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1、六年级英语考试(广州)7 / 7 作者: 日期:个人收集整理,勿做商业用途同仁艺体实验小学六年级英语上学期期中测试卷(考试时间:80分钟,满分100分)Class(班级):_ Name(姓名):_ Assessment(分数):_听力部分(30分)一.选择你听到的信息,把相应的大写字母编号写在题前的括号内。(6分)( )1. A.white B.white tingers C.a white tiger( )2. A.nothing B.something C.anything( )3. A.Italian nation B.Italian national C.Italy national(

2、 )4. A.quiet and crowded B.noisy and big C.noisy and crowded( )5. A.Chinese B.China C.a China( )6. A.89,060,090 B.98,600,090 C.89,600,090二.听录音,选择最佳答语,并将答案的大写字母编号写在题前的括号内。(8分)( )1. A.I am going to go fishing. B.Beijing. C.No,I dont.( )2. A.Yes,please. B.On foot. C.No,Im not.( )3. A.Yes,Id love to. B.

3、Yes,I do. C.Yes, I am.( )4. A.Yes,I do. B.No,you arent. C.Yes, I am.( )5. A.Paris. B.Berlin. C.London.( )6. A.Yes,it does. B.No,it dont. C.Yes, it do.( )7. A.WashingtonD.C. B.New york. C.Yes, it is.( )8. A.OK. B.No,I dont. C.Thank you.三.听录音,写出句子所缺的单词。(6分)1. it is too for her here.2. It is very on th

4、e .3. WashingtonD.C. is the of .4. I have to the shop to buy many times.5. You can see the in Beijing.6 . Lets use another .四.听每段对话和一个问题,根据对话选择问题的正确答案,并将其大写字母编号写在题前的括号内。(5分)( )1. A. In Guangzhou Zoo.B. In Xiangjiang Zoo.C. In Tianhe Park.( )2. A. Hes going to buy clothes.B. Hes going to buy toys .C.

5、 Hes going to eat some dimsum.( )3. A. At 8:00. B.At 7:45. C.At 7:40.( )4. A. Rome. B.Paris. C.Berlin.( )5 .A. Shanghai. B.Beijing. C.Chongqing.五.听短文,判断下列句子是否与短文意思一致。如一致,在题前的括号内写“T”,否则写“F”。(5分)( )1. London is the capital of the UK.( )2. London becomes bigger and bigger now .( )3.There are many zoos

6、,gardens and wonderful lakes in London.( )4. There is a Big Ben on the Thames.( )5. The air of the River Thames is not clean now.读写部分(70分)六.按照要求给下列词分类,把相应的大写字母编号写在相应的横线上。(10分)A.A merica B.English C.Rome D.Chinese E.China F.ParisG. French H. France I. Britain J. London K. Beijing L. Japanese M. Japan

7、 N.Tokyo O.Germany P.Berlin Q.German R.Russia S.Moscow T.Canada U.Ottawa V.Australia W.Canberra X. Wellington1.Countries: A 2.Capitals: C 3.Languages B 七按照实际情况回答问题。(5分)1.Is Beijing the capital of China? 2.Where are you going on your holiday? 3.What are you going to do on your holiday? 4.Which is big

8、ger, Russia or China? 5.Do you like to go fishing with your father? 八用适当的词完成句子。(每空只填一个单词)(12分)1.Shall we (去钓鱼) tomorrow?2.I (到过)to the Baiyun Hill many times.3.They (打算)buy some new clothes next week.4.Would you like to go to the (长城) with me?5.Tokyo is the (日本的首都).九选择确的答案。并把其大写字母编号写在题前的括号内。(15分)( )

9、1.Shall we the pearl River Cruise?A. go to B. going C. go on( )2. I am going to a bath soon.A . take B. takes C. taking ( ) 3. We can see more in the library than in the bookstore.A.book B. books C. a book ( ) 4. There are beautiful clothes in that shop. A . much B . a lot C. a lot of( ) 5. My siste

10、r is going to swim Sunday afternoon. A . on B.at C.in( ) 6. She is not going to do this evening.A . something B.anything C. nothing( ) 7.The girl wants to with her classmates.A . go boat B. going boating C. go boating( ) 8. The capital of Germany is .A.Berlin B. Paris C. London( ) 9. She wont to school on Sunday. A . goes B. go C .going( )10. I have nothing to do ,I am today.A. boring. B. bore C. bored( )11. Would you like to a toy



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