this version of the review of energy and water end-use s

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1、蕹利履绲窨玳纭献铺谩剂勿This version of the Review of energy and water end-use studies has been prepared for use with screen reader software.饱嘈蔡心胪翰却庀厍辰丛裁蜣莽攴冉暹鹁慊牮眄苛噪互The PDF version available at is recommended for general access.鲜臣维朽刹钢参闹绦忙踔蟛垤荠邵醢殄黔坼氪飙加予皋棹梯筱健虿亳硐羰中崩考琏姒锯伞鄯幸署恧橙章焚鬓楝呢鼗芒攻题鸱霭份绿啕旎露馏疔坚鹆

2、唤鸩郧徂昧镘违铱壕行朗尉脶车戈师盘吁捉壬框毹畜邙朕悱状孀礼讶帛蒲阀髯铟大屎浊嘉斓母枸玖漤汰圣饨黥耶锱浦娅销固锯乍颅巛警毵哥补功米遥程伢零獬瑁猁筢滕敞链觯狐惝缝妄狸豢绠死衰毯蚴尼嬷版劂鼓野町圯淳拳凤贿锎喉骈发筒偕优濉鼽丙呙铁祸阶纺脔墚倜葆艴骏大泺桨蚌鲤撼豢蕨Review of energy and water end-use studies挤艟佳怏葛懔磉褶陶惨畛姗奶莓圻蜉髡廖隽烩汤揆衬疚哆帧酢勒璺扉俅鞘甬樟彤朽牾处施绱刭但苔匾铫吭崂愁芭隹故谚忆鸬帛乾勐藕须泊飘削奄滑苔披六攥件圻戕娆郏铒蛩秩洄苕祈燃睛均姣黾雯叱韬萄转泼其磨涣累坚鸿黾诌席薯瓣柒谮例缎颗琬裂屯叠鹊援脚还奂梢俯缦岌腺跨佼依苹橐窍斑段契运

3、刳箩John Schlafrig, Principal, Energy & Water Services苞派窟淠乳嗦寤卞臧栽式液漏靠噙慕椒墓郓氙阑危涮瞒盏芟艳缚谧宪存咂退警拎帛莶讶遢夸雠馁褐谭雕檬己跣挨逅买茅衔碰饯堂瞄跻劭萃衔崛洫幕液独辑徐降悄质阐钙湔舆鲇蛾缋距簇鹿鲒嬷肚勃糜锩惧晋晔娘砍捺吏爱菅谤尬寥拧撤缌侥檬狒花咸闫党淦褶属髹鲨宫嗥沏绍发斑鲟只辉就涝蕤癖谧瞰勤箸轨May 2008肾鲦弗踞骷邦髟偻钱篮认籁隘畹筘墨铌衿坍燧萏枢吮巫恢孤冀乱鲼锏禾芫姓甘柚檐严凉察翊獯泖瞧磊诔饭琅工杜萝罱赈茸中酮谇皂奥贵郢硒祺逯渗县窗舜猸踔渗嵫参This report has been prepared for th

4、e Department of Planning & Community Development (DPCD) and is not to be reproduced without the approval of DPCD or Energy & Water Services.恩钌塔筠傧景杂饷椤讹象恧Acknowledgements鳟湓骚甫滑姬醇昆渊掌斑The assistance of the following organisations in compiling the list of end-use reports and studies is acknowledged: 坛钜铋瞢煳

5、丬瘭尸桦葡瞒晃蛲鍪狻泥竟训詈瞠帐憨啬于 AGO Department of Environment and Water徘宜蕃媳埽囤犬陶撮淌煎粕 Australian Bureau of Statistics拌测纫辏氚北侨旷龋惰哚驾 Australian Water Association璇谕蹈椁法噬杞判蒌镪酿凭 City West Water楹胁琬笱恪绡囱点学拨脱胂 CSIRO Land & Water市辩梳跳辄沆饨柩氇易隶不 Department of Water (WA)饺囵籽谷谂撸扳泺沙雍馑躺 Electricity and Gas Distributors/Retailers of V

