三年级上册英语教案-Unit 1 Lesson 3 How Are You-冀教版

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《三年级上册英语教案-Unit 1 Lesson 3 How Are You-冀教版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《三年级上册英语教案-Unit 1 Lesson 3 How Are You-冀教版(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、How Are You1、教学目标 (1)知识与技能目标:a. 听懂、会说、认读词汇:book chair desk能听懂、会说 schoolb. 能学会使用问候语 How are you ?对于别人的问好会用I am fine, thanks. 来做答。c. 能学会用whats this ?进行提问,并会用 Its a .来进行回答。d. 会唱歌曲Hello ! How are you ?(2)情感态度目标:a、让学生学会怎样有礼貌地和别人打招呼,怎样来介绍自己,并能应用自己所学到的知识,做个懂文明讲礼貌的好孩子。b、学习唱歌曲 How are you? 学会关心他人。c.进一步提高学生对英

2、语的学习兴趣,培养学生积极主动地参与课堂活动,大胆开口,主动模仿,引导学生积极的与他人进行合作,互相帮助。认识自我,建立自信,促进学生综合语言运用能力的发展。(3)学习策略目标:a. 能在老师的引导下,通过图、文、声音以及创设的情景习得新知识。b. 在任务中,促使学生能积极运用所学知识进行表达与交流。c. 通过小组活动,培养学生积极与他人合作,参与活动得意识。2、学情分析 本册书教学对象为三年级学生,他们活泼好动,喜欢直观形象思维,对游戏、竞赛、画画特别感兴趣,处于对英语学习兴趣最高的阶段。本课是冀教版英语第一册第一单元第3 课,介绍一些最基本的日常交际用语和简单的词汇,学生对冀教版新起点的教

3、材虽比较陌生,但在一二年级时他们已经接触到了一些交际用语和词汇。3、重点难点 教学重点1. 新单词:听懂、会说、认读:book chair desk注意:desk是指书桌或是办公桌,而在日常生活中常用的桌子要用table2. 新句型:(听懂、会说):Whats this? Its a _. 这是什么? 这是_。How are you? Im fine. 你好吗? 我很好。教学难点Whats this? Its a _. 这是什么? 这是_。能够正确运用本课所学对话;能够根据本课内容进行口语交际4、教学过程 4.1 第一学时 4.1.1教学活动 活动1【导入】howareyou Warming

4、up:(4m)Broadcast a short video which participated by the students themselves. Students watch it.【设计意图:播放由学生自己主动参与的六一儿童节画面,引起他们的快乐回忆,将注意力迅速集中到课堂来,同时为复习前两课的句型埋下伏笔。】Class Opening and Review:(3m)Show some pictures of Childrens Day. Students look at the pictures and say some important sentences: “This is

5、 a, her/his name is.T: What a wonderful Childrens Day. Look at this girl, whats her name?Ss: Her name is Christina.Ss: This is a teacher, her name is Amy.Ss: This is a boy, his name is Peter.【设计意图:将复习的重点句型运用于六一精彩有趣的图片中,学生更积极主动地用英语思维和表达,同时将所学知识运用于学生的实际生活中来。】. New Concetps(一)How are you? Im fine, than

6、ks. (10m)1. Introduce1Introduce the new sentences by the photos of the foreign teacher. T: Who is he?S1: He is our foreign teacher. His name is Jim.【设计意图:由学生身边的外教引入新授,亲切而自然。】 T: He goes to Canada to visit his family. Lets greet to Jim. Ss:“Hi” “Hello” ”How are you?” to Jim.Jim: Im fine, thanks.2Prov

7、ide different situation and let them know what situation they will use these sentences.T: When we meet a teacher at school, we should say:Ss: “How are you, Miss/Mr.?”T: When we meet our friends on the way to school, we say:Ss: “How are you dear .”T: When we meet the old man in the park, we say:Ss: “

8、How are you Granny?”【设计意图:提供不同的情境让学生明白在不同的场景中如何运用新句型,并教育学生尊敬他人,礼貌待人,和谐相处。】2. Use the Book and Multi-media Broadcast the multimedia and let them watch and follow. Ss Watch and follow it.【设计意图:让学生在听,说,理解的基础上达到认读的目的。】3. Practice Teach the song: ” How are you?”1 Ss look and listen.2 Read the difficult w

9、ords and do the actions.3 Stand up and sing together.【设计意图:在轻松愉快的歌曲中来巩固练习新授句型。】New Concetps(二)(10m)Whats this? Its a school/desk/chair/book.1. IntroduceIntroduce the importance by the guessing game. Ss guess and try to answer. T: What are they?Ss: some shapes.【设计意图:三个四边形分别多添一笔,教师指着每个图依次来问。】T: What i

10、s this?Ss: Its a 课桌.T: No. What is this?.Ss: Its a.【设计意图:直到三个四边形被完全补充完整,露出三个新单词。】 T: Look, this is a desk, please follow me. Ss: Desk【设计意图:在反复猜图的过程中潜移默化地渗透了新句型。】T: Whats this?S1: Its a desk.S2: Its a yellow and gray desk.S3: Its a desk.S4: Its a blue and white desk.【设计意图:在句中练习新词,并展示每个新授词汇在生活中不同的表现形式

11、,学生熟知的句型中反复地巩固新词。(chair, book采用同样的方式来教,school 一词由我校的图片来介绍)】 T: Whats this?Ss: Its a school.T: Its our school. Qiao Xi Foreign Language Primary School. Ss: Qiao Xi Foreign Language Primary School. Look and answer.Group work: Ask and answer.S1: Whats this?S2: Its Wei Ming Road Primary School.S1: Whats

12、 this?S2: Its Cao Chang Street Primary School.2.Use the Book and Multi-media Broadcast the multimedia and let them watch and follow. 【设计意图:让学生在听,说,理解的基础上达到认读的目的。】3.PracticeUse the cards to play a guessing game. One student comes to the front and hold a card face to the class, try to guess the card.

13、The other students clap hands and ask: “Whats this?” 【设计意图:在有趣的游戏中来实际操练新授句型。】. Class Closing(6m)1.Show some interesting pictures to practice.T: Look, whats this?Ss: Its a clock.T: No, guess?S1: Its a book.T: Yes, they are books.T: Look at this picture, ask and answer in pairs.S1: Whats this?S2: Its a gun.S1: No.S2: Its a desk.S1: No.S2: Its a book.S1: Great.【设计意图:在本课即将结束时用非常有创意的图片和音乐来缓和,放松一下学生们紧张的学习气氛,同时让学生将所学的句型运用于生活中来。】



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