2016春高中英语 Module 3 Music Section Ⅲ Integrating Skills课件 外研版必修2

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1、Section Integrating Skills,一,二,三,一、根据词性及汉语提示写出相关单词 1.catchy adj.动人的 v.抓住 2.influence vt.影响 n.影响 adj.有影响力的 3.lecturer n.讲师 v.演讲 4.mix vt.使混合 n.混合物,catch,influence,influential,lecture,mixture,一,二,三,二、短语互译 A.温故:从文中找出与下列词组对应的英文 1.作为而出名 2.在年轻时 3.从到 4.做某种工作 5.毕业之后 6.第一次 B.知新:从文中找出下列短语并写出它们的汉语意思 7.afford t

2、o do sth. 8.make/take a note/notes of 9.mix.with.,be known/famous as,at an early age,from.till.,work as,after graduation,for the first time,支付得起做某事,记笔记,记下,把与相混合/结合,一,二,三,10.split up 11.receive many prizes,分裂,分成(几组),获得许多奖,一,二,三,三、阅读Cultural Corner的内容,选择正确答案 1.After graduating from the Central Conserv

3、atory of Music of China,Ye Xiaogang worked there as . A.a composer B.a lecturer C.a singer D.a director 2.Whats the character of his music? A.Chinese musical traditions. B.Western musical traditions. C.Western forms and instrumentation. D.Chinese musical traditions mixed with western forms and instr

4、umentation.,答案:B,答案:D,一,二,三,3.Which one of the four artists below is one of a group of composers known as the New Tide? A.Beethoven. B.Ye Xiaogang. C.Haydn. D.Mozart.,答案:B,1,2,3,4,5,1.If a band is influenced by another band,do they like them or not?(P26) 如果一支乐队被另一支乐队影响,他们是否喜欢? 考点:influence vt.影响 The

5、 property tax has influenced home buyers decision. 房产税已经影响了购房者的决定。,1,2,3,4,5,考点延伸 1)阅读下列句子,体会黑体词的词性和含义 【高考典句】(2015广东高考)Things like parents educational background have a stronger influence on a childs reading. 像父母的教育背景之类的东西对孩子的阅读有更强烈的影响。 词性:名词 含义:影响 Its clear that her painting has been influenced by

6、Picasso. 她的画显然受了毕加索的影响。 词性:动词 含义:影响,1,2,3,4,5,2)阅读下列句子,体会黑体词相关短语的搭配和意义 His father had a great influence on his growth. 他父亲对他的成长有很大的影响。 搭配:have an influence on 意义:对有影响 What influenced you to give up the plan? 是什么影响你放弃了这个计划? 搭配:influence sb.to do sth. 意义:影响某人去做某事 After many years hard work,she was ver

7、y successful in the business world.It was her parents who influenced her to make such great success.Also,her teacher had a great influence on her choice. 经过多年的辛苦工作,她在商界很有影响力。是她的父母影响她取得那么大的成功。还有,她的老师对她的选择有很大的影响。,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,2.After they had recorded Let It Be,the band split up.(P27) 他们录制完Let

8、It Be之后,乐队就解散了。 考点:split up 解散;分割 The two good friends finally split up. 这两个好友最终闹翻了。 They were split up into groups to discuss the question. 他们分组讨论了那个问题。 归纳:split up(with sb.)(和某人)分手,断绝关系 split up.into.把分成 The young couple split up what they had after they had split up. 这对年轻的夫妇在分手以后,分割了他们所拥有的一切东西。,1

9、,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,3.Read the text and make a note of any new information.(P29) 读这篇文章,记录下一些新的信息。 考点:note n. 笔记,记录;注释 v.注意,留意,指出 Dave made a note of her address and phone number. 戴夫记下了她的地址和电话号码。 He sat there taking notes of everything he heard. 他坐在那里把听到的一切都记录下来。,1,2,3,4,5,考点延伸 阅读下列句子,体会黑体词的词性和含义 He w

10、rote me a note asking if I would come. 他给我写了个便条,问我是否能来。 词性:名词 含义:便条 Do you want the money in notes or coins? 你要纸币还是要硬币? 词性:名词 含义:纸币 She noted (that) his hands were dirty. 她看到他的手很脏。 词性:动词 含义:注意到,1,2,3,4,5,Taking notes is a good habit.We not only make a note of what the teachers say in class but also

11、check notes after class. 记笔记是个好习惯,我们不仅在课堂上记下老师所讲的内容,而且课后核对笔记。,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,4.After graduation,he worked there as a lecturer.(P29) 毕业后,他留校任讲师。 考点:lecture n. 演讲,教训,谴责 v.讲授;讲课;指责;训斥 Very few students ever attended his lectures. 很少的学生听过他的课。,1,2,3,4,5,考点延伸 1)阅读下列句子,体会黑体词的词性和含义 He is lecturing on C

12、hinese literature. 他正在讲中国文学。 词性:动词 含义:演讲,讲课 The policeman didnt let me off until he gave me a lecture about speeding. 警察给我讲了注意车速的道理之后才让我走。 词性:名词 含义:演讲,说教 Hes a lecturer in French at Oxford. 他在牛津大学当法语讲师。 词性:名词 含义:讲师,1,2,3,4,5,2)lecture的常见短语: give a lecture 讲课,讲学 have/attend a lecture 听讲座 lecture on s

13、th.做关于的讲座 We all attended the lecture the lecturer made last week.He lectured on Chinese history and we were interested in it. 上周我们都听了那个讲师所做的讲座。他做了关于中国历史的讲座,我们都很感兴趣。,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,5.He is famous for mixing Chinese musical traditions with western forms and instrumentation.(P29) 他因将中国音乐传统与西方音乐形式

14、和乐器的使用融合在一起而著名。 考点:mix vt.搅和 Many people like mixing red wine with soda or sweet juice. 许多人喜欢在红酒里掺上苏打水或甜果汁。,1,2,3,4,5,考点延伸 1)阅读下列句子,体会黑体词的词性和含义 The city was a mixture of old and new buildings. 该市是新旧建筑物的混合体。 词性:名词 含义:混合物 I had mixed feelings about meeting Laura again. 再次见到劳拉我百感交集。 词性:形容词 含义:混合的,1,2,3

15、,4,5,2)阅读下列句子,体会黑体词相关短语的搭配和意义 Air is a mixture of gases. 空气是气体的混合物。 搭配:a mixture of 意义:的混合物 Youre always mixing me up with my twin sister! 你老是把我和我的孪生妹妹弄混了! 搭配:mix sb./sth.up with 意义:混淆某人/某事物 Oil does not mix with water. 油不能和水融合在一起。 搭配:mix with 意义:能相混合,1,2,3,4,5,The professor mixed water into the vinegar;then he mixed the vinegar with petrol and mixed up the liquid.We didnt know what he wanted to do and we were all mixed up. 教授把水掺入醋中,然后把醋和汽油混合在一起,并把液体摇匀。我们不知道他要做什么,我们都被弄糊涂了。,1,2,3,4,5,



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