【优化课堂】2012高中英语 Unit2 period ⅳ writing课件 新人教版必修5

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1、Period ,Writing,原句 1Worried about the time available, Zhang Pingyu had made alist of the sites she wanted to see in London.(教材 P14)由于担心时间不够,张萍玉把她想要在伦敦参观的地方列了一张单子。,点评,这个句子是由两个简单句合并而成:,Zhang Pingyu was worried about the time available., She had made a list of the sites she wanted to see in,London.,合并:

2、由于句和句之间有“因为所以”的逻辑关系,可以用“worried”过去分词作原因状语放句首。,仿写,由于对即将到来的去那个偏远农场的行程感到兴奋,李,虹坐立不安,因此她起得很早。,(提示:即将到来的 coming; 偏远的 remote; 坐立不安 fidget,around),_由于旅行一天之后感到很累,李虹早早地上床休息了,,没有吃晚餐。,_,Excited about the coming trip to the remote farm, Li Hong fidgeted around, so she got up very early.,Tired after a days trip,

3、Li Hong went to bed early without having supper.,原句 2,To her great surprise, Zhang Pingyu found the Queens jewelsguarded by special royal soldiers who, on special occasions, stillwore the four-hundred-year-old uniform of the time of Queen,Elizabeth .(教材 P14)让张萍玉异常惊讶的是,她发现女王的珠宝由皇家特别卫士守护着,而这些士兵在一些特殊的日

4、子仍然穿着 400 年前伊丽莎白一世女王时代的制服。,点评,这个句子是由三个简单句合并而成:Zhang Pingyu found the Queens jewels.,The Queens jewels were guarded by special royal soldiers. The soldiers, on special occasions, still wore thefour-hundred-year-old uniform of the time of Queen Eli-zabeth .合并之第一步:由于句用来补充说明句,而句又包含感观动词 found, 所以可以用过去分词做

5、宾语补足语,将句合并;,合并之第二步:由于句和句之间有个共同词,“soldiers”,故用定语从句将这两句合并。,仿写,让李虹高兴的是,她看到这些生活在农村的小孩子被她,所描述的城市生活深深地吸引住了。,(提示:深深地 deeply),_让李老师失望的是,他感到有些学生被电脑游戏吸引了,而非学习。,(提示:失望 disappointment;而不是 rather than),_,To her happiness, Li Hong saw the children who live in the countryside attracted deeply by what she described

6、 about the city life.,To his disappointment, Mr.Li feels some of the students attracted by the computer games rather than study.,原句 3,It contained statues in memory of dead poets and writers, such,as Shakespeare.(教材 P14)它里面有为了纪念诸如莎士比亚这些已故的诗人和作家而建的雕像。点评,in memory of 为了纪念,可以作目的状语,放句首或,句尾。,仿写,为了纪念那些死去的

7、战士,修建了这座纪念碑。,_,In memory of those dead soldiers, this memorial monument was built.This memorial monument was built in memory of those dead soldiers.,旅游指南,本单元出现的相关词汇:,consist of ( 由组成), province (n. 省;行政区), divide.into ( 把 分 成 ), wonder (v. 想 知 道 n 奇 迹 ), be linkedto.(与连起来), refer to (提到;涉及), for con

8、venience (为方便起见), zone (n.区域), population (n.人口), settle (v.定居;安顿),industrial city ( 工业城市), nationwide (adj. 全国性的), available(adj.可用的;可得到的), attract (vt.吸引;引起注意), attraction (n.,吸引人的事/物), architecture (n.建筑学;建筑艺术), history (n.历史), culture (n.文化), historical treasure (历史珍宝), museum (n.博物馆), theatre (

9、n. 戏院), port (n. 港口), look around ( 四处看看),keep ones eyes open (睁大眼睛看), make ones trip to somewhereenjoyable and worthwhile (使某人去某地的旅程愉快并且值得),delight (n.快乐;高兴;喜悦,vt.使高兴;使欣喜), solid (adj.固,体的), stone (n.石头), square (n.广场,adj.方形的), splendid (adj.,壮丽的;辉煌的;极好的), to ones surprise (让某人吃惊的是), inmemory of (为

10、了纪念), be thrilled by/at (对感到震惊),on show (在展出), be/feel proud of (对感到自豪),本单元出现的相关句式:,1How many.does.consist of?由哪几个组成?2.can be divided into.parts.可以被分为部分。3 Her first delight was going to. 她第一个想参观的地方,是,4There followed. 接下来是,5What interests her most is. 让她最感兴趣的是6It looked splendid when first built! 它刚建

11、起来的时候很,辉煌!,本单元写作为描写人文地理景物的记叙文,其写作目的是用生动、形象的语言传达信息,使读者获得知识、了解事实或吸引游客。叙述时应涉及其地理位置、历史、文化、风景及对该地有重要影响的人物和事件等,尤其是对自然景观和事物的地理位置、特征等的表述要准确。最后还可提供交通、住宿等服务信息。叙述时多用一般现在时和第一或第三人称。,Luoyang, located in the middle of Henan Province, was builtin 12th century BC in Shang Dynasty.With more than 3,000 yearsof history

12、, Luoyang is one of the seven ancient civilized capitals ofChina.In Luoyang, you can enjoy the world-famous Longmen Caveto taste the different styles in sculpture and calligraphy from NorthWei to Song Dynasty.Luoyang is also the home of the firstBuddhist temple in China, Baima Temple, which was buil

13、t in 68AD.Besides historical attractions, Luoyang is famous for itspeony.Every year a peony festival is held in late spring or early,summer.Hotels of various grades are available in Luoyangsdowntown and bus and taxi are convenient.If youd like to go tovisit Longmen Cave 13 kilometers south to the city of Luoyang,you could take bus No.81 in Baolong Square. 结构分析:全文共八句,分别介绍了洛阳的地理位置、历史、主要景,点、活动、交通以及住宿情况。,亮点点评:,很好地运用了非谓语动词、with 复合结构、定语从句、状语从,句、相关词组等,使得句式相对复杂,句子脉络清楚。,地点介绍是基础写作中最常见的,也是最需要学生掌握的。学生首先要熟记一些表示人口、面积、气候、方位的单词或短语,再要学会运用一些复杂句式,诸如定语从句、非谓语动词、名词性从句来给文章润色。,


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