五年级下册英语教案Unit6 PartB闽教版

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1、Part B教学目标语言知识目标1.学习单词:tired,sad,only,fourth和词组cheer up等。2.学习句型:He looks tired.He looks very sad.I didnt do well in high jump.Im only the fourth in high jump.3.功能:表达自己或他人的情绪感受。语言技能目标1.能正确认读和书写表示情绪的单词。2.能运用所学语言表达自己的情绪感受。3.能运用所学语言描述他人的情绪状况。情感态度教育学生时常保持乐观的好心情,尽力做好每一件事。教具准备1.有关单词和词组卡片。来源:Zxxk.Com2.喜、怒、哀

2、、乐等表情图。3.课文三幅图片和课文人物头饰。4.录音机或教学光盘。教学过程来源:Zxxk.ComStep 1 Warming up1.师生互致问候。2.听录音,齐唱歌曲:A Happy Song。3.教师揭示课题并板书:Unit 6 FeelingsPart B。来源:Zxxk.ComStep 2 Review1.请学生出示上节课的作业,请个别学生利用上节课所学过的知识说一说自己喜欢的运动员在某项比赛中的成绩。2.教师将学生说的句子写在黑板上,如: is the first in 400meter race. is the second in high jump. is the third

3、in the basketball game.3.请学生熟读黑板上的句子。4.播放本单元Part A的录音,学生模仿跟读。Step 3 Presentation(一)初读课文,理解课文大意1.教师出示课本第38页的图,引导学生描述如下:Peter is running very fast.He is the first in 100meter race.We are very proud of Peter.Look! This is Yang Ming.He is doing high jump.He is falling down.Whats the result?2.教师播放第45页Lis

4、ten and follow.部分的录音,学生边听边看课文,找出答案:“Im only the fourth in the high jump.”教师把这个句子板书在黑板上。(1)教学单词only,告诉学生only在数量词前起强调作用,表示“仅仅、只有、才”的意思。(2)出示单词four与fourth,告诉学生th发/的音,请学生读一读fourth。并告诉学生fourth也是序数词。(3)出示单词first,second,third和fourth,巩固这四个序数词的音和用法。(4)学习这个句子。(二)学习单词tired,sad,angry和句子He looks.1.教师说:“Yang Ming

5、 is only the fourth in high jump.How is he feeling?”2.教师再次播放课文录音或CD-ROM,然后板书句子:He looks tired.He looks very sad.(1)教学单词tired和句子He looks tired.引导学生边说边做相应的动作。提醒学生注意,主语为第三人称单数时动词的变化:looklooks。(2)用同样的方法教学单词sad和句子He looks very sad.来源:Z_xx_k.Com3.出示单词happy,sad,tired,proud,hungry和thirsty,请学生边读边做相应的动作。最后出示单

6、词angry,教学该单词。4.游戏表情秀。游戏规则:请两位学生面对面站在讲台上,其中一位学生看教师举起的脸谱图,并做出相应的表情,另一名学生用句型You look.猜出他的表情。若猜对,全班学生说Yes.He/ She looks若猜错,全班学生说No.游戏继续。(三)学习句子I didnt do well in high jump.来源:学科网1.请学生看课文第二段的对话,教师播放录音,学生模仿跟读。2.出示句子I didnt do well in high jump.(1)教师告诉学生do well in 的意思是“某事做得好”,如:Peter did very well in 100-m

7、eter race.Julia did well in long jump.Wang Tao did well in 200-meter race.(2)教师问学生:“Who didnt do well in high jump?”学生答:“Yang Ming didnt do well in high jump.”3.教师说:“Yang Ming didnt do well in high jump.He was very sad.What did Lily and Wang Tao say?”学生看课文,从中找出答 “cheer up!” 和 “Not all can be the fir

8、st!”并教学。(四)熟读课文1.请学生翻开课本第45页,教师播放课文录音或者CD-ROM,学生模仿跟读。2.教师再播放录音,请学生戴上头饰分角色跟读并表演。3.教师出示Peter百米赛跑和Yang Ming跳高的图片,请学生复述故事内容。如:Peter is running 100 meters.He is very fast.He is the first in 100meter race.He is very happy.His classmates are proud of him.Yang Ming is doing high jump.He doesnt do well in th

9、e high jump.He is falling down.He is vey sad.His classmates say:“Cheer up! Not all can be the first!”4.情感教育。教师出示句子:Not all can be the first.We should keep the good state of mind.Try our best to do everything.帮助学生理解这段话的含义,并告诉学生,不是所有人都能成为第一,我们要保持良好的心态,尽力做好每一件事。(五)巩固练习。1.学说韵律诗:Feelings。2.完成课本第46页的Ask a

10、nd answer.部分。(1)教师出示图片中所学动物的图片,请学生读并拼写出单词。(2)教师与学生做问答练习,如:T:Who is angry? (教师做生气的表情和动作)S1: The tiger is angry.(要求回答的学生要表演出老虎生气时的表情与动作)T:Who is sad? (教师做难过的表情和动作)S2: The elephant is sad.(要求回答的学生要表演出大象难过时的表情与动作)(3)教师播放录音,学生模仿跟读并做相应的表情与动作。(4)同桌同学表演对话。3.完成课本第48页的Listen and number.部分。(1)教师播放录音,学生独立完成练习,教

11、师个别指导。(2)展示个别学生所做的练习,教师讲解并订正。听力材料:David is working on the farm.Hes thirsty.Hes not good at math.Hes sad.Oh,she is sleeping in the classroom.Shes very tired.Youre the winner of high jump.Were proud of you.Step 4 Extension综合活动:看图说话1.教师出示不同的图片,如:“生日聚会”、“骑自行车摔倒”、“卫生大扫除”、“赢得比赛”、“放学回家肚子饿”、“运动后口渴”等。2.教师示范:

12、教师出示“生日聚会”图,引导学生说:They are having a birthday party.They are very happy.教师出示“骑自行车摔倒”图,引导学生说:She cant ride a bike.She is sad.让学生用类似的方法说出下列各图:Peter is the first in the race.We are proud of him.He is drinking water.He is very thirsty.3.学生选择一至二个情景先在小组内说一说。4.请几位学生展示汇报,其他学生给予帮助与补充。Step 5Homework1.听录音,熟读本课内容。2.完成活动手册中本课的练习。3.完成课本第49页的自我评价部分。4.与自己的同伴说一说自己今天的感受。


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