人教版高二英语选修七课件:unit 4 section 3 .ppt

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1、Section Learning about Language and Using Language 课前 自主预习 重点单词 1 vt n 买 购买 2 n 周年纪念 日 3 vi vt 使 发出咔嗒声 n 咔嗒声 4 donate vt 捐赠 n 捐赠物 5 voluntary adj 自愿的 志愿的 无偿的 n 志愿者 v 自愿 6 distribute vt 分配 分发 n 分配 分发 7 security n 安全 保护 保障 adj 安全的 8 operate vi 工作 运转 vt 操作 n 操作 手 术 purchase anniversary click donation v

2、olunteer distribution secure operation 重点短语 1 爱上 2 结束 3 了解 4 研究 5 为 带来希望 6 在困难中 在危急中 7 挨饿 8 自给自足 9 数目上 总共 10 照顾 照看 喜欢 fall in love with come to an end have knowledge of do some research on bring hope to in need go hungry provide for oneself in number care for 重点句型 1 教材原句 She was dying to see him aga

3、in but what if he didn t want to see her 她渴望再见他一面 但是如果他不想见她怎么办 佳句诵读 we fail failed should fail 万一我们失败了 怎么办 What if 2 教材原句 The gift you give is not something your loved one keeps but a voluntary contribution towards the lives of people who really need it 你送的礼物不是给你所爱的人留念的 而是 给那些的确有需要的人的一项生活上的无偿捐助 佳句诵读

4、 My experience tells me that it is that determines who you are 我的经验告诉我成就了我们今天的不是给予了我们什么而 是我们怎么利用的它 not what you are given but how you make use of it 3 教材原句 They are easy and fun for children to care for 孩子们照看它们既轻松又有趣 佳句诵读 They found the lecture of the professor was so they all felt sleepy 他们觉得教授的讲座难

5、以理解 于是都感到瞌睡 hard to understand 语篇理解 Read the passage carefully and choose the best answers 1 Where is the passage from A A newspaper B A magazine C A textbook D A website 答案 D 2 What is the aim of the passage A To sell the goods of the poor people B To help people to pick out a better gift C To expe

6、ct more people to raise money to help the poor people D To encourage people to buy things for the poor people 答案 D 3 The gifts are listed in order of A the first letterB the prices C kinds D usage 答案 B 课内 研析探究 donate vt 捐赠 教材原句P34 Would you like to donate an unusual gift 你愿意捐献一份不平常的礼物吗 1 donate sth

7、to sb sth 向某人 某物捐赠某物 donate sth to do sth 为做某事而捐赠某物 2 donator n 捐赠者 donation n 捐赠 捐赠物 捐款 give make present a donation to 捐赠给 She donated a large sum of money to the charity 她捐赠了一大笔钱给那个慈善机构 The government calls on the youth to donate their blood voluntarily 政府号召青年义务献血 She made a donation of a thousan

8、d dollars to that poor child 她向那位可怜的孩子捐赠了1 000美元 voluntary adj 自愿的 志愿的 无偿的 Parents often make voluntary contributions to the school funds 家长常常自愿向学校基金捐款 volunteer n 志愿者 v 自愿做 volunteer as 自愿充当 volunteer for自愿承担 An old peasant bringing his own food volunteered as guide for us 一位老农自带干粮给我们当向导 To the tea

9、cher s surprise no one volunteered for the position of monitor 让老师吃惊的是 没人自愿当班长 in need在困难中 在危急中 A friend in need is a friend indeed 患难中的朋友才是真心朋友 患难见真情 This group aims to provide assistance to people in need 这个小组的目的是向贫困者提供帮助 in need of需要 satisfy meet one s needs满足某人的需要 There is no need for sb to do s

10、th 某人没有必要做某事 The final exam coming near we are in great need of a thorough review of our lessons 期末考试临近了 我们非常需要好好复习一下功课 There is no need for you to get up early tomorrow 你明天不必早起 purchase vt n 买 购买 教材原句P34 When you purchase an item we will send you an attractive card for you to send to your special p

11、erson 你购买一件礼物时 我们会向你提供一张精美的照片 让 你送给你的某个特殊的人 purchase sth from sb 从某人哪里买得到某物 make purchases a purchase采购 He purchased a car which was the most expensive purchase he had ever made 他买了一辆车 这是他买过的最贵重的东西 He purchased the old car for 5 000 yuan from one of his friends 他从一个朋友那里以5 000元买了这辆旧车 Many stores will

12、 let you make purchases by telephone 许多商店可以通过电话购物 distribution n 分配 分发 分 布状态 教材原句P35 This gift covers the cost of production and distribution of seedlings 这份礼物包括树苗的培育和分发成本 The country produces enough food but distribution is a problem 这个国家生产的粮食足够 但分配是一个问题 The distribution of schools in our city has

13、been criticized 我市的教学布局受到了批评 distribute vt 分配 分发 分布 distribute sth to 把某物分 配 发 给 distribute sth among 在 中分配 distribute over散布 分布 Bill distributed the beer among us and we consumed the lot 比尔给我们分发了啤酒 我们都喝了 The farmers in the distance are distributing seeds over the fields 远处的农民正在田间播种 operate 1 vi 运转

14、工作 This machine doesn t operate smoothly 这台机器运转不灵了 2 vt vi 操作 管理 This is a new model machine which is very easy to operate 这是一台很容易操作的新型机器 3 vi 动手术 The doctor operated on a patient for a tumour 医生为一病人做肿瘤切除手术 4 vi 起作用 见效 The sleeping pill operated at once 那安眠药马上见效 用所给词的正确形式填空或介词填空 1 The work of the ch

15、arity is funded by voluntary donate 答案 donations 2 We will continue to support the work of the volunteer sector and promote volunteering 答案 voluntary 3 The rules do not permit much flexibility in their operate so it is important that they operate fairly 答案 operation 4 In this course we ll teach stud

16、ents how to manage their time wisely and offer practical advice to anyone need 答案 in 完成句子 1 在空闲时间 我们经常在幼儿园做些义务工作 We often at the kindergarten when we are free 答案 do some voluntary work 2 如果你对产品不完全满意 请退回给生产商 并注明 购买的时间 If this product does not give you complete satisfaction please return it to the manufacturer stating when 答案 it is purchased 3 在二十世纪七十年代后期 政府把土地分给愿意耕种 的农民 In the late 1970s the government willing to take care of it 答案 distributed land to farmers 4 我们每个人都给她捐了钱 Every one of us her don


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