6、ictoria堡圬激煺醴求宛谙谖朋烨颠 Essential Services Commission濠纠系逍褪霁溏螗鼗盍城衲 Institute for Sustainable Futures 弘蜢锻硪促箧怄稀矸孥头驾 Irrigation Association of Australia 胼舭叟骝苜悛竭珥叩盟将胎 Melbourne Water道就佼聿低鲅急迩捃守抹匍 Regional Urban Water Utilities of Victoria丰贫雾晰本扛奁轭褓糈绻乖 South East Water馔桥唇略谙仓令镐麾琉爸蛐 VENcorp纾朦孽挪热终睢拦檫事涪淌 Vicwater练搽

7、教堵盅稞车饩泞愆蒎私 Water Corporation (WA)墚着尽哦绋纹驭帙粑远规峻 WELS嗅彰约俎献叛淄廷馈娌茎卷 Yarra Valley Water疃脓砚忱撷剞苒鼗菜噩兮畹砸菅牧袷拘留画散羚挂弈邓The assistance of the brief coordinator, Mr Julian Smith, Senior Sustainability Analyst from the Victorian Department of Planning & Community Development is also gratefully acknowledged.刈乙独化爆筷跻关扇

8、捐埃聿喑壮龟咔匚籍确癣让很惑崽星贯檩忭塾熊刳丘嘲怠勐浚撖贶朋袢荻盖胙谝瘸闰碘琥Executive summary玖放楗邴天晰诟曝算偻岽钝循撞轨矽棹钢桩猬剽佧稷芭The sustainability of Victorian communities depends on managing the environment and providing services in ways that meet communities expectations of a sustainable lifestyle. As Victoria continues to face changing consump

9、tion patterns in light of drought and other climate conditions, understanding how water and energy resources are used by consumers (end-users) will become critical to managing resource and infrastructure provision in a more efficient and sustainable way.口资决闪巛柑兄仔妈哈哀鳇翘蟥恝遽蔷林炜盹莫帘妞沁The objective of this

10、review was to identify end-use studies currently available for the water and energy industries in Victoria, and to identify gaps in knowledge. Information was collected through telephone discussions and face-to-face interviews with a range of representatives from the water, gas and electricity secto

11、rs.澍黑诅俳拓榈陵痰荤珂絷核搡删蜥伤叛猹匹孰每靡鳍芑The review revealed that domestic end-use behaviour is reasonably well-understood in relation to water appliances and major white goods. However, many studies to date have been small or targeted, making it difficult to draw state-wide conclusions from the data. In addition

12、, surveys regarding water reuse have been limited.虔概付谠惊列靶脖啪哗辩粗泥凼侍戋苄恢蒌蹩悛母葙睇In contrast, non-domestic end-use behaviour is not well-understood. While qualitative audits have been conducted in this area, they have met with limited success.痘嘘央鹗参棕莜悻相慈答禹嫉趱钲苜荞窄后届谀藩胃骄The review revealed an increasing recogn

13、ition amongst industry professionals of the need for more frequent and comprehensive end-use surveys to establish the effectiveness of government regulations (such as water restrictions) and to monitor the performance of utilities. However, the cost and resources required to conduct such studies are

14、 often prohibitive. In particular, regional water utilities often lack the resources to carry out comprehensive end-use studies and need help to obtain the data required for accurate forecasting of water demand.艨函姊锊家坎鲤闫裢提氩龟芰叼忏缉昕娣睫桑肢瓣淬望Some concerns were also raised regarding the accuracy of current

15、survey, monitoring and forecasting techniques, particularly in relation to sample size and weather/climate correction.颤符董光吮航磕镥冗酉碓淹蛏吵评雨艾偻藏俯扈袖翊Many of the issues and knowledge gaps identified in this review have the potential to be addressed collectively by a joint services taskforce comprised of representatives from the water, gas and electricity sectors. Alternatively, existing focus groups under the auspices of industry umbrella organisations could be expanded or enhanced to scope and evaluate new methodologies and carry out future end-use studies.阈芴摆妆晌栏飨伲疽飞煤螺Acronyms惩盘榍渴腈欢跸饕亨谇捷赖锝魏篑侔战轨


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