四年级下英语教案Unit 1 My school 第2课时人教PEP

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1、英语 (PEP) 四年级下册Unit 1My schoolPeriod 2Content A Lets learn Lets do教学目标要求1能够听、说、认读单词或词组:library, teachers office, first floor, second floor。2能够在教师提供的语境中运用library, teachers office, first floor, second floor交流信息。3能够理解Lets do的内容和含义,并学唱歌谣。教学重点1能够听、说、认读单词或词组:library, teachers office, first floor, second fl

2、oor。2能够在教师提供的语境中运用library, teachers office, first floor, second floor交流信息。教学难点能够理解Lets do的内容和含义,并学唱歌谣。教学过程活动步骤来源:学。科。网教与学活动目的及其操作教学资源运用资源使用说明热身时间8m1Watch and follow.播放上一课时中Lets talk 动画,学生跟读,复习目标语。Where is the ?Its on the first / second floor.来源:学。科。网Z。X。X。KIs this ?No, it isnt. Its next to 来源:Z,xx,k

3、.Com来源:学科网来源:学.科.网播放动画。2热身 / ,为学习目标语做铺垫Look and say.Do you remember this picture, now lets look and say together.What are they? (Classroom, teachers office, computer room, library, music room, art room, playground.)播放课件,让学生对上一课的内容进行复习和回顾。 Letslearn时间10m3导入本课新单词Lets learn.在第一个新授单词teachers office引入后,用

4、看图片直接引入的方式进行新授单词的介绍和引入。在进行图片展示的时候,可以在进行单词认读时开展多种形式的活动,如:小组读、开火车读、男女生比赛读、全班齐读。在学习first floor, second floor的基础上顺便加入third floor, fourth floor的拓展学习。播放课件,学习新单词。4Watch and repeat.学生看动画,感受完整情景,跟读单词。播放课件。Letsdo时间12m5看图回答,建立场所名称与具体事物之间的联系Lets say.Look at the picture carefully. What can we do in these places?

5、 教师请学生看图片说出相应名称,并回答在各场所可以做的事情。We can _ in / on the _.e.g.: We can read books in the library. We can sing in the music room.播放课件,通过让学生造句,落实单词的使用,并运用发散思维回答在这些场所能做的事。6先演唱自编歌谣,加深对词汇的印象,为课文Lets do 做铺垫Lets chant.Go to the classroom, study hard.Go to the music room, sing and dance.Go to the art room, draw

6、and paint.Go to the playground, jump and run.播放课件,学生一起演唱。7Lets do.听录音跟读,熟悉Lets do内容及旋律。看动画做动作,角色扮演,巩固词汇和句型Watch and repeat.通过分组比赛的方式,将chant加做动作,操练表演歌谣内容。播放课件,让同学们起立跟随动画节奏chant and do。Letspractice时间9m8看图片进行操练Lets try.开展Pair work对话,采用一问一答的方式,可以是双轨开火车或者比赛方式。A: Where is the _? B: Its on the _ floor.A: Where is the _?B: Its next to _.播放课件,两两一组进行对话。9拓展对话:在不同情境中拓展运用目标语言 Please practice the conversations in groups.教师请学生根据学校情况,运用今天所学的语言进行对话拓展表演。同桌之间或小组间上台表演对话。A: Where is the _? B: Its on the _ floor. Its next to _.播放课件,学生拓展运用句型。作业时间1m10Homework.1听教材Lets learn部分的词汇和句子并模仿朗读。2用所学句型介绍自己的学校。播放课件。


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