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1、. . . . .基层公务员职业倦怠研究摘 要知识经济时代人力资源已经成为重要的核心资本和战略性资源。随着社会发展进步,国家的行政机关政府,也面临着行政体制改革,政府职能转变等一系列问题。面对这些问题,政府必须依靠他们的人力资本即公务员来突破瓶颈,寻求发展。近年来,由于公务员报考人数的增加以及招录制度的不断完善导致公务员队伍不断壮大,他们的工作状况也日益引起社会公众的高度关注,这种“关注”无形中增加了公务员的工作压力,导致该群体进入职业倦怠高发期。 基层公职人员是推进农村经济社会发展的重要力量,处于改革的第一线,行政的最前端。当前我国正处在全面建成小康社会的关键期,在一线为人民群众提供公共服务


3、廉洁型政府具有重大而深远的意义。 本文以问卷方式对基层公职人员调研,通过调查采集的数据进行深入研究,认真分析国内外学者对各行业职业倦怠情况的研究收获,以相关的理论基础对基层公务员产生的原因进行剖析,得出相应的对策建议。通过问卷调查基于不同变量对基层公务员造成的不同程度的影响,寻找基层公职人员职业倦怠都受到哪些因素的干扰,而且这种趋势正在日益加剧。从个人、组织、社会三个层次入手探讨导致职业倦怠的原因,然后提出对基层公务员职业倦怠的干预对策,例如丰富自己的心理健康知识,给自己制定切合实际的职业规划,以及政府在制度层面做出的创新等等。总而言之,要想祛除职业倦怠对基层公务员的困扰,不是一蹴而就的事,而

4、是一个任重道远而漫长的过程,这需要各方力量都动员起来。关键词 基层公务员 职业倦怠 对策AbstractCivil servants at the grass-roots level is the important power to promote rural economic and social development, in the reform of the first line, the administration of the front end.At present our country is just at the critical period to build a w

5、ell-off society in an all-round way, in a line provide public service for the masses of the peoples public servants at the grass-roots level in the face of great challenge and pressure, more and more social contradictions need to properly handle them, civil servants in the administrative affairs at

6、the grass-roots level at the same time to actively implement the superior department decision directive, and will these policies put in place in the actual work, which requires the grass-roots civil servants performance is higher and higher.In addition, in the current fight against corruption under

7、the severe situation, in addition to their life and work under pressure, also under tremendous psychological burden, it will greatly increase the formation of the tired feeling, reduce the governments administrative efficiency and service level, go against the basic interests of the peoples fundamen

8、tal implement, smear the government good public image in society.Therefore job burnout phenomenon in spreading and aggravate the situation of grass-roots civil servants must cause our attention, for civil servants at the grass-roots level of job burnout problem analysis and put forward the correspon

9、ding countermeasures, to promote the current clean type to a service-oriented government, efficient government has important and far-reaching significance. In this paper ,Based on the questionnaire survey on the investigation of civil servants at the grass-roots level, through the survey data collec

10、ted by in-depth research, careful analysis of scholars both at home and abroad industrial job burnout research harvest, on the basis of the theory related to analysis the causes of civil servants at the grass-roots level, draw the corresponding countermeasures and suggestions.Through the questionnai

11、re survey is based on different variables of different degrees of influence on civil servants at the grass-roots level, looking for grass-roots civil servants job burnout are what factors of interference, and the trend is rising.From the perspective of the individual, organization and society three

12、levels to explore the causes of job burnout, and advances some countermeasures for the intervention of job burnout among civil servants at the grass-roots level, such as abundant their own mental health knowledge, to develop practical career planning, and the government at the system level to make i

13、nnovation and so on.In short, if you want to remove the job burnout of civil servants at the grass-roots level, is not achieved overnight, but it is a long and a long process, the need to mobilize all the forces.Keywords Grassroots civil servants Job burnout Countermeasures目录第1章 绪论.11.1 研究背景与研究意义.11.1.1 研究背景.11.1.2 研究意义.21.2 国内外文献研究综述.31.2.1 国外关于职业倦怠理论的相关研究.31.2.2 国内对职业倦怠理论的研究.51.3 研究框架与研究方法.61.3.1 研究框架.61.3.2 研究方法.7第2章 基层公务员职业倦怠的内涵与理论基础.72.1 基层公务员职业倦怠的内涵.72.1.1 基层公务员的内涵.72.1.2 职业倦怠的定义.82.1.3 基层公务员职业倦怠的概念界定.9



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