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1、英语从句大全宾语从句:1, 定义:宾语从句是指在复合句中做及物动词的宾语的从句,也可以作介词和某些形容词的宾语。宾语从句一般用于及物动词之后,或用于介词之后。2, 表现形式:A 及物动词后的宾语从句(1)有从属连词引导I think (that) watching TV too much is bad for peoples health.我认为看太多电视对身体有害。Recent court decisions have ordered that public schools take the necessary steps to provide that education. 最近的法院裁决

2、责令公立学校采取必要步骤提供那种教育。I dont know if other clients are going to abandon me,too.我不知道其他顾客是否也会抛弃我。(2)有连接代词引导This test is intended to reinforce what you have learnt in the past few weeks.这次考试的目的在于巩固你们在过去几周所学的知识。You may never find out who dealt with the complaint later.过后你可能无法知道谁处理的投诉。It is your task to fin

3、d out into which of the two kinds of jobs you fit.你的任务是搞清楚,这两种工作你适合哪种。(3)有连接副词引导There are still no forecasts for when faster-than-light travel will be available.对于超光速旅行何时能实现,目前还没有做出预料。We cant understand why he avoided speaking to us.我们不理解他为什么不跟我们说话。They know exactly where they are going.他们清楚地知道自己的行动

4、方向。We need to understand how the normal cell controls itself. (how表示方式)我们需要了解正常细胞是如何自我控制的。We do not know how far mankind will be able to solve these problems.(how表示程度)我们不知道人类能够把这些问题解决到什么程度。特别提示:如果主句谓语是think,believe,suppose,imagine 等,宾语从句中的否定意义通常在主句中表现出来,称为“否定转移”。例如:I dont think this is the best way.

5、我认为这不是最佳方法。当宾语从句作介词的宾语时,不能用if引导,而只能用whether.Our basic difference of opinion concerns the question of whether or not the city as such to be preserved.一个基本的意见分歧涉及的问题是,像目前这样的城市是否还要保留下去。B 介词和某些形容词之后的宾语从句 (1)介词后的宾语从句He only laughed at what I said.对我的话他只是笑。I always think of how I can improve my spoken Eng

6、lish.我经常考虑如何才能提高我的英语口语。(2)某些形容词后的宾语从句Im afraid that I cant go with you.我恐怕不能和你们一起去了。I am sure that they will make greater progress in English through hard work.我确信,通过艰苦努力他们将在英语方面取得更大的进步。(3)非谓语动词之后的宾语从句Reading that it was just a difference in custom, the foreigner smiled and said nothing.这个外国人知道了这只是风

7、俗的不同后,就笑了笑,没说什么。On being asked whether he had any good food in Germany, he answered ”Terrible”.一问到他在德国是否吃过什么好菜,他就回答说:“糟糕的很”。(4) 用it作形式宾语的宾语从句常见的表达包括:have it that (说);insist on(或upon)it that (坚决主张,坚决要求);make it clear that(表明);see to that (确保);take it that (认为);等等。I insist upon it that we should be ho

8、nest.我坚决主张我们应该诚实。I take it that you dont want to do it ,but you have to.我认为你不想做这件事,但你必须要做,。The rapid development of laser techniques in the past ten years has made it clear that the future is likely to be very exciting.过去十年激光技术的迅速发展已经表明,未来可能是令人鼓舞的。Rumor has it that more than 20books on creationism a

9、nd evolution are in the publishers pipeline.传闻说,有20多本关于神造说与进化论之争的书籍正在出版。(in the publishers pipeline.在进行中,在生产中)There are those who consider it questionable that these defense-linked research projects will account for an improvement in the standard of living or, alternately, do much to protect our dim

10、inishing resources. 有些人认为这些国防研究项目将带来生活水平的改善,或者对保护我们日益减少的资源做出重大贡献是值得怀疑的。表语从句:1, 定义:表语从句是指在复合句中做主句表语的从句。表语从句和主语只同一内容,它对主语进行解释、说明,是主语的内容具体化。2, 表现形式:A 由从属连词引导The clear message is that we should get moving to protect ourselves.译:传达的信息一清二楚:我们应该行动起来保护我们自己。The reason I didnt go to France was that I got a ne

11、w job.译:我之所以没去法国是因为我找到一份新工作。特别提示:下列表达式不规范的:The reason I didnt go to France was because I got a new job .因为because 不能引导名词性从句。The question is whether he works at all.译:问题在于他是否工作。特别提示:下列表达是错误的:The question is if he works at all .因为if不能引导表语从句。B 有连接代词引导China is not what it used to be .译:中国不再是过去的样子了。Raw m

12、aterial is what we are badly in need of .原材料是我们急需的。C 有连接副词引导The next important question we have to decide is when we have to submit the annual report.我们必须决定的下一个问题是,是么时候我们必须呈交年度报告。Some people maintain that this is precisely where the danger lies.有些人坚持认为这恰恰是危险所在。This is why I didnt pass the exam.这就是我考

13、试不及格的原因。D A is to B what C is to D 这是一种涉及表语从句特殊形式的句型,所表达的基本意义为“A之于B 正如C之于D”。前后进行类比,通过说明C 对于D 的重要性,目的在于突出A对于B 的重要性。 The pen is to a writer what the gun is to a soldier. 笔对于作家正如枪对于士兵。 Air is to us what water is to fish. 空气对于我们正如同水对于鱼儿。 Reading is to the mind what food is to body. 读书对于思想就如同食物对于身体。主语从句:

14、1, 定义,主语从句是指在复合句中做主句主语的从句。2, 表现形式:A 由从属连词(that whether if )引导That the plates are moving is beyond dispute.译:板块在运动,这是无可置疑的。特别提示:不能这样表达:The plates are moving is beyond dispute. 尽管that没有实际含义,但它起到引导主句的功能,在这里不可或缺,否则句子结构会出现混乱。That our environment has little, if anything ,to do with our abilities ,characte

15、ristics and behavior is central to that theory .译:这种理论的核心是,我们的环境同我们的才能,性格特征和行为即使有什么关系的话,也是微不足道的。Whether she will come or not is still a question .译:她是否来仍然是个疑问。Whether the results will be valuable ,meaningless ,or even misleading depends partly upon the tool itself but largely upon the user .译:结果究竟是有价值的,还是无意义的,甚至是误导的,这在部分程度上取决于工具本身,但在很大程度上取决于使用者。特别提示,whether 引导的主语从句位于句首时,不能有if 代替。B 由连词代词引导Who will go to the energy conference is not important.(疑问分句作主语)谁将去参加能源会议并不重要。What he wanted to see was an end to all the



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