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1、志愿者救援队基本训练,南昌市应急救援协会,南昌市应急救援协会, Describe the CERT structure 描述应急救援队的构成 Identify how CERTs interrelate with ICS 应急救援队同救援指挥系统如何关联 Explain documentation requirements 文档缮治规定,Unit Objectives 单元目标,南昌市应急救援协会,Unit Topics单元主题, CERT Organization 应急救援队的组织 Mobilization 动员 Documentation 文档,南昌市应急救援协会,Principles o

2、f Onscene Management 现场管理的原则, Maintain the safety of disaster workers 确保救灾人员的安全 Provide clear leadership and organizational structure 指挥明确,组织清晰 Improve effectiveness of rescue efforts 提升救援效率,南昌市应急救援协会, Well-defined management structure明确的管理架构 Manageable span of control适度的掌控范围 Common terminology 通用的术

3、语 Effective communication有效的沟通 Consolidated action plans 统筹的行动方案 Comprehensive resource management全面的资源管理 Accountability责任划分,CERT Onscene Management 应急救援队的现场管理,南昌市应急救援协会,1. Identify scope of incident 明确事故范围 2. Determine overall strategy 确定整体的策略 3. Deploy resources 部署资源 4. Document actions and result

4、s 行动和结果形于文件,Objectives for On-Scene Management 现场管理的目标,南昌市应急救援协会,Incident Command System 救援指挥系统,南昌市应急救援协会, Command structure 指挥架构 CERT Incident Commander/Team Leader (IC/TL)社区救援队总指挥/领导 Command Post 指挥所 Expanded structure as needed 必要时的扩展架构,CERT Operations 志愿者救援队的运作,南昌市应急救援协会, Refer media inquiries t

5、o CERT IC/TL让媒体询问总指挥或队领导 Do not let media inhibit CERT goals 勿让媒体妨碍救援队的目标 Be careful about information released 慎重发布信息,Dealing with the Media 应对媒体,南昌市应急救援协会, Ability to work together能共同工作 IS-100.a: ICS介绍 IS-700.b: NIMS介绍 http:/training.fema.gov/IS/NIMS.asp,NIMS Compliance 国家事故管理系统守则,南昌市应急救援协会, CERTs

6、 take care of themselves, their families,their homes, their neighbors 社区救援队照顾他们自身,他们的家庭,住宅和里 Proceed to predesignated staging area 前往预定集结区 IC/TL is established, organizes the group 任命救援总指挥/队领导,组织人员 IC/TL prioritizes actions 救援总指挥/队领导顺序安排行动 Organization is flexible and evolves based on new informatio

7、n 弹性组织,随新情况变化,CERT Mobilization 社区救援队动员,南昌市应急救援协会, Rescuer safety is first priority 救援人员的安全第一 Heavy damage = No rescue 重度损伤= 不救援 Moderate damage = Locate, triage,evacuate 中度损伤=定位,区分伤情,疏散 Light damage = Locate, triage, continue sizeup, and document 轻度损伤=定位, 区分伤情,描述情况并书面报告,Rescuer Safety救援人员的安全,南昌市应急救

8、援协会,Documentation文档, Section Chiefs 组长 Provide Command Post with information 向指挥所提供信息 Command Post 指挥所 Documents situation status 书面记录情况 Incident locations 事故方位 Access routes 进入路线 Identified hazards 明确灾害 Support locations 支援场所,南昌市应急救援协会,Documentation书面记录,Write it down! 写下来!,南昌市应急救援协会,Documentation F

9、orms书面表格, Damage Assessment 损伤评估 Personnel Resources Sign-In 人员签到 Incident/Assignment Tracking Log 事故/任务追踪记录 Briefing Assignment 任务简介 Victim Treatment Area Record 被灾者治疗区域记录 Communications Log 通讯记录 Equipment Inventory 装备库存 General Message 一般信息,南昌市应急救援协会,Unit Summary单元小结, ICS provides flexible means o

10、f organization 救援指挥系统提供弹性组织方式 “Is it safe to attempt the rescue?” “救援是否安全?” Document and communicate information to all CERT levels 在社区救援队各级别书面记录和沟通信息 Provide Command Post with ongoing information about damage assessment, group status, and needs 向指挥所滚动提供损伤评估,群组状态和需求等信息 Command Post documents and tracks situation status 指挥所书面记录和追踪事态发展,南昌市应急救援协会,Homework Assignment作业,1. Read unit to be covered in next session 阅读下次上课设计的单元 2. Bring necessary supplies to next session 带好下次上课需要的物品 3. Wear appropriate clothes to next session 穿着适合下次课程的衣服,南昌市应急救援协会,


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