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1、第 1 页 共 21 页 七年级 下 期末英语试卷七年级 下 期末英语试卷 题号 IIIIIIIVVVIVIIVIIIIXX总分 得分 一 单选题 本大题共 15 小题 共 15 0 分 1 Would you like some drink A Here you areB Please giveC Yes pleaseD No please 2 Do you like playing guitar No but I like playing chess A the aB a theC an theD the 3 What time do you usually get up John I u

2、sually get up half past six A atB inC onD with 4 In the evening I either study play computer games A andB butC alsoD or 5 Tony is good at dancing So he dance at the party A couldB canC have toD has to 6 do you want to see the koalas Because they are very funny A WhenB HowC Why 7 When you to Beijing

3、Last month A do goB does goC did goD did went 8 How s the weather in Shanghai 第 2 页 共 21 页 A It s cloudyB That s right C Sounds goodD Fine thank you 9 This TV show is I don t like it A interestingB funC greatD boring 10 I can t find Peter where is he He tea in the living room A drinkB drinksC drinki

4、ngD is drinking 11 Our teacher tells us our classroom every day A cleanB cleansC cleaningD to clean 12 Mother is sleeping in her room Don t A wake her upB wake up herC wake up himD wake him up 13 is it from your home to the supermarket About ten minutes walk A How longB How farC How muchD How many 1

5、4 Is there a library in your school A Yes it is B No it isn t C Yes there is D No there aren t 15 How was your school trip A It was freeB It is greatC It was greatD It s raining 二 补全对话 本大题共 1 小题 共 5 0 分 16 Bill Hello Bill speaking Amy Hello Bill 1 How is it going Bill Great thanks I m on a vacation

6、in Guilin Amy Sounds like you re having a good time 2 Bill I m sitting by the pool and drinking orange juice Amy Oh how nice 3 Bill Yes I did I ll show you the photos later Amy That s great Bill By the way I called Dave But there was no answer 4 Amy Sure no problem What s it Bill Just tell him to fe

7、ed my dog on time every day 第 3 页 共 21 页 Amy OK I will 5 Bill You too Thank you See you Amy See you A Did you take any photos B Have a good day C Can I help you D What are you doing now E What did you do F This is Amy G Could you take a message for him 三 完形填空 本大题共 10 小题 共 10 0 分 Many people like ani

8、mals So they keep 饲养 17 as pets Usually people like to keep dogs cats fishes and 18 animals as their pets Many young people keep animals 19 they think these animals are 20 Some old people keep pets because 21 children don t live 22 them and they 23 lonely 孤独的 Mr Li is an old man He is a pet doctor 医

9、生 He is friendly to all people and their pets People in the neighborhood love 24 very much People usually call him The Pet Doctor When people s pets are sick 生病的 they often ask Mr Li for 25 Mr Li can always help the sick pets get well soon So he is 26 popular in the neighborhood 17 A animalsB sports

10、C musicD gift 18 A anyB otherC anotherD others 19 A soB butC orD because 20 A strictB scaryC cuteD afraid 21 A theirB theyC yourD our 22 A onB forC withD over 23 A feelB lookC soundD taste 24 A sheB herC heD him 25 A workB helpC jobD dream 26 A neverB a littleC alwaysD kind of 四 阅读理解 本大题共 10 小题 共 10

11、 0 分 A 第 4 页 共 21 页 Red Hat Restaurant Tel 6819352 Address 地址 36 Hongqi Street Time 9 00a m 11 00p m Food chicken pancake dumplings noodles porridge Drink tea coffee milk juice Dessert 甜品 ice cream Teeny Pizza 披萨 Tel 2897344 Address 15 Ziyou Road Time 9 30a m 12 00p m Food beef pizza mutton pizza fr

12、uit pizza vegetable pizza Drink coffee milk juice Dessert ice cream 27 If you want to eat dumplings you should A call 2897344B call 6819352 C go to 15 Ziyou RoadD go to Teeny Pizza 28 You can t find in Teeny Pizza A teaB coffeeC milkD juice 29 You can have at 11 30p m A pancakeB noodlesC chickenD be

13、ef pizza 30 The in the two restaurants are the same A foodsB addressesC dessertsD phone numbers 31 If you go to Red Hat Restaurant you can have A chicken and ice creamB porridge and mutton pizza C chicken and vegetable pizzaD hamburgers and fruit pizza B There are many kinds of clubs in the US middl

14、e schools such as the music club the sports club the chess club the swimming club But do you know the homework club It is a popular club in many US middle schools More and more students spend their afternoons in the homework clubs The US middle school students need a quiet place to study in But game

15、s computers and TVs are all around them at home So the homework club is just for them to do their homework The club is quiet and it s good for students to study in it Some teachers are there too They can answer students questions and help with their homework If students finish their homework on time

16、 they will get a snack It s always children s favorite food Then they can go home and play games or watch TV happily 32 When can the students in the US middle schools go to the homework club A In the morningB At noon C In the afternoonD At night 33 What can the students do in the homework club 第 5 页 共 21 页 A They can learn to swim B They can play the guitar C They can watch TV D They can do their homework 34 What does the underlined word snack mean in Chinese A 零食B 蛇C 杂志D 报纸 35 Which 哪一个 is NOT


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