五年级下英语知识点归纳Unit 6 A field trip人教PEP

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1、Unit 6 A field tripwoods树林 interesting有趣的 vegetable蔬菜 honey蜂蜜 sweet food甜食 thing东西 together一起 tell告诉 leave离开 over there那里基本句型:询问某人正在做什么:What + be动词+人物+V-ing. - What is Mike doing? - He is watching insects.询问某人是不是正在做某事:be动词+人物+V-ing? - Are they catching butterflies? - Yes, they are. / No, they arent.

2、What do ants like to eat? They like sweet food. 蚂蚁喜欢吃什么? 它们喜欢甜食。 That is interesting. 太有趣了。Come and have a look at the ants. 过来看看这些蚂蚁。 Do an experiment on me, please. 请用我来做实验。 He is in the woods. 他在树林里。Tell him were leaving. 告诉他我们要离开了。 She is running to us. 她正向我们跑来。来源:Zxxk.ComShe is over there. 她在那里

3、。 I am coming. 我来了。知识延伸:表示用什么做实验时,要用on,如:Do an experiment on me, please.来源:学科网ZXXKIt is time to后面接动词原形,如:It is time to have lunch. 到吃午餐的时间了。 It is time for 后面接名词,如:It is time for English class. 到英语课时间了。来源:学科网ZXXK来源:Zxxk.Com单复数:butterflybutterflies蝴蝶 leafleaves叶子 insectinsects昆虫 wood树木 woods树林 antant

4、s蚂蚁 可数名词变复数的变化规则:一般在词尾加s,如:books、bags、fruits、girls、pens、以th结尾的名词,词尾+s,如:months、mouths、paths以s、x、z、ch、sh结尾的名词加es,如classes、boxes、peaches、fishes以辅音字母加y结尾的名词,变y为i再+es,如:family-families 、baby-babies 以元音字母加y结尾的名词直接在词尾+s, 如: boy-boys、day-days、toy-toys来源:学科网以辅音+o结尾的名词,词尾+es ,如:tomato-tomatoes 、potato-potatoes 但某些却是+s,如:photo-photos、以元音+o结尾的名词,词尾+s ,如:zoo-zoos、radio-radios、kangaroo-kangaroos以f、fe结尾的名词变f、fe为ves,如:wolf- wolves、life-lives、knife-knives 目前已学的不可数名词有:bread面包 rice米饭 honey蜂蜜 water水 juice果汁 meat肉 milk牛奶



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