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1、Unit One The Middle Eastern Bazaar By L.A.Hill and D.J.May Teaching Aims 1) To familiarize students with the Middle Eastern Bazaar. 2) To help students to appreciate the techniques of descriptive writing. 3) To enable students to learn the use of rhetorical devices in the text. General Introduction

2、What type of writing is the text? How many sections is the text divided? What is the main topic in each section? What is the general impression of each section? General Impression of Each Section Section 1: pp 1: the entrance of the bazaar- noisy (human voices) Section 2: pp2: the cloth market- quie

3、t Section 3: pp3-4: way of trading Section 4: pp5-6: coppersmith market-noisy (metal) Section 5: pp 7: various markets- colorful, fragrant, tasty Section 6: pp 8-9: linseed oil mill-noisy (wood, camel) Degree of description: detailed general detailed general detailed Section 1:The entrance of the ba

4、zaar Middle East -generally refers to the area from Afghanistan to Egypt, including the Arabian Peninsula, Cyprus, and Asiatic Turkey Bazaar(in Oriental countries) a market or street of shops and stalls market, store, shop, shopping center, mall, fair, department store, grocery, drugstore, plaza the

5、 Far East, Middle East, Near East The one I am thinking of is entered cavern which extends as far as the eye can see, thread their way make ones way/ push ones way/ elbow ones way/ shoulder ones way little stalls where goods of every conceivable kind are sold the din of the stall holders crying thei

6、r wares of donkey boys and porters clearing a way by shouting of would-be purchasers arguing and bargaining Gothic-archeda style of building with pointed arches, tall thin pillars, stained glass windows and steep high roofs common in Europe between the 12th and the 16th centuries. The entrance and s

7、ome main streets Words and Expressions glare of the sun strong, fierce, unpleasant light, not so agreeable and welcome as bright sunlight throngs of people vs. crowds of people throngimplies movement and pushing (dynamic) crowd -emphasizes the density din vs noise dinloud , confused noise that conti

8、nues contrast heat and glare of a big, open square cool, dark shadowy cavern Section 2Cloth market Quiet: noise fades away, muted, deadens the sound, (both sellers and buyers) speak in measured tones, sepulchral atmosphere Fade away-go slowly out of hearing, gradually disappear e.g. The light faded

9、as the sun went down. His hopes faded. All memory of her childhood faded from her mind. His anger faded away. The sun faded the cloth. Overwhelm strongly affected by a feeling or event, do not know how to deal with it. e.g. The horror of it all ed me . 这恐惧吓得我魂不附体。 He ed me with a torrent of abuse. 他

10、那连珠炮似的谩骂骂得我哑口无言。 Follow follow suit:完全照办 When the others went swimming, I followed suit. as follows:如下 His arguments are as follows. follow on:一会儿接着进行 The second half of the concert will follow on in twenty minutes. follow ones nose:想到哪儿就到哪儿 Just follow your nose and you will get there. follow the l

11、ead:照样行事 There are several people like me who would follow your lead over anything else. Section 3Ways of trading Some phrases about doing business: bargain/ stall/ trestle table/ beat the price down/ to price the item high/ selecting, pricing, doing a little preliminary bargaining/ profit/ customer

12、 is the order of the day: the normal way of doing things. e.g. Nowadays in every field, competition is the order of the day. make a point of regard or treat it as necessary, e.g. English learners make a point of obtaining correct pronunciation and intonation at the very beginning. We will be English

13、 teachers, so we make a point of having a good knowledge of English grammar. It is a point of honor with deprive sb. of sth. of take sth. away from someone, or prevent sb. from having sth. 黑人被剥夺了同等的受教育的机会. The black people were deprived of equal educational opportunities. 烦恼使他无法入睡 His troubles depri

14、ved him of sleep. 计划中的公路侵占了孩子们的操场. The planned highway will deprive children of their playground. Section 4 Coppersmiths market: picturesque and impressive, noisy Smith: a person who works in iron or other metals, esp. a blacksmith, also a skilled worker in other arts or crafts. e.g. blacksmith, cop

15、persmith, silversmith, tinsmith, goldsmith. locksmith e.g. smith shop, smithcraft, smith work, Words for sound tinkling: a succession of light, clear, ringing sounds (of a small bell) banging: hit violently, to make a loud noise (to bang a door, hammer something hard) clashing: loud, broken, confused noise (as when metal objects strike together ( swords clash) impinge on -strike; come into forcible contact with, collide with; have an effect on e.g. I heard the rain impinge upon the earth/ wi



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