Unit 2 同步阶段测人教PEP六年级英语上册

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1、Unit 2 Ways to go to school.单元知识点集锦重点单词及短语where哪里 library图书馆 bookstore书店 post office邮局 hospital医院 cinema电影院 near旁边 next to旁边(比near更近) in front of在的前面 behind在.的后面 Excuse me打扰一下 please请 far from离远的 buy买 want to想要 a pair of一双 get on上车 get off下车 on the left在左边 on the right在右边 east东 south南 west西 north北 t

2、urn left左转 turn right右转 go straight直走 am上午 pm下午 now现在 tell告诉 look for寻找重点句型1. Where is the cinema, please? 请问电影院在哪?2. Its next to the hospital. 它在医院的旁边。3. Is it far from here? 它离这远吗?4. Its east of the cinema. 它在电影院的东面。5. Turn left at the cinema, then go straight. Its on the left. 在电影院左转,然后直走,它在左边。语法

3、知识1. 问路之前,出于礼貌,我们要说“Excuse me”与后面的句子要用标点符号隔开。2. Is there 开头的问句怎么回答呢?例如:Is there a cinema near here? 只要把前两个词语的顺序换一下就可以了,肯定回答是:Yes, there is. 否定: No, there isnt.3. buy 和 by的区别,这两个词语发音相同,但是意思完全不同,by:乘,坐 buy:买4. 地点名词前面一定要有the,例如: Where is the cinema? How can I get to the hospital?5. 时间前面用at. 例如:在三点钟: at

4、 3 o clock.;一段时间前面用for,例如:三分钟for 3 minutes. 星期前面用on,例如:on Monday, on Tuesday . 6. 在表达第几路公交车时,注意No.的书写,N要大写,后面别少了一点!7. 在哪里上下车,在哪里左右转,都用介词at。8. 例如: Get on/ off at the cinema. 在电影院的地方上下车。 Turn left/ right at the bookstore. 在书店的地方左右转。9. by the No. 12 bus = take the No. 12 bus. 坐12路公交车阶段测试卷 满分:100分班级: 姓名

5、: 学号: 分数:一、找出与句中画线部分意思相反的一项。(10分)()1.Wheres the shoe store? Its south of the library. A. westB. northC. east()2.Please come to school by bike. A. walk B. turn C. go()3.Get off at the post office. A. Get on B. Get to C. Get out()4.The science museum is on the left. A. down B. up C. right()5.The schoo

6、l is very far. A. near B. next C. behind【答案】1. B 2. C 3. A 4. C 5. A【解析】1. “south南”的反义词是“北north”2. “come来”的反义词是“去go”3. “get off下车”的反义词是“上车get on”4. “left左边”的反义词是“右边right”5. “far远”的反义词是“近near”【难度】容易二、读一读,找出不同类的词。(12.5分)( )1. A. east B. west C. ear D. north( )2. A. museum B. post office C. music D. li

7、brary( )3. A. plane B. cinema C. bike D. bus( )4. A. turn right B. go home C. turn left D. go straight( )5.A. green light B. yellow light C. red light D. Christmas light【答案】1. C 2. C 3. B 4. B 5. D【解析】1. east东, west西, north北,都是方位词;ear 耳朵,与其余不同类2. museum博物馆, post office邮局, library图书馆,都是建筑名称;music音乐,与

8、其余不同类3. plane飞机, bike自行车, bus公交车,都是交通工具;cinema电影院,与其余不同类4. turn right向右转, turn left向左转, go straight直走,都是指路用语;go home回家,与其余不同类5. green light绿灯, yellow light黄灯, red light红灯,都是交通灯;Christmas light圣诞树灯,与其余不同类【难度】一般三、选择填空。(12.5分)()1._, where is the school? Its near the library. ASorryBExcuse meCHello【答案】B

9、【解析】在问路时要先用礼貌用语Excuse me来引起对方的注意。所以答案为B。sorry用于做错事进行道歉的语境;hello是熟人间打招呼的用语。【难度】容易()2.Turn right _the post office. Aoff Bfor Cat【答案】C【解析】在某地点处用介词at。句意:在邮局那里向右转。【难度】一般()3.Come to my twelfth birthday party_ 6 pm_ Saturday. Aat;at Bon;on Cat;on【答案】C【解析】在时间点前用介词at,在具体某一天前用介词on。句意:周六下午六点来参加我的十二岁生日聚会。【难度】一般

10、()4. Please come to my_birthday party. Afifth Bfive Cfiveth【答案】A【解析】根据题干可知句意为:请来参加我的五岁生日聚会。birthday party前需用序数词来表示第几个生日聚会。five的序数词为fifth。来源:学*科*网【难度】一般()5.Walk south _three minutes. Aof Boff Cfor【答案】C【解析】根据题干可知句意为:向南走三分钟。段时间three minutes前用介词for。【难度】一般四、给下列句子选择正确的答语。(10分)AIm going to buy a book.BIts

11、in front of the park.CFirst go straight and then turn left at the zoo.DYes, there is.ENo, its not far.()1.Where is the bank?()2.Is there a cinema near here?()3.How can I get to the library?()4.Is it far from your home?()5.What are you going to do after school?【答案】1. B 2. D 3. C 4. E 5. A【解析】1. 句意:银行

12、在哪儿?在公园前面。2. 句意:附近有电影院吗?是的,有。3. 句意:我怎么到图书馆?先直走,然后在动物园向左转。4. 句意:它离你家远吗?不,不远。5. 句意:放学后你打算做什么?我打算去买本书。【难度】一般五、翻译。(15分) 1.放学after _ 2.在医院隔壁 _ _ the hospital 3.请问 _ me 4.离这很远 _ _ here 5.两双鞋 _ _ of shoes 6.在左边 _ the _ 7.邮局_ _ 8.生日晚会birthday _ 9. the bus stop _ 10.east of the cinema _【答案】1. school 2. next

13、to 3. Excuse 4. far from 5. two pairs 6. on left 7. post office 8. party 9. 汽车站 10. 电影院的东边【解析】1. “放学”的英文表达为after school2. “在隔壁”的英文表达为next to3. “请问”的英文表达为Excuse me4. “离远”的英文表达为far from5. “两双(鞋)”的英文表达为two pairs of 6. “在左边”的英文表达为on the left7. “邮局”的英文表达为post office8. “晚会”的英文表达为party9. the bus stop的意思是:汽车站10. east 东,cinema电影院,所以east of the cinema的意思是:电影院的东边【难度】一般来源:学&科&网六、连词成句。(15分) 1thank,coming,for,you. _


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