五年级下册英语教案Unit 5Whose dog is it5人教PEP

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1、Unit 5 Whose dog is it?课时内容 B Read and write Lets check来源:Zxxk.Com课时分析本课时是人教版五年级下册第五单元第五课时。围绕“Robin 在动物园”这一话题展开,主要通过阅读文本学习词汇dancing, walking, flying, running, excited, like及如何表达动物正在做的动作的句型。继续培养学生爱护动物的意识,激发学生学习英语的兴趣和树立学好英语的信心。前几课时词汇、对话的学习为本课时的学习奠定了基础,本课时是第五单元B部分知识的整合。本课时的重点是单词的理解和能够运用核心句型的运用。 本课时包括Re

2、ad and write和Lets check两个版块。Read and write分为阅读和书面回答问题两个部分。阅读部分通过呈现Robin和Sarah在动物园,Robin看到了许多动物模仿动物的场景,激活相关的背景知识及话题。话题有趣,接近学生的实际生活。Lets check分为两部分,第一部分为听音标号,用于检测本单元核心词汇和句型。第二部分为听音选择答案,用于考查本单元核心句型和词汇的理解和表达。 本课时的新授单词,教师要结合图片、动作、一定的语境帮助学生理解。遵循以学生为主体的原则,采用小组合作的方式,全面调动学生的参与,引导学生自主学习,培养良好的阅读习惯和技巧。课时目标 (1)能

3、够听、说、认读单词:excited, dancing, walking, flying, running, like。 (2)能够运用现在进行时态的句型描述动物正在做的动作。(3)能够读懂故事,并按正确的语音、语调、意群阅读。.(4)能够正确、规范的书写句子。(5)能够较好的完成Lets check。(6)培养学生的思维能力,学习英语的兴趣和树立学好英语的信心。课时重难点1.重点(1)能够听、说、认读单词:excited, dancing, walking, flying, running, like。(2)能够运用现在进行时态的句型描述动物正在做的动作。(3)能够读懂故事,并按正确的语音、语

4、调、意群阅读。.(4)能够较好的完成Lets check。2.难点(1)能够正确的运用现在进行时态的句型描述动物正在做的动作。(2)单词excited的认读和理解。教学准备 多媒体课件、卡片、图片、录音机、磁带、表格教学过程Step 1 Warm up1. GreetingT: Good morning, everyone.Ss: Good morning, Miss/Mr.T: Nice to see you again.Ss: Nice to see you, too.T: Are you ready for English?Ss: Yes, we are ready.2. Review

5、some words来源:Zxxk.Com T: Now boys and girls, lets review some words. 教师出示play,学生说出playing, P-L-A-Y-I-N-G 玩。然后教师依次出示动词eat, climb,jump,sleep的词卡,学生说出它们的现在分词,并拼读,说汉语。教学资源:词卡设计意图:通过认读词卡,复习单词的音、形、义,并为本课的学习打下基础。Step 2 Lead in1. Lets do 播放三年级上册Lets do,学生表演并说唱。 Act like a bird. Act like a tiger. Act like a m

6、onkey. Act like a bear. Act like an elephant.教学资源:课件设计意图:选择和本课有关的Lets do,既活跃了课堂气氛,复习了和本课有关的动物名称,回忆了like的意思。2.Ask and answerT: Where are the animals?来源:学,科,网S1: In the forest.S2: At the zoo.T: Then now lets go to the zoo together.设计意图:师生问答很自然的引出下文。Step 3 Presentation1. Teaching “flying, walking, danc

7、ing, running”(1)Teaching “flying”T: This is a small zoo. What animals do you see?Ss: A bird, an elephant and a bear. T: Look at the bird.(课件呈现“鸟在飞”的图片。)What is the bird doing?Ss: The bird is flying.(引导学生回答,板书句子,教学flying,理解句子,齐读句子。)(2)Teaching “walking, dancing, running”T: Look at the elephant. What

8、is the elephant doing?Ss: The elephant is walking.(引导学生回答,板书句子,教学walking,理解句子,齐读句子。)T: Is the bear walking?Ss: No. it is dancing.(引导学生回答,板书句子,教学dancing, 着重于去e+-ing。)T: What are the tigers doing?Ss: They are running.(板书句子,教学running, 着重于双写n+-ing。)教学资源:课件设计意图:创设情境,结合图片帮助学生理解重点词汇。2. Read and write (1)呈现

9、教材插图,展示背景。 T: Look at the picture. Sarah and Robin are at the zoo. The zoo is very big. Robin is looking at the animals. So Robin is very excited.(2) Read quietlyT: What does he see? Ss: A bear, some rabbits, a tiger, an elephant, a monkey, a bird, a fish(课件表格呈现。) (3)细读课文,小组完成表格。a. T: What are the a

10、nimals doing? Please read carefully. b. Discuss in a group and fill in the form.AnimalDoinga bearsome rabbitsa tigeran elephanta monkey来源:学#科#网a birdsome fishc. 指名描述。The . is.d. 完成Answer the questions,小组内核对,然后利用投影仪面批。教学资源:表格设计意图:引导学生通过小组合作,完成布置的任务,提高课堂效率,培养学生团结合作的意识。Step 4 Practice1. 朗读故事(1)播放录音,模仿语

11、音、语调和准确的停顿和重音。 (2)分角色自由朗读。 教学资源:录音机、磁带设计意图:锻炼学生的语感。2. 续编故事(1)两人一组续编故事。(2)指组表演。(3)写一写。设计意图:从口头过渡到书面,锻炼学生的书面表达能力。3. Lets check.(1)请学生仔细看图,根据图片信息说一说,然后播放第一遍录音,做听力练习。(2)播放第二遍录音,边听边校对答案。教学资源:录音机、磁带设计意图:先读图,再做听力,提高学生的语言理解能力。来源:学科网ZXXKStep 5 SummaryT: What did you learn about this class?学生自由说,教师总结。1.学习了一些单

12、词:excited, dancing, walking, flying, running, like2.描述动物正在做的动作:主语+系动词+v-ing。设计意图:帮助学生归纳和整理,便于学生的记忆。课堂作业一、写出下列动词的现在分词。 1. walk_ 2. look _ 3. fly _ 4. run_二、单项选择。( )1. Amy is _ in the music room.A. dancing B. dancing C. dance( )2. _ elephant is drinking water.A. A B. An C. Some( )3. Two monkeys _ clim

13、bing the tree. A. am B. is C. are( )4. Im looking _ a bear.A. at B. in C. to三、问答连线。栏 栏 1. Where are Sarah and Mike? A. Its flying. 2. What is the bird doing? B. They are at the zoo.3 Are these rabbits eating? C. They are walking.4. What are the bears doing? D. No, they are sleeping.Answers:一、1.walking 2. looking 3. flying 4. running二、1.A2


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