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1、Reading and Vocabulary B1M2 学习目标和内容: 1. 学习掌握用来描述人的形容词, 可以用 这些形容词简单的描述一个人。 2. 掌握阅读文章的主旨, 每段的大意, 以及 文章当中的细节部分。 3. 学习掌握文章当中需要掌握的语言点。 amusing 有趣的, 可笑的 energetic 精力充沛的 funny 滑稽的 intelligent 聪明的 kind 善良的 lively 活泼的 nervous 焦虑的 organised 有组织的 patient 耐心的 popular 流行的 serious 严肃的 shy 害羞的 strict 严格的 stupid 愚蠢

2、的 Work in pairs. Use the words to talk about your teachers. My teacher is . 何炅 Smart Humorous Intelligent young energetic amusing young beautiful kind good-lookingenergetic young serious strict Mrs Li Mrs Chen Mr Wu Subject? Character? Listen to Alex, an English student, and tick the statements that

3、 he agrees with. Compare your statements and Alexs. Statements that Alex agrees: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Listen to the tape again and fill in the blanks. 1. I do think that teachers need to be _, but they dont need to be very _. 2. I like teachers who are _. 3. And I agree with the statement that most _ teach

4、ers are very _. 4. How can a student learn if the teacher isnt _? strict strict amazing popularkind organized Readthe text fast and check your prediction. Mrs. Li _ Mrs. Chen _ Mr. Wu _ kind and patient strict and serious energetic and amusing 1. Which teachers do students like a lot? Mrs Li, Mr Wu.

5、 2. Who is a very good teacher but is serious and strict? Mrs Chen. 1. Whats that girls first impression of Mrs Li? Her first impression of Mrs Li was that she was nervous and shy. 2. What subject do you think Mrs Li is teaching? English. 3. What subject does Mrs Chen teach? Physics. 4. What do stud

6、ents think of Mrs Chen? Shes very strict and serious and doesnt smile much. 5. What subject does Mr Wu teach? Chinese. 返回目录 1. Mrs Li wasnt nervous at her first lesson.F 2. Mrs Li explains grammar clearly and I can follow her. T 3. She makes me feel stupid when I make mistakes.F 4. With her help, I

7、begin to do better in English.T Fill in the blanks. Mrs Chen is very _ and also very _ and doesnt _ much. Those who are often late for class are always _ for her lessons. But most of us really _ her because her teaching is well _ and clear. During some _ experiments, she gives exact explanations. Al

8、though physics is not my _ lesson, I think I will make progress. strict serioussmile on time appreciate organized scientific favorite Answer the following questions. 1. How old is Mr. Wu and how is he? He is about 28 and rather good- looking. 2. Is Mr. Wu liked by his students? Why? Yes. Because he

9、really enjoys teaching Chinese literature. 3. What does he do when he gets excited? He talks loudly and fast, and waves his hands about a lot when he gets excited. He tells jokes when the students get tired. 4. What does he do when his students get tired? Global understanding I. Read the text carefu

10、lly and fill in the blanks. patientEnglish grammar avoids physics well organised Chinese literatureamusing teaching Chinese literature fall asleep bored Detailed understanding II. Read the text carefully again and choose the best answers. 1. Whose class goes very slowly for the faster students? A. M

11、rs Lis. B. Mrs Chens. C. Mr Wus. D. Mr Wus and Mrs Lis. 2. According to the text, the writers physics is improving because _. A. Mrs Chen often praises him B. he works hard C. Mrs Chen explains the experiments exactly D. he is interested in physics 3. Which of the following about Mr Wu is NOT true?

12、A. He talks loudly and fast. B. He often waves his hands about when getting excited. C. He was nervous and shy on his first class. D. He is handsome. 返回目录 Discussion Which teacher would you like to have? Explain why. Example: Id like to have Mrs Chen because her teaching is well organized and clear.

13、 返回目录 My Favourite Teacher Miss Li, my favourite English teacher, is a young and beautiful lady with big eyes and long hair. She is not very tall but slim. I like her because she is enthusiastic and hardworking. She uses different methods of teaching to make her lessons interesting and lively. For e

14、xample, she likes beginning her lessons with a storyor an English song. She plans her lessons carefully and explains English grammar clearly. Everybody says her lessons are well organized and clear. Besides, she demands discipline in her class, so we think she is more than our teacher; she is our good friend. (15 adjs.+3 advs). Homework 1. Collect more information about your teachers. Try to use some of the words we have learnt in this period. 2. Try to find out the structures about expressing preference.


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