2019学年初三英语全册 Unit 6 When was it invented Section B(3a-Self Check)课后作业课件 (新版)人教新目标版教学资料

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2019学年初三英语全册 Unit 6 When was it invented Section B(3a-Self Check)课后作业课件 (新版)人教新目标版教学资料_第1页
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2019学年初三英语全册 Unit 6 When was it invented Section B(3a-Self Check)课后作业课件 (新版)人教新目标版教学资料_第2页
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2019学年初三英语全册 Unit 6 When was it invented Section B(3a-Self Check)课后作业课件 (新版)人教新目标版教学资料_第3页
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2019学年初三英语全册 Unit 6 When was it invented Section B(3a-Self Check)课后作业课件 (新版)人教新目标版教学资料_第4页
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2019学年初三英语全册 Unit 6 When was it invented Section B(3a-Self Check)课后作业课件 (新版)人教新目标版教学资料_第5页
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《2019学年初三英语全册 Unit 6 When was it invented Section B(3a-Self Check)课后作业课件 (新版)人教新目标版教学资料》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2019学年初三英语全册 Unit 6 When was it invented Section B(3a-Self Check)课后作业课件 (新版)人教新目标版教学资料(24页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit6Whenwasitinvented SectionB 3a SelfCheck 九年级上册配人教版 课后作业 一 单项填空 1 Therewas luckygirlcalledCinderella girlwasturnedintoaprincess A an AnB a TheC an TheD an 2 Thefactory in1985 Andnow workersisover1 000 A wasbuilt anumberofB built thenumberofC built anumberofD wasbuilt thenumberof B D 3 TheChildren

2、 sDayfalls June1st Wehavealotoffun themorningofthatday A on inB in atC in inD on on 4 OurEnglishteacherencouragesus speakingEnglishmoreafterclass A practiceB practicingC practicedD topractice D D 5 Lastnightamurder 凶杀案 intheGreenParkataboutteno clock A tookplaceB lookedlikeC lookedatD tookoff 6 Iwan

3、ttoknowifanEnglishsingingcompetition nextmonth A isheldB washeldC holdsD willbeheld A D 7 Onmy birthday Igotaguitarasagiftfrommyfather A twelveB twelfthC thetwelveD thetwelfth 8 InChina coalis heatingorelectricity A usedtoB usedbyC usedasD usedfor B D 9 Who they Edison A were inventedB were invented

4、byC did inventD was invented 10 WeChatisverypopular theyoung theoldaregettinginterestedinit A Neither norB Either orC Notonly butalsoD Between and B C 11 Alltheadultswerekilledintheaccident butthetwo year oldboy alive A orderedB expectedC remainedD mentioned 12 Theteacher theclass smallgroups A divi

5、de intoB divided intoC divided toD divide to C B 13 Mrs Zhang ssonhasbeeninAmericaforsometime Sheislookingforwardto fromhim A hearB hearingC hearsD heard 14 Tea inEasternandSouthernChina A producesB producedC isproducedD wasproduced B C 15 Johnfailedtoreachthetopofthemountainmanytimes hedidn tgiveup

6、 A AlthoughB BecauseC WhetherD Unless二 完形填空Dorightthingsatthepropertime orit stoolatetoregretforwhathaspassed Agrasshopper 蚱蜢 wasplayingtheviolinwhenhesawsomeantsbusy1food Whyareyou A workingonsuchabeautifulday heasked Wemustcollectfoodnow saidthequeenoftheants Ifwedon t es Oh winterisalongwayoff sa

7、idthegrasshopper Youtakelifemuchtoo3 Butyoumust4todayifyouwanttoeattomorrow saidthelittleant Youcanplayyourviolinafteryou vefinishedyourwork Thegrasshopperdidn twanttofollowher5 Hewentaway singing Springsoonpassedandthewarmsummercame Alldaylongthegrasshopperplayedthe6 Soonsummerwasover Andthenautumn

