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1、英语考试整理一、 全新版大学英语Unit 1 1. Appalled by what their children spend on candy and video games (or, rather, appalled by the degree to which their childrens overspending seems to mimic their own), parents devise ways to lock up their childrens resources.孩子们在糖果、电子游戏上的花费之大令家长们十分震惊(或者更确切地说,令他们吃惊的是孩子们的超支行为与他们自

2、己的相似程度),于是他们便设法让孩子们把钱存起来不用。2. Compounded, that works out to an annual rate of more than 70 per cent.以复利计算,年息达到70以上。3. I give them unlimited access to their funds, no questions asked, and I provide printed statements on demand.他们使用自己的资金我不加任何限制,不作任何询问,我还根据要求随时提供打印的账单。4. The only way to teach kids to a

3、dopt a long-term perspective is to give them a short-term incentive for doing so.教育孩子们看问题要有长远目光的唯一途径,是让孩子们近期内便能尝到某种甜头,从而激励他们去那样做。Unit21. I think that skill with ones own hands-whether its tilling the soil, building a house, making a piece of furniture, playing a violin or painting a painting a paint

4、ing-is something that doesnt change with the ups and downs of life.我认为手艺不管是耕地,造房子,做家具,拉小提琴,还是画图这些东西不会因生活的起起落落而改变。2. No matter if I was involved in writing a book, conducting a political campaign, teaching at Emory University or dealing with international affairs, I could always go back-at least for

5、a few hours at a time-to the woodshop.无论我在写书,从事政治活动,在爱莫瑞大学教书,还是处理国际事务,我总会设法抽空回木工场,每次至少呆上几个小时。3. In Jimmy and Rosalynn Carters recently published book, Everything to Gain, they explain frankly how they used back-to-basics to confront and resolve their painful political defeat, a sudden departure from

6、 Washington and their fears of an empty future.在吉米和罗莎琳卡特最近出版的书名为好处说不尽的书中,他们直言不讳地解释了当他们遭遇了痛苦的政治上的失败,突然告别华盛顿以及对茫然的未来感到惧怕时,他们是如何使用返璞归真的技能来面对和化解这些问题的。4. In this book we encourage people to take on new things that might look very difficult, but that become very rewarding once the person is involved.在此书中,

7、我们鼓励人们勇于开拓新天地,看起来也许非常困难,但你一旦投入进去,就会得益匪浅。Unit 31. In the face of clear evidence to the contrary, Joe Frazier was unable to give up the notion that Marvis would succeed him as champion, that he would continue to hold the crown through his son.尽管事实清楚表明并非如此,但乔费雷泽还是坚信马维斯能继承他的衣钵成为冠军,他的荣耀能通过儿子继续下去。2. It is

8、 disturbing business, this drive for immortality, usually much more subtle than thrusting ones son naked into the ring.这种通常比硬把儿子推上拳台要微妙得多的对不朽的追求是一件令人苦恼的事。3. But I knew better. I knew now that if I insisted on staying, it would be his day that would be ruined so Dad could watch a ball game.但我还是比较明智,放

9、弃了呆下去的念头,我很明白如果我坚持呆着不走,那他的一天就会因为爸爸想看球赛而过得十分扫兴。4. He was supposed to like the baseball game, not for his sake, but for mine, and I had gotten angry at him when he didnt measure up to my expectations.他应该为了我,而不是为了他自己喜欢这场棒球赛,当他辜负了我的期望的时候,我便对他生气了。Unit 41. It is the sound of the only lasting disagreement

10、in a household that is otherwise peaceful.这是一个原本安宁的家庭中唯一持续不去的不和谐音。2. It leads to intimacy before acquaintance; it scatters secrets outwards, not inwards; and, most worrying of all, it is a vehicle for liars.它使人们还未相识就已亲近,它不能保守秘密反而扩散秘密,而最令人担心的是,它是撒谎人传播谎言的工具。3. I said, trying to be reasonable but not a

11、ltogether succeeding, that in and among the things they “tell” each other on the tap-tap, a tendency to murder might just have been overlooked, might it not?我说,他们啪哒啪哒“讲”给互相听的事情中,杀人的倾向或许就被忽略了,难道这不可能吗?我说这话时尽量想做到通情达理,但不完全成功。4. Needless to say, it is a new version of the old tale of innocents calling fo

12、rth evil forces they cannot control, this time in the form of a visitor with the ever-handy axe packed in his luggage.不用说,这又是一些无聊的人引出了邪恶的力量却不能控制的老故事的翻版,这一次的邪恶力量是以一位来客的面貌出现,但行李中却藏着斧头,随时可以拿出来杀人。Unit 51. I felt that if the day arrived when I was unable to lift one foot up one step and then drag the oth

13、er painfully after it-repeating the process 14 times until, utterly spent, I would be through-I could then admit defeat and lie down and die.我觉得如果有一天我无法再抬起一只脚迈上一个台阶,再痛苦地拖起另一只脚将这个过程重复14遍,直到精疲力竭为止到那时我就会服从并会倒下死去。2. I believed that in this whole world I alone had been chosen to suffer.我认为在整个世界里,就我一个人被选中

14、去受苦受难。3. In the next few frozen seconds the shame and horror of that moment penetrated, and I was sick with an intensity I had never felt before.刹那间,时间凝固了,我感到万分的羞愧和震惊。我从来没有这么难受过。4. I realized that I was filled to overflowing with self-pity, selfishness, and indifference to the needs of others.我意识到我的

15、自艾自怜、自私,以及对他人需求的冷漠,已到了无可复加的地步。Unit 61. The though of answering other peoples telephones, typing other peoples work and watching other people take credit for my ideas and opinions would throw me into week-long bouts of depression.每当我想起给别人回电话、打字,看到我出的主意和见解却让别人受益时,常常整个星期都会闷闷不乐。2. How long could I live

16、like this? Certainly not until I retired.这样的生活我能维持多久?肯定不会到我退休之时。3. I steeled myself to travel the road that would lead me to a better understanding of who I was and of what I wanted out of life.我坚定地走下去,这条路将使我更好地了解自己,更好地认清自己生活的目的。4. And its not so much the results of he action that have reshaped me (although thats important, t


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