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1、Section The Language Points of Reading课时作业(一)对应学生用书P27完形填空Over the past 20 years, I have watched theLionKing for more than a dozen of times. Every time, I felt _1_.Recently, I have watched the _2_ again. This time, what _3_ me the most was the lifestyle of Pumbaa and Timonthey were ordinary and live

2、d a(n) _4_ life. To me, the best lesson that Pumbaa and Timon have taught us is that _5_ they know they are ordinary and their life is ordinary, they still love and _6_ it.In fact, in the real world, only quite a few people can accomplish great things and become _7_, and the rest of us will just liv

3、e our ordinary life. The best solution is to _8_ and enjoy it. I know its _9_ but this is a part of growing up. Im not saying that we should not be _10_ or have great dreams. However, I just think we should get _11_ if our great dreams would never come true.I also _12_ becoming extraordinary at a yo

4、ung age. In the senior high school, I was no longer one of the top _13_, and then, for the first time, I _14_ that maybe I couldnt be extraordinary. Now, Im well aware that Im no more than an ordinary person, but Im _15_ with that. I cant _16_ expensive clothes, but I have comfortable clothes which

5、fit me well. I usually go out to _17_ with a couple of friends on weekends, not firstclass _18_ but common restaurants where we know there are delicious food.I consider this not the passive acceptance, but an _19_ attitude of turning “this is life” to “this is the life”. But all in all, I still have

6、 _20_, just in case they would become true one day.1A.regretfully BtiredlyCdifferently Danxiously答案:C根据下文的叙述可知,作者每次看狮子王这部电影,感受都是不同的。2A.movie BmatchCshow Dtheater答案:A根据上文的“theLionKing”可知,“我”最近又看了一遍这部电影。3A.struck BhurtCexpressed Dimpressed答案:DPumbaa和Timon的生活方式给“我”留下了深刻的印象。strike “袭击”;hurt “伤害”;express

7、 “表达”;impress “给留下深刻印象”,故选D。4A.strange BcommonChealthy Dunfortunate答案:B根据下文的“their life is ordinary”可知,Pumbaa和Timon过着平凡的生活。5A.even though Bin caseCas though Dnow that答案:A由语境可知,虽然它们知道它们自己很平凡,它们的生活很简单,但是它们还是享受着这种生活。属于让步关系。6A.desire BenjoyCexpect Dshare答案:B根据上文的“they still love”可知,它们享受这种生活。enjoy “享受”。7

8、A.independent BpositiveCwealthy Doutstanding答案:D事实上,在现实世界里,只有一小部分人能完成伟大的事情,与上文的great照应,这里指成为杰出的优秀人才。8A.change BdiscoverCaccept Dimprove答案:C根据下文可知,面对平凡的生活,最好的解决方案就是接受它并享受它。9A.unnecessary BhardCimpossible Dsimple答案:B根据下文的“but this is a part of growing up”可知,接受并享受平凡的生活是一件很难的事,但是它是成长的一部分。10A.ambitious B

9、specialCvaluable Dintelligent答案:A根据下文的“or have great dreams”可知,接受并享受平凡的生活不是说我们不应该有雄心壮志。11A.paid BblamedCprepared Dnoticed答案:C根据语境可知,我们应该准备好接受假如梦想不会实现的现实,get prepared “做好准备”。12A.cared about Blooked back onCfound out Dlooked forward to答案:D根据意思表示“我”在年轻时也期盼卓越非凡。look forward to “期望”。13A.workers Bstudents

10、Cemployees Dleaders答案:B根据上文的“In the senior high school”可知此处应指学生。14A.confirmed BhopedCbelieved Drecognized答案:D根据意思表示自己第一次意识到了自己可能不会变得非凡。 recognize “意识到”。15A.brave BhonestCsatisfied Dconfident答案:C根据意思可知作者虽然平凡,但是对此很满意。be satisfied with “对感到满足”。16A.afford BappreciateCmatch Drefuse答案:A根据意思表明自己买不起昂贵的衣服。af

11、ford “承担得起,买得起”。17A.play BtravelCwork Deat答案:D根据下文的“restaurants”可知是出去吃饭。18A.companies BuniversitiesCrestaurants Dhospitals答案:C根据下文的“common restaurants”可知这里是指一流的饭店。19A.negative BoptimisticCunusual Dcasual答案:B根据上文的“passive”以及“but”可知,此处指积极的。20A.dreams BinterestsCduties Dchallenges答案:A根据上文的“Im not sayin

12、g that we should not be _10_ or have great dreams.”可知,尽管生活普通,但还是要有梦想,万一要是实现了呢。阅读理解A A sense of humor is just one of the many things shared by Alfred and Anthony Melillo, 64yearold twin brothers from East Haven who made history in February 2002. On Christmas Eve, 1992, Anthony had a heart transplant

13、from a 21yearold donor. Two days before Valentines Day in 2002, Alfred received a 19yearold heart, marking the first time on record that twin adults each received heart transplants.“Im 15 minutes older than him, but now Im younger because of my heart and Im not going to respect him,” Alfred said wit

14、h a grin, pointingto his brother while talking to a roomful of reporters, who laughed frequently at their jokes.While the twins knew that genetics might have played a role in their condition, they recognized that their eating habits might have also contributedto their heart problems. “Wed put half a

15、 pound of butter on a steak. I overdid it on all the food that tasted good, so I guess I deserved what I got for not dieting properly.”The discussion moved to Anthonys recovery. In the five years since his heart transplant, he had been on an exercise program where he regularly rode a bicycle for five miles, swam each day, and walked a couple of miles. He was still on medication, but not nearly as much


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