此用法时,如果前面有动词do 的某种形式,介词except 之后的不定式一般不带 to ,反之则须带to 。【例句】:1)I couldnt do anything except just sit there and hope .我除了坐在那儿空盼以外,什么也做不。

8、2)There is no choice except to wait till it stops raining .除了等雨停,别无他法。3.except + 介词短语 【例句】:I looked everywhere except in the bedroom .除了寝室之外,我哪儿都找了。4.except + that 从句 【例句】:I know nothing about him except that he lives next door .我除了知道他住在隔壁,其它毫无所知。【横向辐射】【辨】except for , except, besides1. except 一般不放在句

9、首,但except for 没有这种限制。【例句】:Except for John ,the whole class passed the test .除了约翰,全班都考及格了。2. except for 表示从某个事物中除去一点不足之外(不属同类的细节),其他尚可,往往含有惋惜之意。【例句】:He is a good student ,except for his illness .他是个好学生,只是身体有病。3. besides 意为“除之外(包括)【例句】:He has other people to take care of besides me .除我之外(包括我),他还要照顾其他人

10、。4. but做“除之外”解时,常与all, anything, nothing, anywhere ,no ,nobody ,who, where 等词连用。【例句】:1)They are all wrong but him.除他之外,大家都错了。 2)No one but him is interested in the suggestion .除他之外,没有一个人对这个建议感兴趣【课堂变式】All of you went to the zoo _ Wang Hai. He had to look after his grandma .2. besides B. with C. excep

11、t D. besideb. 句式包:I have to say that I find it difficult to remember everything.我不得不承认要记住所有的这些很难。此句含“find+ it+ adj +to do sth”结构,句中的find意为“发现,觉得”, 在此结构中宾语补足语还可以用副词、名词、介词短语、(to be+)形容词等。I found him out last night.昨晚我发现他出去了。Youll find it a good book.你会发现它是本好书。I found him already in the office.我发现他已在办公

12、室了。Wehavefoundhim(tobe)adishonestperson.我们发现他是一个不诚实的孩子。【横向辐射】同义句式当后接形容词作宾语补足语时,可改为“find+that从句”或“find +it+形容词+动词不定式结构”。【例句】I find playing computer games frustrating. =I find that playing computer games is frustrating. =I find it frustrating to play computer games. 我发现玩电脑游戏令人感到沮丧。【课堂变式】When she looke

13、d into the room, she found David himself _ in bed. A. lies B. lie C. lying D. lay 训练案单项填空1. The boy feel _ easy to learn English. A. that B. itC. thisD. its2. Everyone went to the zoo _ Jim yesterday. He was ill. A. with B. except C. except for D. besides3. Jims father is used to _ in China. A. work

14、ingB. work C. worksD. worked4. My biggest challenge is _English more fluently. A. to learn speaksB. learning to sayC. learn to sayD. learning to speak5. The weather of Australia is _that of China. A. differentB. different inC. different fromD.differences from6. The old engineer is in _better health, though he is 60. A. more B. someC. evenD. quite


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