2020牛津译林版英语九年级上9A Unit6 课时练习5

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1、【文库独家】9A Unit 6 Detective Stories 课时练习5 (Integrated skills & Pronunciation)一、词组翻译1无犯罪纪录_ 2因盗窃入狱六个月_3在10月28日早晨_ 4在案发时在另一个地方_5在他妹妹的婚礼上_ 6与这起案件有关联_二、根据中文写单词1He wish he would be a_(百万富翁)2Kidnappers,thieves and murderers are different kinds of_(罪犯)3He was put into_(监狱)because of robbery4I heard a child w

2、as_(绑架)yesterday5He insisted that he wasnt_(参与)in the theft6What he said has been_(记录)7He has made great_(进步)this term三、单项选择( )1Trees here are so_ that they can be seen everywhere Amuch Bcommon Cusual Dnormal( )2Daniel,could you help me_ the map on the blackboard? We wont need it Aput up Bput down C

3、put on Dput away( )3When I was young I knew the earth_ around the sun Awent Bwas went Cgoes Dgoing( )4On her way to school,Andy saw a thief_ in a shop,he stooped_110 at once Asteal,call Bto steal,call Cstealing,to call Dstealing,calling( )5Who_ on the phone just now? Awants Bwanted Cwant Dwas wanted

4、( )6Everyone except Bill and Jim_ there when meeting began Awas Bis Care Dwere( )7Millies house_ last nightSome things were lost Abroke into Bwas breaking into Cwas broken into Dwas broke into( )8Which do you enjoy_ your free time,playing chess or listening to music? Aspending Bto spend Ctaking Dpay

5、ing( )9He said he would like to go there_ next week Asometime Bsometimes Csome time Dsome times( )10Please complete the article with_ Aas much information Bas many information as you can Cas much information as you can Das many information as possible四、完形填空Debbie got up early last Saturday morning .

6、 She wanted _1_ in Green Park with some of her friends . She was very happy about it ._2_ she was ready , she got on her bike and left for the park - it was on the other side of the town . Suddenly , as she was riding fast , she _3_ sirens . The sound of the sirens(警笛) was getting _4_ , so Debbie lo

7、oked _5_ her to see what was happening . As a result , she fell off her bike and lay in the middle of the road . Luckily , Debbie wasnt hurt , _6_ a car hit her bike . After the car _7_ , two men got out and started running . _8_ , a police car stopped next to the same car and three policemen got ou

8、t and started running after the two men . One of policemen shouted , “Stop the thieves !”_9_ a policeman came to see Debbie . He thanked her , because , in a way , she had helped them _10_ .( )1. A.goes to skate B.go skating C.going to skate D.to go skating( )2. A.While B.As soon as C.If D.As quickl

9、y as( )3. A.heard B.listened to C.found D.saw( )4. A.close and close B.closer and closer C.big and big D.bigger abd bigger( )5. A.after B.in front of C.behind D.before( )6. A.because B.so C.but D.and( )7. A.fell over B.passed away C.turned back D.stopped( )8. A.A few minutes later B.Just then C.Afte

10、r an hour D.Very fast( )9. A.In a few days B.Sometimes C.Some time later D.At the same time( )10. A.get out of the car B.run after the carC.catch the thieves D.shout at the thieves五、阅读理解 There was a robbery at City Central Bank later yesterday afternoonTwo men entered the bank at about 4 pmand told

11、the bank teller on duty to five them$1,000,000The robbers were carrying guns and wearing black masks to cover their facesThe robbers told all the customers in the bank to lie down on the floorWitness said that everyone in the bank was frightened and did what the robbers told them The teller agreed t

12、o give them the money but told them they would have to wait a few minutesShe said the bank manager would have to get the money out of the safeAs the robbers were waiting for the money,the teller managed to press an alarm button that was hidden under the counterIt was a silent alarm,so the robbers di

13、dnt realize it had been set off Just as the manager arrived with the money,ten policemen entered the bankThe robbers were very surprised that the police caught them easilyThe robbers are now in custody,and will appear in court next week Police congratulated Miss Alston,the bank teller,on her brave actThe bank manager said that they would give Miss A


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