六年级下册英语导学案Unit 4 Then and now 第一课时人教PEP

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1、课 题Unit 4 Then and now第一课时课 型新授学 科英语主备人审核人Period 1 Lets learn Find the mistakes Learning aims(学习目标):1. 能听说认读单词:dining hall, grass, gym, ago 2. 能听说认读句子:There was gym in my school twenty years ago. Now there s a new one in our school.3. 会唱歌曲Changes in me新 课 标 第 一 网Important &difficult points(重难点):1.能听

2、说认读本课时单词和句子。2. 能正确使用一般过去时和一般现在时。Learning steps(学习步骤):Step 1.预习温故(用时5分钟)1. Go over the phrases of Unit 3: ate fresh food, went swimming, took pictures, bought gifts, rode a horse, rode a bike , went camping, hurt my foot , went fishing教师说短语的第一个单词,学生说出短语,并造一个句子。如T: took. Ss: Took pictures, I took pict

3、ures last weekend. ( 边做动作边说)2. Free talk. T: How was your weekend? Ss: It was fine. T: Where did you go? Ss: I went to . T: How did you go there? Ss: By . T: What did you do there? Ss: I went fishing. / .Step 2. 新课内容展示(用时15分钟)http:/w ww .xk b1. com1. 教学单词dining hall, grass, gym, ago.(1) Show the pic

4、ture of grass. T: Whats this? Ss: Its grass. 板书grass并教读。 Chant: Grass, grass. Play football on the grass. 以同样的方法教学dining hall, gym. Chant: Dining hall, dining hall. Have lunch in the dinning. Gym, gym. Play basketball in the gym.(2) 教学单词ago及词组. years ago, . months ago. 教师先说几个句子让学生感受。T: I went fishin

5、g three days ago. I went to Beijing two years ago. 板书并教读ago。 让学生说出. years ago, . months ago的意思并造句。2. 出示两张新旧学校图片介绍并板书:There was no gym in my school twenty years ago. Now theres a new one in our school. 教读。学生学说句子,描述学校以前和现在的样子.如:There was no computer room ten years ago. Now theres a new one in our scho

6、ol.3. Play the tape of Lets learn.学生仿读。Step 3.合作交流:(用时10分钟)1. 小组读单词,开火车读单词。2. 学生灵活运用所学单词句子。3. 完成Find the mistakes.学生先自己读句子,然后小组合作找出错误的地方。4. 学唱歌曲Changes in meStep4、达标检测(用时9分钟)新课 标 第 一 网一读单词,选图片A. B. C. D. E.1.art toom 2.dining hall 3.grass puter room 5.gym 二读一读,选一选。( )1. There was a grass in the natu

7、re park five years ago.( )2. People couldnt use the Internet.( )3. Now there is a gym in our city.( )4. There was no computer room in our school twenty years ago.( )5. At that time, people didnt go there by bus.A. 现在我们城市有一座体育馆。B. 人们不会使用互联网。C. 五年前,这个自然公园有一个草坪。D. 那时,人们没有乘公交车去那儿。E. 20年前,我们学校没有电脑室。三根据图意

8、选择正确的句子。w W w .X k b 1. c O m1. ( ) A.There was a big factory near our school.B.There is a big library next to our school.2. ( ) A. They often play football in the gym. B. They often playfootball on the grass.3. ( ) A. Now we go to school by school bus. B. They went to school on foot three years ago.4. ( ) A. Last year we had lunch in our classroom. B. Now we have lunch in the dining hall.Step5、布置当堂作业(用时1分钟)1.抄写并背诵dining hall, gym, grass, years ago, months ago, last year, last month2.用本课时句子写一个对话。反思


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