五年级上册英语试题Unit 5TV Shows单元测试人教新起点含答案

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1、Unit5 单元测试卷一、请你根据汉语意思选出合适的一项补全单词。( ) 1. p_w_r 电力 A. o e B. e o C. i o( ) 2. n_t_ 自然 A. a cher B. a ure C. e ure( ) 3. fa_i_ 家庭 A. m ly B. m cy C. m my( ) 4. an_m_ _ 动物 A. m al B. m el C. i al( ) 5. d_n_e 跳舞 A. o e B. o e C. a c( ) 6. m_v_电影 A. o ieB. u ieC. o ea( ) 7. ch_dr_ 儿童A. i en B. il an C. il

2、 en( ) 8. sh_ 节目 A. ow B. ou C. aw二、请你找出与短语相匹配的汉语意思。(1) watch TVA. 想,认为(2) think of B. 动物世界(3) on Saturday C. 什么时间(4) Evening News D. 在星期六(5) of course E. 看电视(6) Animal World F. 晚间新闻(7) what time G. 乒乓球来源:Zxxk.Com(8) table tennis H. 当然三、请你选出合适的一项填空。( ) 1. Lets _ TV together, Sandy.A. watchB. look C.

3、 see( ) 2. There is something wrong _ the TV.A. to B. for C. with( ) 3. Who is _ favourite movie star?A. you B. he C. your( ) 4. What time is Quiz Show _?A. inB. onC. at( ) 5. What kind of TV shows do you like _?A. goodB. well C. best四、请你翻译下面的句子。1. Lily likes sports shows and nature shows._2. What t

4、ime is the sports show on?_3. I think its interesting._五、请你找出下面问句的正确答语。( ) 1. What time is it on?A. Its on at 18:00. B. Its nature show.( ) 2. What channel (频道) is it on?A. Its on Saturday. B. Its on Channel (频道) 8.( ) 3. Whats your favourite nature show?A. The Animal World. B. The Dragon Club.来源:Zx

5、xk.Com( ) 4. What kind of TV shows do you like best?A. Its on at 7:00. B. I like music shows.六、请你按要求写句子。1. I like childrens shows. (改为一般疑问句) _2. Lily likes music shows. (改为否定句) 来源:Zxxk.Com_3. Do you want to watch it? (作肯定回答)_4. There is something wrong with this channel (频道). (改为否定句)_5. My favourite

6、 show is Animal World. (对划线部分提问) _来源:学科网ZXXK来源:学科网参考答案一、1-8 ABACCACA二、(1)-(8) EADFHBCG三、1-5 ACCBC四、1. 利利喜欢体育节目和自然节目。 2. 体育节目在什么时间开始?3. 我认为它很有趣。五、1-4 ABAB六、1. Do you like childrens shows?2. Lily doesnt like music shows. 3. Yes, I do.4. There isnt anything wrong with this channel.5. Whats your favourite TV show?



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