The Big Game教案(北师大版)

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1、Unit 1 TelevisionLesson 4 Communication Workshop【教材分析】本单元的话题为电视节目、语言学习经历、体育与赛事。在本单元第13课学生通过阅读和听力活动进行了相关内容的语言学习和初步应用。前三个输入课的学习,学生通过阅读,获取了上周电视节目和体育与赛事的相关语言信息;通过听力,学习了对Tina和James的采访,从而了解他们语言学习经历的信息。在本课,学生要综合使用本单元所获取的有关的词汇和语言信息,以书面形式介绍并评价自己最喜爱电视节目。此话题贴近学生生活,是学生较为熟悉的话题。从哪几个方面表达和如何正确运用一般过去时态表达是学生存在困难的地方。本


3、够:1. 通过阅读范文,获取有关Jack的最喜爱的电视节目信息;2. 在范文中找出自己写作任务中所需要的内容语言,丰富自己的相关话题的表达语言;3. 分析和归纳范文结构;4. 列出写作提纲。【教学过程】教学环节教学活动设计意图互动模式&时间Warm-upStep 1T shows Ss some pictures of TV programmes and asks them to say the names of them.T asks students to work in groups of four to talk about other TV programmes that they

4、know. T asks some students to say TV programmes in class.引入话题并激活话题词汇,为理解范文和写作做铺垫。引导学生通过小组学习讨论丰富有关电视节目的表达。IW PW6 Reading Step 21st reading:Ss read the passage and answer the question:What is the passage about?2nd reading:Ss read the first paragraph and answer the question :What kinds of TV programmes

5、 does Jack like?Ss read the second paragraph and answer the questions:Q1: What animals does Jack have at home?Q2: What does Jack like about Animal World?Ss read the third paragraph and answer the question:When did Jack become a fan of Animal World?3rd reading:T asks Ss to read the passage and then c

6、omplete the list in pairs.Jacks favorite TV programme is Animal World.His reasons:1._2._3._4._Ending:_引导学生第一遍阅读获取文章大意。引导学生阅读文章第一段内容获取有关Jack喜欢的电视节目等内容的相关信息。引导学生细读文章小组合作完成列表信息的填写。IWCW13Preparing for writingStep 3 T helps Ss find out the structure of the text.T demonstrates. T helps Ss find out the lan

7、guage that they can use in their writing. e.g., 1) I like/enjoy.2) I .is my favorite.4) Thats why.5) It shows.6) I hope. Ss read the text and underline the describing words and sentences.帮助学生关注文章结构。引导学生关注文本语言,为学生写作提供语言支持。IWCW15WritingStep 4 Ss make an outline of the writing.My favorite TV programme is_My reasons:1._2._3._4._ Ss work in groups and exchange their ideas of the writing.学生完成写作提纲内容。学生通过讨论,互相启发修改写作提纲。IWGW11Homework完善自己的写作提纲。Blackboard My favorite TV programme1) I like/enjoy.2) I .is my favorite.4) Thats why.5) It shows.6) I hope. 4 / 4



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