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1、Starter Module 4 My everyday life Unit 1 What day is it today? 课前导学 核心单词 1. _ n. 今天 2. _ n. 星期一 3. _ n. 星期三 4. _ n. 星期五 5. _ n. 星期六 6. _ n. 星期天 7. _ n. 生日 8. _ adj. 最喜爱的 today Monday Wednesday Friday Saturday Sunday birthday favourite 常考短语 _ 我最喜爱的一天 典型句子 1. What day is it today? _ 2. What day is you

2、r favourite day? _ 今天是星期几? 你最喜欢星期几? my favourite day 要点梳理 重点词汇精析 favourite的用法 【教材例句】 What day is your favourite day? 你最 喜欢星期几?(教材第S21页) 【要点思维导图】 【举例】 My favourite fruit is apples. 我最喜欢的 水果是苹果。 Rice is my favourite food.米饭是我最喜爱的食物 。 Football is my favourite. 足球是我的最爱。 【应用】 1. 谁是你最喜欢的老师?(根据汉语意思补全句子) Wh

3、os your _ teacher? 2. His favourite food is cakes. (同义句转换) He _ cakes _. favourite likesbest 常用句型精讲 句型“What day is it today?”的用法 【教材例句】 What day is it today? 今天星期几?( 教材第S20页) 【用法】 句型“What day is it today?”常用来询问“ 今天星期几?”。其中it可以省略。常用回答为“Today is . ”或“It is . today.”。 【举例】What day is it today? 今天星期几? T

4、oday is Tuesday./Its Tuesday.今天是星期二 。 【拓展】如果要询问“今天是几号?”则用“Whats the date today?”。 【举例】 Whats the date today?今天几号? Its 12th November.十一月十二号。 【应用】 ( )1. _? It is 1st June, 2014. A. What day was it yesterday B. What day is it today C. What was the date yesterday D. Whats the date today ( )2. What day i

5、s it tomorrow? Today is Wednesday, so tomorrow is _. A. Saturday B. Friday C. Tuesday D. Thursday D D 课堂练习 一、根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词 1. Today is Monday, so tomorrow is T_. 2. My f_ day is Saturday. 3. We call it Black _ (星期一). 4. They have a music class on _ (星期五) afternoon. 5. My _ (生日) is on Tuesday. ue

6、sday avourite Friday Monday birthday 二、用所给单词的适当形式填空 1. He _ (be) tall. 2. What is _ (she) favourite day? 3. How many _ (day) are there in a week? 4. Can he _ (write) it in English? 5. What day _ (be) it tomorrow? 三、单项填空 ( )1. _ comes after (在后) Thursday. A. Tuesday B. Saturday C. Friday D. Wednesday

7、 her days write is is C ( )2. Today is Friday. What day is it tomorrow? Its _. A. Thursday B. Saturday C. Sunday D. Monday ( )3. _ today? Its Monday. A. What day is it B. Whats the date C. When is D. What time is A B ( )4. _ is the first day of a week. A. Monday B. Saturday C. Sunday D. Wednesday (

8、)5. _ is your favourite day? Its Friday. A. What day B. How old C. What time D. What colour C A Starter Module 4 My everyday life Unit 2 Whats the weather like? 课前导学 核心单词 1. _ n. 春天 2. _ n. 夏天 3. _ n. 秋天 4. _ n. 冬天 5. _ adj. 暖和的;温暖的 6. _ adj. 热的 7. _ adj. 凉快的 8. _ adj. 冷的 9. _ n. 天气 10. _ prep. 如同,像

9、 spring autumn summer winter hot cool cold weather warm like 常考短语 1. _ 在秋天 2. _ 在夏天 3. _ 在冬天 4. _ 在春天 典型句子 Whats the weather like in Harbin in winter? _ 哈尔滨冬天的天气怎样? in spring in winter in summer in autumn 要点梳理 常用句型精讲 句型“Whats the weather like?”的用法 【教材例句】 Whats the weather like in summer? 夏天的天气如何?(教材

10、第S22页) 【用法】句型“Whats the weather like?”用来询问 天气状况,同义句是“How is the weather?”。回答常 用“Its描述天气的形容词(warm, hot, cool, cold . )”。 【举例】 Whats the weather like in Guangzhou now?=How is the weather in Guangzhou now? 现在广州 的天气如何? Its hot. 天气炎热。 【应用】 ( )1. What is the weather _ in winter? _ very hot. A. like; Im B.

11、 like; Its C. /; Its D. like; This is 2. What is the weather like in Beijing today? (改为同义句) _ is the _ in Beijing today? How B weather 课堂练习 一、根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词 1. Its h_ in Hong Kong in summer. 2. Its w_ in spring in this city. 3. Whats the w_ like in spring? Its warm. 4. Its very _ (寒冷的) in Harbin

12、in winter. 5. Its cool in _ (秋天) in Beijing. ot arm cold eather autumn 二、根据汉语意思补全下列句子,每空一词 1. 北京的冬天寒冷而且有风。 The _ in Beijing is _ and windy _ winter. 2. 我们不喜欢炎热的夏天。 We dont like _ _. 3. 北京秋天的天气怎么样? 凉爽。 _ _ _ _ in Beijing _ _? Its cool. cold in summer weather hot Whatsweather in thelike autumn 4. 你最喜欢

13、的季节是什么? 夏天。 _ your _ season? _. 5. 在上海春天的天气很暖和。 The weather is very _ in Shanghai in _. 三、单项填空 ( )1. Whats the weather like in Guangzhou in spring? Its _. A. cold B. warm C. cool D. hot Whatsfavourite Summer warm spring B ( )2. _ the weather _ in Japan? A. Whats; like B. Hows; / C. A and B D. Hows; like ( )3. You can see a lot of snow in _.


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