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1、2020届淮阴区教研室高三英语模拟试题 (三)第三部分阅读理解BImagine biting into a juicy beef burger that was produced without killing animals. Meat grown in a lab from cultured cells is turning that vision into a reality. Several start-ups are developing lab-grown beef, pork, poultry and seafoodamong them Mosa Meat, Memphis Me

2、ats, SuperMeat and Finless Foods. And the field is attracting millions in funding. In 2017, for instance, Memphis Meats took in $17 million from sources that included Bill Gates and agricultural company Cargill.If widely adopted, lab-grown meat, also called clean meat, could eliminate (清除) much of t

3、he cruel treatment of animals that are raised for food. It could also reduce the considerable environmental costs of meat production; resources would be needed only to generate and sustain cultured cells, not an entire organism from birth.The meat is made by first taking a muscle sample from an anim

4、al. Technicians collect stem cells from the tissue, multiply them dramatically and allow them to differentiate into primitive fibers that then bulk up (变大) to form muscle tissue. Mosa Meat says that one tissue sample from a cow can yield enough muscle tissue to make 80,000 quarter-pounders.A number

5、of the start-ups say they expect to have products for sale within the next few years. But clean meat will have to overcome a number of barriers if it is to be commercially successful.Two are cost and taste. In 2013, when a burger made from lab-grown meat was presented to journalists, the patty (肉饼)

6、cost more than $300,000 to produce and was overly dry (from too little fat). Expenses have since fallen. Memphis Meats reported this year that a quarter-pound of its ground (剁碎的) beef costs about $600. Given this trend, clean meat could become competitive with traditional meat within several years.

7、Careful attention to texture supplementing (补充) with other ingredients could address taste concerns.To receive market approval, clean meat will have to be proved safe to eat. Although there is no reason to think that lab-produced meat would pose a health hazard, the FDA is only now beginning to cons

8、ider how it should be regulated. Meanwhile traditional meat producers are pushing back, arguing that the lab-generated products are not meat at all and should not be labeled as such, and surveys show that the public shows little interest in eating meat from labs. Despite these challenges, the clean

9、meat companies are forging ahead (进步神速). If they can succeed in creating authentic-tasting products that are also affordable, clean meat could make our daily eating habits more ethical and environmentally sustainable.58. What can be inferred from the information as to lab-grown meat and its producer

10、s?A. Bill Gates provided $17 million for the development of clean meat.B. Cost and taste are two barriers for the lab-grown meat to overcome.C. In future traditional meat firms may meet the challenge of clean meat.D. lab-grown meat is developed from cells taken directly from an animal.59. To go on t

11、he American market, clean meat should first _.A. be proved safe B. get its flavor improved C. appeal to the public D. get its price lowered60. What is the authors attitude towards the future of lab-grown meat?A. indifferent B. negative C. worried D. optimistic文本解读:本文取材于Scientific American 2018-12, 主

12、要讲述了在实验室里利用取自动物的干细胞来培育可供食用的肉类的发展前景及所要克服的困难。58. C 推理判断题。根据第一段最后一句Memphis Meats took in $17 million from sources that included Bill Gates and agricultural company Cargill可知,1700万美元的投入涉及多个渠道,故A项不对;第五段第一句Two are cost and taste和B项表述一致,不需要推断,故不选B;由第三段的The meat is made by first taking a muscle sample from

13、an animal. Technicians collect stem cells from the tissue可知细胞不是直接取自动物的,与D不一致,故不选D;根据第五段Given this trend, clean meat could become competitive with traditional meat within several years. Careful attention to texture supplementing (补充) with other ingredients could address taste concerns可知,这种新型肉品价格在下降,在

14、将来能与传统的肉品进行竞争,可以推断出传统的肉品公司将面对这一挑战,故选C。59. A 细节判断题。根据第六段第一句To receive market approval, clean meat will have to be proved safe to eat可知食用安全是获得市场准入的条件,A符合题意。价格和口味是新型肉品具备竞争力需解决的问题;大众对于新型肉品兴致不高,也是提升竞争力需解决的问题,BCD均不符合题意。60. D 主旨理解题。根据第五段最后一句Careful attention to texture supplementing (补充) with other ingredi

15、ents could address taste concerns可知,作者认为新型肉品可以改善目前口味欠佳的问题;根据第六段倒数第一、二句the clean meat companies are forging ahead. If they can succeed in creating authentic-tasting products that are also affordable, clean meat could make our daily eating habits more ethical and environmentally sustainable可以看出,作者认为新型

16、肉品公司发展势头不错;如果他们能够成功地创造出物美价廉、口味纯正的产品,那么人造清洁肉可以让我们的日常饮食习惯更符合伦理,对环境也更具可持续性。作者对其将来持乐观态度,故选C。CThe ocean covers more than 70% of our planet, an area of over 160 million square miles. It is so immense (极大的) that explorers once thought there was no way to cross it. When our ships were advanced enough to do so, people then thought it impossible for humans to ever exhaust fisheries or drive marine species to ex



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