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1、. . . .Module 11.practise doing sth 练习做某事2. match sth with sth 把与搭配/相连3. look up 查找4. make a mistake 犯错5. advise doing sth建议做某事/ suggest doing sth建议做某事6. advise sb to do sth建议某人做某事7. a piece of advice 一条建议8. as +副词+as possible 尽可能地9. Youd better (not) do sth. 最好(不)做某事10. write down 写下,记下11. in our n

2、otebooks 在笔记本上/里12. forget to do sth忘记做某事(要做的事)13. forget doing sth忘记做过某事(做了的事)14. spell and pronounce new words aloud 大声拼读生词15. main ideas 主要意思,大意16. get to know 了解,认识17. through reading 通过阅读18. agree with sb 同意某人的意见19. agree to do sth同意做某事20. key words 关键词21. smile at sb向某人微笑22. ask (sb) for sth 向

3、 (某人)要,寻求23. several times 几次24. the meaning of the new words 生词的意思25. something new 新的东西26. be afraid to do sth/be afraid of doing sth 害怕做某事27. be afraid of sb/sth 害怕某人/某物28. start a conversation/ talk开始谈话29. Dont be shy 别害羞30. just try 请试试31. think about/of 想,考虑32. English-speaking people 说英语的人33.

4、 all the time 始终,一直34. invite sb to sw 邀请某人去某地35. invite sb to do sth 邀请某人做某事36. stop doing sth 停止做某事(停止正在做的事;一件事)37. stop to do sth停下来去做某事(停止正在做的事,再去做另一事;两件事)Module 21、pretty good 相当好2、on the coast 在(海)岸边3、thirty years ago 三十年前4、 in fact 实际上,事实上5、in the 1980s 在20世纪80年代6、get bigger 变得更大7、 some day/

5、one day 某一天8. as busy as Hong Kong与香港一样繁忙9. the population of Shenzhen 深圳的人口10、a population of 120,000 大约12万人口11、a large/small population 人口多/ 少large/small in population12Whats the population of sth?的人口是多少?13、over/more than 超过、多于14、much wider 宽得多15、remember to do sth 记得(要)做某事16、remember doing sth 记得

6、做过某事16. the differences between sth and sth 某物与某物之间的区别。17、be different from18、in the east of on the east of to the east of southeast, southwest, northeast, northwest19. on the River Cam 在康河河畔20. be famous as/to/as21.such as/ for example22. Cambridge is 80 kilometres (away) from London.23. seven hour

7、s and a half seven and a half hours24. (a) part of 的一部分25. any time of the year 一年的任何时候26. bring sth with sb 随身带着27. most days28. much wider 宽得多 a little wider宽一点29. bigger and bigger越来越大 more and more interesting 越来越有趣Module 3 Sports1. on TV 在电视上 2. Whats the score?比分是多少? 3.a minute ago 一分钟前 4. thi

8、s weeks match 本周的比赛 5. lose matches输掉比赛 6. Whats the matter with you?你怎么了? 7. hurt my knee 伤了我的膝盖 8. play against与对抗 9. warm up热身;做准备活动 10. be late for迟到 11. cheer on用欢呼声激励;为加油 12. keep fit保持健康 13. get lost迷路 14. be sure of/about sb/sth对有把握,确信 15. plenty of许多 16. be ready for为做好准备 17. at weekends在周末

9、 18. in the countryside在乡村 19. never mind 别介意,没关系 20. quite good 相当好 21. train hard 努力训练22. in our school team 在我们的校队里23. as early as we can (我们)尽早24. so that 以便,为了25. than usual 比平常26,as usual 像平常一样27. beat us打败我们28. do better 做得更好29. get dark earlier (变)黑得更早30. It is important not to be late for a

10、fter- school practice.课后练习不迟到重要31. be pleased with sb 对某人感到高兴32. lose to the other team 输给了另一支队伍33. in the final match在决赛中34. What a pity?/ It is a pity. 真遗憾35. have a good chance of doing sth 很有可能/机会做某事36. fewer people 更少的人37. hope/wish to do sth 希望做某事38. have sb around 有某人在身边39. feel confident to do sth 觉得有信心做某事40. Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧41. join the swimming club 加入游泳俱乐部42. all the same 仍然43. go jogging 去慢跑44. The more you go jogging, the healthier you will feel. 你慢跑得越多,你就会觉得越健康。Module 4 Planes, shi



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