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1、绿松石饰品的品牌营销及推广方案摘要:绿松石是我国古老的四大名玉石之一,有着几千年的灿烂历史,深受古今中外人士的喜爱,绿松石为湖北省十堰市旅游产品的发展也做出了巨大贡献。近几年来,随着绿松石矿产资源的越来越稀有,绿松石的价格不断提升。目前市场上绿松石饰品的加工工艺过于粗劣简单,绿松石饰品在市场上知名度不够强烈。因此,如何根据目前的形式,把绿松石饰品打造一种高端奢侈品,抓住我国消费者的消费心理,从而实施形而有效品牌营销方案是绿松石饰品成功的关键 The Scheme of Turquoise Jewelrys Brand Marketing and PromotionAbstractTurquoi

2、se is one of the four oldest famous jade in our country, it has a splendid history of several thousand years, loved by people both at home and abroad at all times, turquoise has made a great contribution to the development of tourism products in Shiyan City of Hubei Province. In recent years, for th

3、e turquoise mineral resources are becoming more and more rare, the price of turquoise is increasing. Nowadays, turquoise jewelrys processing technology is too crude and simple on the market, turquoise jewelry is also not well known on the market. Therefore, according to the present situation, making turquoise jewelry a high-end luxury product, seizing the Chinese consumers psychology, so as to implement effective brand marketing scheme, which is critical to the success of turquoise jewelry.更多请关注淘宝:http:/ zj


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