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1、? 27 ? 8 ? 2010 ? 8 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Control Theory ?; ?; ?; ?; ?; ? ?: T811?: A Second-order Cybernetics and its applications WAN Bai-wu (MOE Key Lab for Intelligent Networks and Network Security, State Key Laboratory of Manufacturing Systems Engineering, Xian Jiaotong University, Xian Shaanxi 71004

2、9, China) Abstract: This paper briefl y reviews the origination and achievements of the second-order Cybernetics, including the initiator Hvon Foerster and his BCL(biological computer laboratory), main theories as well as the differences between the second-order Cybernetics and its predecessor Cyber

3、netics. The paper also describes its application to the agreement through conversation and understanding, and the applications to management and economic systems. Finally the author gives his investigation results and comments on the second-order Cybernetics. Key words: second-order Cybernetics; obs

4、erver; constructivism; autopoiesis; conversation theory; artifi cial adaptive agent; viable system model 1?(Introduction) ?, ? ?, ? ?1. ? ?. ?, ?, ? 4?, ?: 1) ?; 2) ? ?; 3) ?; 4) ?. ?, ? ?. ? ? ?, ?, ? ?. ?. 2?(Origination and development of second-order Cybernetics) ?1949?, ? ?(Heinz von Foerster)?

5、 ?(The memoryAn investigation in quantum physics)? ?. ?(MIT)? ?W?(McCulloch)?. ?, ?(Macy)? ? ? ?, ? ?, ? ?. ? ?4?. ? ? ?(MMead)?, ? ? ?(speaking about Cybernetics in a cyberneti- cal way)?(Cybernetics of Cybernetics)?. 1951?(?1). 6? ?: 20100127; ?: 20100607. 1054? ? ? ? ? ? ? 27 ? ?(biological compu

6、ter laboratory, BCL). ? ?20?(19571976)?, ? ?, ? ? ?, ?.? ?R?(Ross Ashby)? ?.?2? ?3?, ? ?(principles of the self-organizing system)4. ?, ?(American so- ciety for Cybernetics, ASC)? ? ?S?(Stuart Umpleby). ? ?; ? ?G?(Gordon Pask), ? ?(conversation theory)5, ?H? ?(Humberto Maturana)?F? ?(Francisco Varel

7、a)?, ? ?(autopoiesis and cognition)6. ?, ? ?S?(Stafford Beer), ?, ? ?, ? ?(platform for change)7. ? 1?Hvon?, 1911 2002 Fig. 1Initiator of the second-order Cybernetics American Hvon Foerster, 1911 2002 20?70? ?(?), ? ?812. ? ?. ?BCL?, ? ? ?20? ?. 1992? ?Cybernetics ? ?, ?; ?(19741990?): ?, ? ?, ? ?,

8、? ?, ?; ?(social Cybernetics)(1990? ?): ?, ?. 2) ? ?. ? ?: ?, ? ?. ? ?, ? ?, ?, ?. ?2?G? ?(Bateson)?1973? ?9, ?, ?; ? ? ? ?15. ? ?. ? ?. ? 2? Fig. 2Contrast between upper and lower cybernetical systems ? 8 ?: ?1055 3) ?. ?, ? ?, ? ?. ? ?, ?114,16. ? 1? Table 1 Defi nition and concept of fi rst and s

9、econd-order Cybernetics ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?. ?: ?2?observed systems, ? ?observing systems, ?, ?(?)?. ? ?, ? ?, ? ? ? ?, ?. ?3?. ?4?: ? ?, ? ?(? ?)?(? ?)?; ? ?(autonomous systems)? ?, ?, ? ?. ? ?10. ? ?, ? ?, ? ?, ?, ?(self- referential). ? ?17. ?6?, ? ? ?, ? ?(? ?)? ?, ? ? ?. ?, ?, ? ?(WHeisenberg)? ?, ? ?17, ? ?12. 4) ?. ? ?, ?: ?, ? ?. ? ?. ? ?14. ? ?. ? ? ?(?)?, ? ?, ?. ?



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