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1、熟 词 生 义根据语境选择划线部分的汉语意思1. ache I was aching to tell him the good news. ( ) A、疼痛 B、渴望2. act (1) It takes about 20 minutes for the drug to act. ( ) (2) He is always acting an experienced man who has seen everything. ( ) (3) The act is passed by the Congress finally. ( ) (4) Hamlet eventually kills Clau

2、dius in Act 5. ( ) A、装作 B、行动 C、起作用 D、法案 E、一幕3. acknowledge (1) He acknowledged me by lifting his hat. ( ) (2) She acknowledged his help in the letter. ( ) A、承认 B、对打招呼 C、感谢 D、告知,确认4. advance She asked for an advance on her salary. ( ) A、前进 B、提前 C、预付款5. affect (1) The audience was deeply affected by h

3、is lecture. ( )(2) His left lung is affected by cancer. ( ) A、影响 B、(疾病)侵袭 C、感动6. against (1) The skyscraper stands out against the blue sky. ( ) (2) He saved money against old age. ( ) A、反对、逆 B、以为背景 C、防备 D、倚在,靠在7. air (1) She began to work with an air of quiet confidence. ( )(2) We have no wish to a

4、ir the matter. ( ) A、公开 B、神态,样子 C、空气8. allow The new seatbelt allows the driver greater freedom of movement.() A、允许,准许 B、承认 C、使有可能9. allowance His father gave him an allowance of $,1,000 a year. ( ) A、允许 B、零用钱 C、允许量10. appetite He has an appetite for music while his brother likes playing football.(

5、) A、胃口 B、爱好 C、食欲11. appreciate At that time, we didnt fully appreciate that he was seriously ill.( ) A、欣赏 B、感激,感谢 C、意识到12. argue Mary argued me into buying a new skirt.( )A、争辩 B、说服 C、争论13. arrest (1) The new medicine arrested the spread of the disease. ( ) (2) Her warning tone arrested my attention.

6、 ( ) A、逮捕 B、吸引某人的注意 C、阻止14. aspect He is a man with an impressive aspect.( ) A、方面 B、外表,外观 C、方位,朝向15. balance (1) I must check my bank balance. ( ) (2) The school aims to balance the amount of time spent on arts and science subjects. ( ) A、平衡 B、差额,余款 C、使均衡16. bear (1) He was badly wounded in the war

7、and still bears the scars. ( ) (2) That apple tree bears well. ( ) A、忍受,容忍 B、显示,带有 C、结果17. behaviour Many experts are studying the behaviour of the AIDS virus. ( ) A、行为 B、性能,特点 C、举止18. blank The stranger returned my greeting with a blank look. ( ) A、空白,空格 B、空白的 C、没表情的,茫然的19. blue (1) Hes been feelin

8、g blue all week as a result of his failure in the exam.( )(2) Her hands were blue with cold. ( ) A、发青的 B、蓝色 C、忧伤的20. build He is a man of strong build. ( ) A、建造 B、锻炼 C、体格21. cap He capped my story with an even funnier one. ( ) A、帽子 B、覆盖,笼罩 C、胜过,超过22. celebrate He celebrated her for her courage. ( )

9、A、庆祝 B、称颂,赞扬 C、举行(仪式)23. charge If the red light comes on, it means the battery isnt charging. ( ) A、负责,管理 B、收费 C、充电24. class The party tries to appeal to all classes of society. ( ) A、班级 B、阶层,阶级 C、种类,类别25. command Dr. Yang commands a great deal of respect as a surgeon. ( ) A、命令,指挥 B、精通 C、赢得、博得26. c

10、ommit She didnt want to commit herself on that matter. ( ) A、犯(错误、罪行) B、承担义务(责任) C、调拨供使用27. conclude He concluded his speech with some amusing remarks. ( ) A、结束;完成 B、下结论,推论出 C、决定28. conduct Plastic and rubber wont conduct electricity, but copper will. ( ) A、指挥 B、带领 C、传导29. consume The fire consumed

11、the entire building. ( ) A、消耗,花费 B、消费 C、烧毁;毁灭30. contain Hearing such a fun joke, he is too excited to contain his laughter. ( ) A、包含,含有 B、抑制,控制 C、容纳31. count (1) It is not how much you read but what you read that counts. ( ) (2) He said that he counted me as his dearest person. ( ) A、计算,数数 B、把认为 C、

12、有价值,重要32. course The main course was roast duck. ( ) A、过程 B、课程 C、一道菜33. cover (1) They were hoping to cover 40 miles yesterday. ( ) (2) You will have to pay an extra amount to cover the cost of insurance. ( ) A、覆盖 B、走完(一段路程) C、(钱)够支付34. credit Much of their success can be credited to the famous expe

13、rt. ( ) A、信用,信誉 B、把归功于 C、相信,信任35. cross (1) Dont be so cross with me! ( ) (2) A mule is a cross between a horse and a donkey. ( ) A、穿越,横过 B、十字 C、混合物,杂种 D、生气的36. damage (1) He claimed $7,000 damages from the taxi company. ( ) (2) Whats the damage of the journey? ( ) A、损坏 B、伤害 C、赔偿金 D、费用37. dismiss He just laughed and dismissed the suggestion as unrealistic. ( ) A、解雇,开除 B、拒绝考虑(想法,意见等) C、解散38. do (1) Ten bottles of wine should do for the party. ( ) (2) That vase would do for your mums birthday present. (


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