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1、20春学期大学英语(三)平时作业2试卷总分:100 得分:100一、单选题 (共 20 道试题,共 100 分)1._ in thought, she didn’t hear anything I told her.A.MissedB.LostC.FellD.Failed答案:B2.Great party, isn’t it?_A.Yeah, really.B.My friends are great.C.Have we met before?D.Glad to meet you again.答案:A3.In _, we all hoped that more acti

2、vities like this could be organized.A.totalB.timeC.returnD.addition答案:D4.The bank manager asked his assistant if it was possible for him to _ the investment plan within a week.A.work outB.set outC.put outD.make out答案:A5. Well, its getting late. I must be going. Thank you again for inviting me to the

3、 party. _ .A.Thank you for comingB.Oh, so soon?C.Oh, its so lateD.I really had a happy time答案:A6.It _ out that finding a job is as easy as making a CV.A.worksB.turnsC.pointsD.makes答案:B7.20. The bed has been _ in the family. It was my great grandmothers originally.A.handed roundB.handed overC.handed

4、outD.handed down答案:D8.2. The Car Club couldnt _ to meet the demands of all its members.A.guaranteeB.ensureC.confirmD.assume答案:A9. Can I help you with the bag? _ .A.Thank youB.Sorry, you cantC.No, no. I can take it myselfD.No, Im all right答案:A10.Apples are _ in summer and cost a lot.A.unusualB.scarce

5、C.rareD.common答案:B11. Mr. Chairman, could I raise a point about the plan? _ .A.Yes, I hope notB.Yes, Dr. SmithC.No, I have no ideaD.I think so, either答案:B12.She stood by the window, _.A.thoughtB.thinksC.thinkingD.think答案:C13.The more learned (有学问的) a man is, _ modest (谦虚的) he is.A.the muchB.the more

6、C.muchD.more答案:B14.The _ amount of money was not known though they knew that it was large.A.realB.factualC.facialD.actual答案:D15.She is the only one among the women editors who _ films for children.A.makesB.makeC.madeD.have made答案:A16._ this way, the situation doesn’t seem so disappointing.A.To

7、 look atB.Looking atC.Looked atD.Look at答案:C17.Thank you for the wonderful meal, Mrs. Hanson._A.I’m not a good cook in fact.B.I don’t think you ate well.C.I am glad you enjoyed it.D.Be careful next time答案:C18.How was your final exam?_A.You are rightB.Take it easy.C.Let’s have a drink.D.I am not sure.答案:D19.The nurse told the patient to _ medicine three times a week.A.takeB.makeC.doD.count答案:A20.Would you like to take _ in the contest?A.postB.positionC.placeD.part答案:D



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