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1、.Module 4语法篇 _1. 熟练掌握have/has got的用法2. 熟练掌握some, any的用法3. 熟练掌握名词及名词的复数形式 一、have/has got 的用法1. have got意为“有;拥有”,如果想表达某人拥有某物,可用句型“主语+have/has got+其他”,其中have有人称和数的变化,当句子主语为第三人称单数或单数名词时,用has got。当句子主语是其他人称时,用have got。2. have got的否定形式为:havent got或hasntgot。We havent got any juice. 我们没有果汁。3. have got的一般疑问句

2、形式,将have/has提到主语前即可。-Have you got any carrot?你有胡萝卜吗?-Yes, I have./No, I havent.是的,我有。/不,我没有。4. have/has got与there be句型的区别(1)there be句型表示“存在,某地/某时有某人/某物”。 There is a book on the desk. 桌子上有本书。(2)have got表示“某人拥有某物”,此时是一种所有关系。She has got a dog. 她有一只狗。二、some,any的用法some和any 可用作形容词,意为“一些”,在句中修饰名词。1. some和a

3、ny既可以修饰可数名词又可以修饰不可数名词,但some常用在肯定句中,而any则常用在否定和疑问句中。I have some meat for lunch, but I dont have any vegetables. 我午饭吃了些肉,但是没有吃蔬菜。2. 在表示请求、建议或者是希望得到对方肯定回到的疑问句中,须用some而不用any。Can I ask you some questions,Lucy?露西,我可以问你一些问题吗?(期望得到肯定回答)3. any用于肯定句中,修饰可数名词单数,意为“任何一个”。Any man knows that. 任何人都知道那件事。三、可数名词与不可数名

4、词 名词可分为可数名词和不可数名词两类,凡是可以计数的名词称为可数名词,凡是不可以计数的名称称为不可数名词。1. 可数名词分为单数和复数两种形式,可数名词单数前可用不定冠词a/an来修饰。复数名词前可用some, any, many及数词(one除外)等来修饰。a pencil 一支铅笔 many boats 许多船 two pencils两支铅笔2. 不可数名词没有单复数变化,可用some,any,much等来修饰。some juice 一些果汁 much milk 许多牛奶不可数名词前不能用不定冠词、数词及many来修饰,表示数量时用 “计量单位词+of短语”表示,其数量也应通过of前面的

5、名词体现出来。a glass of water 一杯水 two glasses of water 两杯水3. 名词复数的变化规则:(1) 一般在词尾加-s。book books bag bags(2)以s, x, ch, sh 结尾的名词,一般在词尾加-es。class classes(3)以“元音字母+y”结尾的名词,在词尾加-s。boy boys(4)以“辅音字母+y”结尾的名词,先变y为i,再加-es。strawberry strawberries family families(5)以f或fe结尾的名词,将f或fe变为v,再加-es。knife knives wife wives(6)

6、一些以字母o结尾的名词变复数时有的加-es,有的加-s。Negro Negroes hero heroes tomato tomatoes potato potatoes zoo zoos4. 还有一些不规则变化变内部原因字母:man men 男人 woman women女人 foot feet脚 tooth teeth 牙齿单复数同形:sheep 绵羊 deer鹿 Chinese中国人 Japanese 日本人完全不规则:child children 孩子 mouse mice 老鼠单项选择1. -Have you got any juice? - . But Ive got some te

7、a.A. Yes, I doB. No, I dontC. Yes, I haveD. No, I havent2.(2014天津中考)-Is there beef in the fridge? -No, there isnt. There is pork.A. some, anyB. any, anyC. some, someD. any, some3.(2013贵州安顺中考)-Would you like coffee? -No, thanks. I dont want drinks(饮料) now.A. any, anyB. any, someC. some, someD. some,

8、any4.(2014四川凉山中考)-Where are you going, Sam? -There isnt any in the fridge. Ill go and buy some.A. vegetablesB. beefC. eggsD. money5.(2014贵州贵阳中考)-“Lily, lets make vegetable salad. How many do we need?” -“One is enough.”A. orangesB. potatoC. tomatoes6. She is one of my best .A. friendB. friendsC. a fr

9、iendD. friendes7. You shouldnt buy any , there are many in the fridge.A. juiceB. meatC. milkD. eggs解析及答案:1. 由答语中的“但是我有一些茶”推断我没有果汁,have got一般疑问句的否定回答为No, I havent, 故选D。2. 可用“语法分析法”解题。some常用于肯定句,any常用语否定句和疑问句。上句为一般疑问句,故第一个空用any,答语后为肯定句,故第二个空用some,故选D。3. 一般情况下,some用在肯定句中,any用在否定句和疑问句中。但是,在期望得到对方的肯定回答时,

10、疑问句中仍然用some,故选D。4. 可用“综合分析法”解题。由There isnt.可知后接可数名词单数或不可数名词,应排除A、C两项;由in the fridge(在冰箱里)可排除money(钱),剩下beef(牛肉),故选B。5. 可用“找关键词法”解题。有前句中的关键词vegetable salad“蔬菜沙拉”可知,应选择蔬菜,排除A;how many意为“多少”,后接复数名词,故选C。6. 此题考查固定搭配,one of 后接可数名词复数,意为“.之一”,friend的复数形式为friends,故选B。7. 此题考查名词用法。第二句中的many代替可数名词复数,意为“许多”,故选D。

11、基础演练一、单项选择1. There is some in the fridge. A. juiceB. carrotC. appleD. potato2. Weve got lots of . A. appleB. beefC. vegetableD. milks3. Too much is bad you. A. apples; forB. oranges; withC. meat; forD. meat; with4. His favourite food beef and rice. A. isB. areC. isntD. be5. Jack has got cakes, but h

12、e hasnt got . A. some; some breadB. some; any bread C. some; any breadsD. any; some bread答案:1-5 ABCAB二、选词填空(句子选词填空) a an the someany1. There is meat and vegetables.2. Have we got coffee?3. Her friend is American girl.4. Whats in basket?5. There is tomato and three bananas on that table.6. There aren

13、t books in the bag.答案:1. some2. any3. an 4. the5. a6. any巩固提高三、适当形式填空(单句适当形式)1. Beans and eggs are (health) food.2. How many (tomato) are there in the box?3. My daughter likes (potato) very much.4. We havent got any (chicken) in the fridge.5. There (be) some water in the cup.答案:1. healthy2. tomatoes3. potatoes4. chicken5. is四、按要求转换句型1. We have got some apples.


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