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1、河北大学 硕士学位论文 基于X3D探究式虚拟学习环境的设计与开发-以小学科学动物 的进化为例 姓名:杨志刚 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:教育技术学 指导教师:张立新 2011-06 ? I ? ? !“#$%?ABC?DE?FGHIJKLMHIJNOPIQRST?UKVW ?HIXYZ?QT? ?FG_Q“$%? ab?cdeQcf g?hijkl? mnopqr s?tuvRwx?ys?z?s?|Q?M?Q? u?!?R?XAU?56?LM? ?Q X3D ?-.XY?Q?p?bx? ?“?bYjfi fl I?j?Q” ?tu?w? X3D ?f?JQ U ?Q?u? X3D ?J?U HI

2、?B?u? SCORM Q MOODLE U?Ofi Q?t u?x?J(?U?j?Q?U? ? a?QXYx?s?j?!x?s?Q? uI?W ?X3D?u?R?XA Abstract II Abstract With the rapid development of computer graphics technology, virtual reality technology is widely used in various fields in recent years. X3D technical standards developed gradually use XML of ex

3、tensible markup language to express, data of rigorous and consistent format to encode, and structure of component-based and powerful networking capabilities, multimedia features, animation and other artificial intelligence and advanced features for design and development. It is becoming more and mor

4、e prominent in education practice that provides new ideas and new directions with network dissemination of virtual reality technology and application of various fields. Scientific inquiry activity is the core and essence of scientific subject in primary school, which highlights the experience and in

5、quiry. For the similar contents as animal evolution, traditional media is difficult to express and load the book information. But the planning and integration X3D for the learning and the standards make each other get a benefit, which not addresses the barriers of abstract information understanding

6、in primary school, but also breaks the bottleneck of the existing teaching aids in classroom. So the key and difficult of teaching is easy breakthrough. This next research will solve the similar problems based X3D virtual technology in models and strategies. This paper based on virtual reality techn

7、ology and inquiry learning theory, such as X3D models, interaction, inquiry learning theory and learning tools and platforms (SCORM and MOODLE), find a good teaching model and learning strategy for students learn the content of abstract and long time. The end experiment has found this design and dev

8、elopment is conducive to students learning inte rested and inquiry capabilities. Keywords X3D Inquiry Virtual environment Animal evolution ? 1 ? 1 ? 1 ? 1.1? 1.1.1? 1. ?$%TIX#M?Q?AA?IX?RCQI?BCD EJonassen?1999F? ?w?i?l?w? GJCQHd?Ofi ?bOfi Q?I3JKbLM? ?NO?l|w?T?;T? ?w?bX?i?l? ? ?.a?“V?PQJ Ofi JjRJ?U?NO

9、?ST?Z?uJU?V U?vR 2. “#*)?675 ?QKLM?W?iXK$%?Y? ? ZY ?ijk$%?_ig?$%Q?a4? ij?bcJT?tuJ?deJI?IQ? Uf?fghc?jk diQ9?jEkl ?m?is?tuJ?no?p?j?J?jkqrUf ? J67Qs?0?/tK”?uvQ?”k?wx?y ?0?z?j?|?%tuT?Y?w_?T? ?vRa?bc67?d?e?PQQN$? 2. “#*) ?EVirtual Reality?VRF?w9V0?;QM? ?fgb;h?iJ?JKLM?JNOPIJN?J ?NMY?UKj?wKLM?kW?w 21 ? l?5

10、 ?#“I”?m?EImmersionF J? (Interaction)J?(Imagination) 3. ?$%T 5. ?$%c?Mi ?X? X3D ?-.XY 1.2? )”W? X3D ?b?AQ ?N?A? ? !“#$ % ? 9 70? 9; ? ?A$ %BC45DE/ 0?123#45678 9:F ? 9 70? GH = ? 1 ? 5 ?M?Y?J?/”?uvQ?wxy? ?J xJyUA#S?Q?WO?J?vQ?8? kNg?O?fJ?vfQ?f 1.2.1? 1. ;?9?AB?CDEFGHIJ ?j?m? j?Q#?2?#?QjR u?,J?A?l?!R?X

11、A?iQ#?i! fi RZQ?w?X3D ?%?hi“#$ %? ?jk?A?,mH!?KV?Y?/ ? ?!?l?MJ?J?uUXY?a?wJxwJywQN$ ?Uf?wQ?Z 1. ?: ?m?“VjkJ ?J j?fQj?tu?%?45Q4? ?u?)*?N? _“R?XA”?9?Z?S?uw? Q*? S?uj?Cq9?j?|I? ?S?tiST ?%0I4?H?j?“?R?XA?j?-Jj?J? ?QjRS?,R? S?uj? 2. ?: X3D / 01?-234 XML 56? VRML ?QMY?XY?v? fi fl b VRML97 ?HIX3D ? XML ?-23?n

12、?i?-.3? +4? X3D 8?EDTD?Document Type DefinitionF ?X3D +?FG? ?i?cfg ! X3D ? ?34;?i?M?Q? X3D a?FG?“VFGHIJ?JKLMHIQNOPI U?Z?0?S?R?PI?RST?Q?W ?T?UHI ?B? 3DMXJMAYAJCAXAJZBRUSH ? MODDLE j? ?Q SCORM ?-.U?4?J?O?Q?“ 1.2.3? 1. _? ? 1 ? 7 tu?w? X3D ?i-.?T?Z?S?u “R?XA”? SCORM ?-.Q MOODLE ?XYb? ?Z?QT?M?#? (Immersion)J?(Interaction)Q?(Imagination) i?l? ?J ?f?R?XY? ?QE?i?fj?T?N?a+?Q f?1? X3D ?“jHI ?B? ? 8 i?u?Q X3D ?B?v?m3,L?tu ?!tu?B?T?Qtu?jkj?a9Vc?de 1.3 ? 1.3.1? ?JtuJ?J?T?Z?QO?B?de? Ztu? 6 ? 1 w?v?tu?Jtu? ?Q?Jtu?f?7? 2 ?x?ys?z?u? XYvQ?o?T?Z? 3 ? X3D ? T?Z? 4 ? X3D R?XA?MT?B CJ?u?UfXY?T?Z?de


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