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1、2019高考英语四月模块仿真冲刺精练:3完型填空(16页,word版,含解析)1、One afternoon I toured an art museum while waiting for my husband to finish a business meetingI was looking forward to a quiet 36 of the splendid artwork A young 37 viewing the paintings ahead of me 38 nonstop between themselvesI watched them a moment and dec

2、ided the lady was doing all the talkingI admired the mans 39 for putting up with her 40 stream of words 41 by their noise, I moved on I met them several times as I moved 42 the various rooms of artEach time I heard her continuous flow of words, I moved away 43 . I was standing at the counter of the

3、museum gift shop making a 44 when the couple approached the 45 Before they left, the man 46 into his pocket and pulled out a white objectHe 47 it into a long stick and then 48 his way into the coatroom to get his wifes jacket Hes a 49 man, the clerk at the counter said Most of us would give up if we

4、 were blinded at such a young ageDuring his recovery, he made a promise his life wouldnt changeSo, as before, he and his wife come in 50 there is a new art show But what does he get out of the art? I askedHe cant see Cant see! Youre 51 He sees a lotMore than you and I do, the clerk saidHis wife 52 e

5、ach painting so he can see it in his head I learned something about patience, 53 and love that dayI saw the patience of a young wife describing paintings to a person without 54 and the courage of a husband who would not 55 blindness to change his lifeAnd I saw the love shared by two people as I watc

6、hed this couple walk away, their arms intertwined36Aview Btouch Cwander Dstare37Alady Bcouple Cman Dclerk38Ayelled Bargued Cscreamed Dchatted39Aattempt Bindependence Cpatience Dwisdom40Aconstant Bvivid Ccasual Dvague41AAdopted BAdapted CDisturbed DConducted42Afrom Bto Ctowards Dthrough43Aanxiously B

7、quickly Curgently Dsensibly44Acomment Bpurchase Cdecision Dprofit45Aexit Bentrance Cfront Dqueue46Aplugged Breached Cheld Dbent47Alengthened Bmade Cbrought Dbroadened48Aled Bfound Ctapped Dforced49Agenerous Brough Csmart Dbrave50Awherever Bwhatever Cwhenever Dwhichever51Aunique Bsilly Cequal Dwrong5

8、2Adecorates Bdraws Cshoves Ddescribes53Akindness Bpride Ccourage Denthusiasm54Asight Bsupport Cexpectation Dconfidence55Aget Ballow Chope Dcause 2、Wings of Angel I used to hate myself because I wasnt “normal”. Everyone else could play on the monkey bars and ride on a bicycle, but not 36 . I had a se

9、vere spinal cord disorder(脊髓病) and I knew I would always be much 37 than others.I hated going to school and I hated 38 at me. I hated seeing others smiling broadly and standing 39 and tall. And most of all, I hated looking in the 40 and seeing an ugly and hunchback(驼背).My friends found me 41 because

10、 I didnt let other get close to me. I thought I was going to go on like this for the rest of my life 42 Angela appeared.That afternoon, I was sitting by myself in a corner of the schoola spot where no one would 43 me. Thats when I first heard your voice.“Hi. Can I sit down?”I raised my head and ther

11、e she was, with an irresistible smile on her round face.“What are you looking at?” you asked.“Ants.”“What are they doing?”“No 44 .”“I bet theyre playing games and make friends. Dont you think so?”That was how our 45 started and it didnt stop. We talked about everything under the sunthe ants, the clo

12、uds, my little niche(处境)until it was sunset.Then suddenly, you saw my 46 . She just stared.My heart 47 . What I feared most had happened and I knew for sure she would 48 me now.She stood up, pointed at my back and said, “I know why your back is hunched.”I closed my eyes like a criminal waiting to be

13、 50 . I begged in my heart for her to 51 , but you just kept on going. “I know what youve got in there. Do you?”“No,” I answered 52 .She bent and whispered in my ears.“Your back is bunched because youve got a pair of wings from the angels.”I was 53 . I looked into your eyes and her 54 touched my heart. From that day on, I started to learn to 55 myself because I have the wings of an angel and a kind hearted friend. 36Athem Bit Cm


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