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1、上饶市小升初模拟测验英语试题与答案9 / 9 作者: 日期:个人收集整理,勿做商业用途2019年上饶市小升初模拟考试英语试题与答案(试卷满分100分,考试时间60分钟)听力部分(30分)一、听音,找出你所听到的字母或数字,并把序号写在前面括号内。(5分)( ) 1. A. p m B. a m C. c d( ) 2. A. U K B. H K C. U N( ) 3. A. b d v B. d q p C. d b v( ) 4. A. 45 B.55 C.25( ) 5. A. 8 B. 7 C. 6二、听音,选出所听到的单词。(10分)( )1. A. too B. tofu C.

2、tooth D. twelve( )2. A. stop B. traffic C. wait D. go( )3. A. cake B. name C. today D. day( )4. A. math B. watch C. Chinese D. those( )5. A. hospital B. cinema C. post office D. bookstore( )6. A. your B. you C. yours D. our( )7. A. who B. whose C. where D. which( )8. A. that B. those C. this D. thes

3、e( )9. A. Monday B. Sunday C. money D. monkey( )10.A. tomato B. potato C. photo D. mutton三、听音,选择你所听到的短语或句子。(5分)( ) 1. A. by bus B. by train C. by subway( ) 2. A. turn left B. turn right C. go straight( ) 3. A. pick up leaves B. have a picnic C. wash clothes( ) 4. A. playing football B. playing chess

4、 C. playing the violin ( ) 5. A. Where are you going in the evening? B. What are you going to buy? C. When are you going?四、听问句,选择答句。(5分)( ) 1. A. He goes to work by car. B. He is a TV reporter.( ) 2. A. He is going to the cinema. B. He comes from Canada.( ) 3. A. She likes collecting leaves. B . She

5、 is a singer.( ) 4. A. Its the cinema. B. Its next to the bookstore.( ) 5. A. Im going to watch TV. B. Im going to the library.五、听短文,选择所给的单词填空,每个单词只能用一次。(5分)read on watch over river tree tofu rice Hello! My name is Tom. I like English very much. My favourite food is beef,eggplant and _. Im very help

6、ful. I can do the dishes, set the table and water the flowers. Today is Saturday. I often _ books, do my homework and _TV on Saturdays. My home is near a _, there are some mountains behind my house. There is a road in front of my house, you can see two bridges_ it .Welcome to my home.笔试部分(70分)六、火眼辨不

7、同。(10分)( )1. A. windy B. sunny C. rainy D.cloud( )2. A.went B. read C. got D.write( )3. A.autumn B. winter C. cloudy D.summer( )4. A.May B. June C. Monday D.July( )5. A.fatter B. heavier C. stronger D.winter七、连词成句,标点符号已给出。(15分)1. help, can, you, I ( ?)2. kites, how, do, you, see, many ( ?)3. these,

8、are, storybooks, whose ( ? )4. see, should, he, doctor, morning, a, this ( . )5. museum, right, turn, the, science, at ( .)八、选择题。(10分)( )1. The big ball is _than the small one. A. light B. lighter C. lightest D. the lightest( )2. Who is_, Li Ming, Liu Yang or Wang Lin? A. the tallest B. taller C. th

9、e tall D. the taller( )3. A:Are they your classmates? B:_ A.Yes , they arent. B. Yes , theyre C. No , they are. D. No , they arent.( )4. A:Can you play the violin? B:_ A. Yes , I cant. B. No , I cant. C. No , I can. D. Yes, I do.( )5. _ are the biggest animals on land. A. Monkeys B. Pandas C. Tigers

10、 D. Elephants( )6. We are going to play football _. A. afternoon B. this afternoon C. morning D. in this morning( )7. Jim and I _going to the park. A. am B. are C. is D. be( )8. Where the apples? A. is B. am C. are D. be( )9. A:Where did you buy it? B:I _ it in the supermarket. A. bought B. buy C. b

11、uys D. to buy( )10. Let me _ you. A. helped B. help C. helps D. to help九、用所给单词的适当形式填空。(10分)1. Did you do_ (something/anything) else?2. I _ (have/had) a cold _( last/next) week.3. My bag is _(big/bigger) than_(yours/she).4. How _(tall/taller) are you?5. Theyre afraid _(of/ about) him.十、读一读,补全句子。(10分)

12、1Where is the (书店)? It is next to the post office2 (左转弯)at the cinema3How do you come to school?Usually I come (乘地铁)4He lives in Australia,but he (学习中文)5You should (深呼吸)and count to ten十一、阅读理解。(10分)A little mouse thought he was the tallest and strongest animal in the world. His mother said to him, “Dont say that in front of an elephant. He doesnt like that.” The little mouse didnt listen to his mother. He went out



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