福建省长泰县第二中学2014届高考英语总复习考点演练:第一部分 语言知识 必修2Unit1 Word版含答案

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福建省长泰县第二中学2014届高考英语总复习考点演练:第一部分 语言知识 必修2Unit1 Word版含答案_第1页
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福建省长泰县第二中学2014届高考英语总复习考点演练:第一部分 语言知识 必修2Unit1 Word版含答案_第2页
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《福建省长泰县第二中学2014届高考英语总复习考点演练:第一部分 语言知识 必修2Unit1 Word版含答案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《福建省长泰县第二中学2014届高考英语总复习考点演练:第一部分 语言知识 必修2Unit1 Word版含答案(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、1.How much do you think the coat will ?Not much.It is 50 dollars at the most.A.cost;worthB.worth;costC.take;costD.need;worth2.At present,many people from countryside went to the cities better jobs.A.in search ofB.in place ofC.in memory ofD.in spite of3.You helped me with my study.,Ill show you some

2、picture books.A.In advanceB.In returnC.In caseD.In addition4.Whether by accident or ,he arrived too late to help us.A.purposeB.aimC.designD.chance5.With the husband laid off,the couple had to save every penny to the hard time.A.surviveB.removeC.deliverD.tolerate6.With the development of science and

3、technology,there is no doubt Chinese astronauts will land on the moon in the near future.A.whetherB.thatC.whatD.which7.Does China have cultural relics?Yes,it is admitted that many cultural relics in the world,such as the Great Wall,the Potala Palace,the Mogao Caves and so on, China.A.belongs toB.are

4、 belonging toC.are belonged toD.belong to8.Your desk is crowded with too many unnecessary things,including used papers and books.Youd better some of them.A.remainB.resistC.removeD.renew9.I didnt know you were good friends.You .I have known her since she moved here.You were studying abroad then.A.may

5、 haveB.neednt haveC.couldnt haveD.must have10.Like most simple puzzles,it is easily ,but putting it back together is something else.A.taken apartB.built upC.set offD.dealt with答案及剖析:1.A句意:你认为这件大衣要花多少钱?花不多,最多值50美元。cost花费,其结构是sth. cost(s)(sb.)+money,“be worth+money”表示“值多少钱”。根据句意,应选A。2.A句意:目前,许多农民到城里来寻

6、找好一些的工作。in search of寻找,寻求,符合句意。in place of代替,顶替;in memory of为了纪念;in spite of虽然,尽管,均不合句意。3.Bin advance意为“提前”;in return意为“作为回报”;in case意为“万一”;in addition意为“除此之外”。句意:你在学习上帮助了我。作为回报,我将给你看一些画册。4.C考查短语用法。句意:不知道是碰巧,还是故意,他来得太晚了,没能帮上我们忙。purpose常与介词on,for或with连用;aim目标;by chance偶然地,与by accident同义;by design蓄意地,

7、故意地。5.A考查动词辨析。句意:由于丈夫失业了,这对夫妇不得不节衣缩食来度过那段艰难的日子。survive从(困境等中)挺过来,艰难度过,符合句意。remove移开,搬走;deliver递送;tolerate忍受。6.B考查固定句型。there is no doubt that.意为“毫无疑问”,that引导同位语从句,解释说明doubt的具体内容。7.D考查belong to的用法。belong to“属于”,无被动语态且不用于进行时态,故排除B、C两项。另外,句中belong to的主语为“many cultural relics”,谓语动词用复数形式,故选D项。8.C句意:你桌子上全是

8、不需要的东西,包括用过的试卷和书。你最好把其中一些拿走。remain保留;resist抵制,抵抗;remove除掉,移动,搬开;renew续借,更新。根据句意选C项。9.C从后面的“自从她搬到这里我就已经认识她了,而你当时正在国外学习”可知,此处应为“你不可能知道此事”,与上句的didnt know相对应,故选couldnt have (known it)符合语境。10.A句意:就像大多数简单的拼图游戏一样,拆开容易,再拼起来就是另一回事了。take apart“拆开”,符合句意。build up扩大,增加;set off出发,动身;deal with处理,解决。写作积累 限时5分钟1.这部小

9、说写得很好,值得再读一遍。It is so good a novel .2.他们给他提供了一所大房子以回报他的巨大贡献。 ,they offered him a large house.3.令人怀疑的是约翰在我们有麻烦时是否会来帮助我们。 John will come to help us when we are in trouble.4.人们对他的小说评价很高,因为它们具有教育意义。 because they are instructive.答案:1.that it is worth reading a second time2.In return for his great contribution3.There is some doubt whether4.People think highly of his novels - 6 -



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