Unit3 A lucky day.

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《Unit3 A lucky day.》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit3 A lucky day.(43页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、UnitthreeAluckyDay Didyouhaveagreatdayorabaddayyesterday Whathappened gotakittengotapuppygotagoodgradegotapresentgotacomputerhadsomecandy stayeduplateheardanoisegotapoorgradesawasnakebrokemyglassessawthedoctorsawthedentist good bad winthegamewonthegame 赢得比赛 havesomecottoncandyhadsomecottoncandy 吃一些棉

2、花糖 havefunwithfriendshadfunwithfriends 与朋友玩的愉快 getagiftgotagift 收到礼物 wakeuplatewokeuplate 迟醒了 missthebusmissedthebus 错过公交车 forgetmyhomeworkforgotmyhomework 忘记拿功课 losemykeyslostmykeys 弄丢钥匙 Playagame Lookandsay wokeuplate missedthebus forgotmyhomework lostmykeys wonthegame hadsomecottoncandy hadfunwit

3、hfriends gotagift Let sdosomeexercise agift mykeys uplate myhomework thebus got lost woke forgot missed Let sdosomeexercise had with thegamehadsome fun friends won cotton candy 1 Whathappenedtohim First HeNext He Then He losthiskeys missedthebus heardanoise 2 Whathappenedtoher First sheNext sheThen

4、she hadsomecottoncandy hadfunwithfriends gotagift Let stalkaboutabadorgoodday Showyourtalking Homework 背诵今天学的短语 如果你昨天过得不好 那么Whathappened 写上10 15个短语一个一次 例如 1 lostmybook 丢失了我的书本 2 Thankyou 图1 gotagift gotagoodgrade hadfunwithfriends great 图2 bad wokeuplate missedthebus acold bad caught happened him Ex

5、ercise woke bad picture homework Next had great fun game Lookatthe Tonyhada day First he uplate hemissesthebus Andtheheforgothis ButJennyhada day First she somecottoncandy Next shewonthe Then shehad withfriends Exercise woke bad picture homework Next had great fun game Lookatthe Tonyhada day First h

6、e uplate hemissesthebus Andtheheforgothis ButJennyhada day First she somecottoncandy Next shewonthe Then shehad withfriends Exercise woke bad picture homework Next had great fun game Lookatthepicture Tonyhadabadday First hewokeuplate Nexthemissedthebus Andtheheforgothishomework ButJennyhadagreatday

7、First shehadsomecottoncandy Next shewonthegame Then shehadfunwithfriends Whathappened Ken Mary first next then Atlast first next then Atlast IhadabaddayTodaywasabadday First IlostmyEnglishbook Next Iforgotmyhomework Then Imissedthebus Wow whatabadday Ihopetomorrowisagoodday Hello Tony Whataboutyou J

8、enny WhataboutTony DearJenny Ihadabadmorning First I uplate Next Imissedthe Then I toschoolandlostmy Butintheafternoon Ihadfunwith Weplayed andI thegame Iwashappy Seeyou Tony DearJenny Ihadabadmorning First Iwokeuplate Next Imissedthebus Then Iwalkedtoschoolandlostmywallet Butintheafternoon Ihadfunw

9、ithfriends WeplayedtennisandIwonthegame Iwashappy Seeyou Tony TalkaboutyourselveseachotherIhadabadday agoodday First Next Then Atlast That s wakeuplate missthebus catchacold losemykeys seeasnake getapoorgrade forgetmyhomework havefunwithfriends winthegame getakitten havesomecottoncandy Abadday First Next Then Agoodday First Next Then Writesomethingaboutyourgooddayorbadday Enjoyyourlifeeveryday Homework LilyFirstNextThen 2 P 41 Readandwrite 1 仔细观察下图 根据提示写一篇短文 题目自拟 Howdoyoufeelaboutthislesson Thankyou


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