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1、广东省佛山市高明区2016-2017学年高二英语上学期晚练(七)一、完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项)中,选出最佳选项。Parents will always tell you that your school days are the happiest days of your life. Im sure you would 41 and wonder if they were ever teenagers themselves. Of course they were, but its easy to 42 how stressfu

2、l life as a teenager can be.You dont want to be 43 like a child and you want your 44 . You think you are old enough to make your own 45 but your parents dont think you are, so its likely that you will have arguments about almost 46 , from what time you should be home in the evenings, to your new boy

3、friend or girlfriend. If you dont do as your parents say, you will 47 trouble, but these arguments, 48 they are stressful, are a part of 49 and finding out who you are.You spend most of your time at school so you might have 50 about keeping up with all your homework. There is a lot of pressure on yo

4、u to do well in exams. But what if you dont like 51 ? What if you 52 sports and music? Your parents might want you to go to university so they will want you to do 53 in your exams. They will tell you how 54 it is to have a good education, 55 perhaps you dont agree.And then theres your appearance. Yo

5、u want to look 56 , so youll spend hours getting ready for a party, but your parents dont 57 your clothes. Maybe you want to 58 your hair color, but your parents wont let you. Do you ever face these 59 ? If so, what do you do to make your life 60 ? Write in and let us know how you solve them.41. A.

6、understand B. disagree C. explain D. believe42. A. imagine B. discover C. forget D. doubt43. A. called B. treated C. loved D. punished44. A. success B. happiness C. safety D. independence45. A. decisions B. mistakes C. troubles D. speeches46. A. nothing B. everyone C. someone D. everything47. A. tak

7、e B. solve C. get into D. stay out of48. A. if B. unless C. because D. although49. A. arguing B. moving on C. working D. growing up50. A. hopes B. worries C. plans D. discussions51. A. studying B. singing C. reading D. traveling52. A. hate B. play C. prefer D. refuse53. A. freely B. slowly C. well D

8、. badly54. A. interesting B. important C. difficult D. common55. A. so B. but C. since D. or56. A. beautiful B. strong C. brave D. crazy57. A. wash B. like C. send D. try58. A. keep B. lose C. show D. change59. A. questions B. dangers C. differences D. problems60. A. busier B. simpler C. sadder D. q

9、uieter 二、 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。When its time to start looking for a car, many young people are choosing the same car brands (牌子) as their parents. According to a new study, 61. _ choices parents make could help transform marketing in the auto(汽车) industry.

10、Researchers 62. (carry) out a national survey(调查) about the car purchases (购买) from over 4,000 children and 2,500 of their parents in the past few years. Finally, theyve come to the conclusion that people show 63. (prefer) for only a few auto brands such as General Motors, Ford, Chrysler, Toyota and

11、 Honda. And these findings may change the way automakers price and market their cars. Researchers considered 64. people live, age, education, family size, etc. 65. (get) rid of the possibility that young people are likely to buy similar cars to their parents because of similar needs. 66. (actual), t

12、he study found that 39 percent of people are more likely to(可能) buy the car brand 67. their parents owned. The findings show that many people buy cars 68. (base) on brand loyalty (忠诚), which could transform the way the auto industry markets its cars. Automakers could sell entry-level vehicles for 69. (low) prices to attract young drivers, while raising prices on higher-end cars. If young people show interest 70. a specific(特定


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