五年级下册英语学案 Unit 4 When is EasterPart A Let’s spell人教PEP

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《五年级下册英语学案 Unit 4 When is EasterPart A Let’s spell人教PEP》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《五年级下册英语学案 Unit 4 When is EasterPart A Let’s spell人教PEP(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 4 When is Easter? Part A Lets spellLesson 3编写人: 石 萍 责任编辑:黄辛文 温馨寄语:No pain , no gain. (不劳无获。)学习目标1、能跟着录音说唱歌谣,掌握字母th在单词中的发音规则。2、能辨认和拼读符合/和/发音规则的单词。2、能完成听音写词,并能做到书写规范。重难点1、感知并归纳字母组合th在单词中的发音规则。2、根据字母组合th的发音规则拼读、拼写单词。课前预习1、 认读以下单词,看看有什么发现。three thin third fifth birthday thank bathroom this that fat

2、her there weather grandmother together2、上面的单词有你认识的么?试着感知字母组合th在单词中的发音规则。【预习方法:听录音并跟读、模仿】课中导学1、兴趣导入、定向导学你能快速认读老师出示的20张卡片吗?读得又快又准的能给你们小组加分哟! thin father three thank think this that than grandmother path 来源:Z#xx#k.Com fifth maths mother weather there together third thirty bathroom birthday听唱歌谣:Beth, Be

3、th. Go to the study. Beth likes to learn maths. Beth, Beth. Go to the bathroom. Beth likes to take a bath.来源:学科网来源:学_科_网 Beth, Beth. Go to the kitchen. Beth likes to eat a cake. Ah! A big moth! 说一说:你听到那几个带有字母组合th的单词,他们在单词里面发什么音呢?2、合作学习、展示交流观察老师的卡片中含有th的单词。 小组讨论:你找到th的发音规则了吗?【看哪组讨论得又快又准,加油!】 结论:在数词中,

4、th发_音。 在以th加上er结尾的单词中,th发_音。来源:学科网看清老师课件中的含有th的其他单词,你会根据发音规则尝试拼读么?完成Listen, circle and say.完成Choose, write and say。【注意书写规范哦!】3、梳理拓展、巩固提升“单词串串香”。看老师课件中呈现的一些打乱的单词,请你读一读,将符合相同发音规则的单词串连起来,如:threethankfourth等。Sharp eyes.(火眼金睛)同桌对学,拼读下面每组单词,如果两人认为这两个单词中的字母组合th的发音一致,两人击掌一次,说:Oh yeah!如果不一致,两人耸肩说:Uh-oh,sorry

5、!a. third think b. thank that c. father there d. birthday maths e. fifth grandmother f. thin this归纳小结1、 一般情况下,字母组合th在代词、冠词、介词、连词或副词中,读浊辅音/,如:this, that, they, them, there等。2、在th后以字母-er结尾的单词中,或者最后一个字母是不发音的e时,th读浊辅音/,如:father, mother, weather, breathe等。3、字母组合th在数词(包括基数词和序数词)中读清辅音/,如:three, thirteen, t

6、hird, fourth, tenth等。来源:学科网ZXXK当堂检测根据以上小结规则,你能圈出以下th发清辅音/的单词吗? Three mice are near the path. The first mouse is thirsty. She wants three Cokes. The second mouse is first mouses brother, he is thin, he likes taking a bath. The third mouse only one year old, his favourite weather is sunny day. Today is Thursday. Its his birthday. Yeah! Lets make a cake together!学习反思今天我最大的成功是:(在相应的括号内打“”)我积极参加了老师课堂上的活动,而且尽量说英语了。( )我会唱今天学的歌谣了。( ) 我记住了字母组合ai, ay的发音。( ) 我体会到了学英语的快乐。( )其他:_我还需要努力的地方是:(在相应的括号内打“”)课堂上要更加积极地回答老师的提问和参与活动。( )要多听录音,多模仿,大声说英语。 ( )其他:_我的疑惑是:_


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