8、passed too Onemorning thegrasshopperwokeupandwas7tofindthatsnowhadfallenduringthenight Why Hadthelongwintercome hesaidtohimself Thegrasshopperwanderedaroundlookingforaplacetokeep8buttherewasnosuchplace How9Iwasnottolistentotheants WhileIamdyingofcoldand10 theyaresittingintheirwarmnestwithplentyoffoo

9、dtoeat Thegrasshopperwassoonfrozenstiff 冻僵的 Theantspickedhimupandcarriedhimtotheirnest Thegrasshopperlearnedalessonhewouldneverforget 1 A plantingB collectingC makingD producing 2 A springB summerC autumnD winter 3 A grantedB slowC easyD seriously 4 A sleepB playC workD relax 5 A stepsB adviceC patt

10、ernD request B D D C B 6 A violinB drumsC chessD guitar 7 A gladB surprisedC anxiousD shame 8 A quietB cleanC silentD warm 9 A sillyB cleverC helplessD useful 10 A influenceB prideC regretD hunger A B D A D 三 短文填空CarlosandMingaregoodfriendsand1 ofthemstudyinClassFourGradeOneofNo 3MiddleSchool Mingis

11、goodat2 butCarlosisalittleweak OnedaytheyhadanEnglishtest Minggotafullmark 3 Carlosdidnotpassit Mingwassohappy4 hebegantoplayallday Carlosfeltalittlesad buthedidnotwantto5 up Hemadeadecisiontocatchupwithhisbestfriend Ming andthe6 both English but that give other classmatesinhisclass Hecorrectedallth

12、e7 inhispaperwiththehelpoftheteacher Healsostudiedhardathomeonweekends Intheevening CarloswasworkinghardatEnglish whileMingwas8 thecomputergames Amonthlater theyhadanotherEnglishexam TheyweresurprisedthatCarlosgota9 mark butMingfailedtheexam Doyouknowthe10 Thereisasaying Modestlyofprogress proudofba

13、ckward mistakes playing full reason 四 读写综合A 信息归纳请阅读下面这篇文章 根据所提供的信息 完成信息卡 Doyoulikesports Ifyouranswerisyes sometimesyou llfinditverydifficulttohaveenoughtimetodoitevenonweekends However youdon thavetoworryaboutitbecauseof SunshineSportsProgram Itwaslaunched 启动 bytheMinistryofEducation 教育部 Itsuggests

14、thatstudentsaroundthecountryshouldhaveanhourofsportseveryday Studentswillbeabletodoanysporttheylike Theprogramistomakestudentshappyandkeepthemhealthy HanJiawenfromShanghaiYangsiMiddleSchoollikestheidea Hanandherclassmatesskiprope 跳绳 together Wehaveagoodtime saidHan Playingisbetterthanhavingclasses W

15、angLichaowelcomestheidea too It sgoodtobeabletobreathesomefreshairinsteadofsittingintheclassroom Butthe14 year oldstudentfromTianjinwonderswhethertherewillbeenoughspaceforeveryone Withsomanystudentsoutside hesaid I mafraidtherewon tbeenoughstandingroomontheplayground WuJiatong sschoolisinLiaoning He

16、rfavoritesportisrunning Wuandotherstudentslikerunningfor40minuteseverymorning It stiring saidWu Butwedofeelhealthier Wehopewecandowhatwewant Whataboutyourschool Theremustbemoresportsthatinterestyouandyourschoolmates InformationCard SunshineSportsProgram Anhour ofsports Tomakestudentshappyandkeepthemhealthy ShanghaiYangsiMiddleschool Running B 书面表达随着 SunshineSportsProgram 的开展 每天锻炼一小时 健康工作五十年 幸福生活一辈子 的理念已经深入人心 你们学校发生了什么变化 请以 SportsinOurSchool 为题写一篇报道 内容包括 1 你对 SunshineSportsProgram 的看法 2 介绍大部分同学都喜


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