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1、趣味英语知识竞赛 智力大闯关 火眼金睛 2 猜谜语riddle 3 脑筋急转弯 18 争分夺秒 8 连词成句 9 看我72变 4 争分夺秒 1 我们每天 上学 放学 我们热爱我 们伟大的祖国 A am pm USA B am pm PRC C pm am UK D pm am PRC 2 在日常生活中我们经常能用到一些英文字母 如在医院中有 检查 书店中有 阿 正 传 在家中我们看 节目 A ABC P TV B X R S C CT Q TV D X AQ CD B C People s Republic of China 3 选出既能表示水果 又是颜色的单词 A red B orange

2、C peach D banana 4 英语字母的用途很广泛 字母 可表 示 注册商标 字母组合 可表示长度单 位厘米 A R cm B Q mm C D kg D K cm B A 5 字母 的小写形式是英语字母 中唯一从左边中间起笔的 A Q B F C G D E 6 英语字母中的大写形式由三笔完成 小 写形式由两笔完成的是 和 A E N B F I C H F D F X D C 7 China Rose是什么 A 中国玫瑰 B 荷花 C 月季 D 向日葵 8 India 印度 的国花是什么 A 玫瑰 B 荷花 C 矢车菊 D 樱花 C B 脑筋急转弯 1 What belongs t

3、o 仅属于 you but is used more by others than yourself 但是别人用 得比较多 2 哆啦A梦有多少个兄弟 3 什么动物最不爱花钱 name 25 蚕 结茧 节俭 silkworm 1 From what number can you take half and leave nothing 2 What kind of dog never bite 4 What number gets bigger when you turn it upside down 3 What is pronounced like one letter written wit

4、h three letters and belongs to all animals 8 hotdog 6 eye 4 What letter is a question It s the letter Y why 5 What letter is an animal It s the letter B bee 6 Which month has 28 days Every month has at least 28 days 7 If you throw a stone into the Red Sea what will it become Wet 8 A police officer h

5、ad a brother but the brother had no brother How could that be The police officer was a lady 9 Why do lions eat raw meat They don t know how to cook 他们不知道如何烹饪 10 Why do giraffes 长颈鹿 have long neck Because their heads are far from their bodies 11 Who works only one day in a year but never gets fired S

6、anta Claus 圣诞老人 12 What does everybody do at the same time Grow old 13 Where did the egg floating down the Mississippi River come from From a hen 母鸡 14 Where can a dog find another tail 狗在哪里可以找到另一条尾巴 At a retail shop 在零售商店 15 What must you do before you return a book to the library Borrow the book f

7、rom library 16 With which hand do you write Neither I use a pen 17 Lucky Mouse fell off a 1000 step stair and was not hurt Why He fell off the last step 18 What will you break once you say it Silence 沉默 猜谜语 一只铁马不吃草 长着圆圆两只脚 叔叔阿姨骑着它 按时上班不迟到 打一种交通工具 金格橱 银格橱 格格橱里放珍珠 打一水果 motorbike Megranate 石榴 It has tw

8、o legs but can t walk 他有两条腿但不会走路 打一文具 compass 圆规 看我72变 例如 too 变成一个数词 let 变成一个人体部位 ten 变成一种饮料 cap 变成一种交通工具 big 变成一种动物 tea leg two car pig 改变一个字母 使之符合题目要求 火眼金睛 Look at the sequence 顺序 of the three words Write the fourth word to complete the set Example 例子 MAIM ARK AIM MARK PLEASE LIGHT LEASE PLIGHT It

9、 s a simple 简单的 sum 算术题 Can you work out which number is represented 代 表 by the letter O and which is represented by the K K K K O K O K 1 5 连词成句 1 is here today everyone 2 full of apples the basket is 3 after look we must things our 4 the woman in is red dress a 5 can think I her help I Is everyone

10、 here today Is the basket full of apples We must look after our things The woman is in a red dress I think I can help her 6 can t they see any books on desk the 7 have you do a kite 8 something you to would like eat 9 many oranges how there are in the bag Can t they see any books on the desk Do you

11、have a kite Would you like to eat something How many oranges are there in the bag is greater than God is more evil than the Devil The poor have The rich need If you eat you will die Yes the key is nothing Nothing is greater than God Nothing is more evil than the Devil The poor have nothing The rich need nothing If you eat nothing you will die



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