外研版必修1 Moudle 2 同课异构 精品课件1 Period Three Grammar & Writing

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1、Module 2 My New TeachersModule 2 My New Teachers Period Three Grammar we must leave at once. 天快黑了,我们得马上走。 冒号:一般用于直接引语前,列举事项及解释前文。 例如: Mum said to us: “You must go to bed before 10:00 pm.” 妈妈对我们说:“你们晚上十点以前必须上床睡 觉。” 引号: 用于直接引语,引用别人说过的话,及书 名、剧名等,此外还用在一个词或者短语两端, 引起注意,表示强调。例如: 1. She said: “I have called

2、 you, but you were out.” 她说:“我给你打过电话,可你不在家。” 2. I have seen the film Waterloo Bridge twice. 电影魂断蓝桥我看过两次。 3. How do you spell the word “dollar”? “dollar”这个词怎么拼? 破折号: 一般用于解释前文。例如: The suggestionsboth Li Mings and mine were accepted. 李明和我的建议都被接受了。 英汉两种语言中的标点符号的不同之处: 1. 英语中好像没有我们在汉语中常用到的书名号。 在英语中表示书名、电影

3、名等时常用大写或者大写 后的斜体, 也可下面画线。 例如:I study many subjects such as Chinese, English, maths, physics, chemistry and art. 我学习许多课程包括语文、英语、数学、物理、化学及 艺术。 小说老人与海,英语可以做以下几种书写: THE OLD MAN AND THE SEA The Old Man and the Sea The Old Man and the Sea 2. 在英语中没有我们常见的顿号,而一般用逗号来代 替。 3. 英语中应特别注意区分分号和逗号的不同用法。 The sun is br

4、ight, the sky is blue. (误) The sun is bright; the sky is blue. (正) 写作中我们要特别注意避免犯这样的错误,逗号 一般连接词和短语,而两个分句之间的连接一般不用 逗号,而要用分号。如果用逗号,则需要在逗号前面 加连词,比如,这个句子也可以这样表达:The sun is bright, and the sky is blue. 总之,标点符号看似小事,但有时候也会影响到整 个句子乃至整篇文章的优劣,所以我们应该培养正确 的书写习惯,不放过任何一个微小的错误,这对在考 试中取得高分尤为重要。 【写作练习】 一个好的教师应该具备哪些品质

5、呢?有人说好 老师应该要有耐心、责任心和激情。你觉得呢?请 你写一篇120个词左右的短文,陈述你心目中的好老 师的品质(至少三条),并简要说明原因。 【参考范文】 As far as Im concerned, a good teacher should, above all, love to work with children. Those who dont like children cannot do the teaching job well. Second, a good teacher must be patient with all kinds of students. The

6、y must never get bored explaining the same knowledge over and over again. Third, they should know the subject they are teaching well; otherwise, they will mislead the children or cant teach the children enough knowledge. Last but not least, I think a good teacher should be enthusiastic about his or

7、her work. No matter what difficulty they meet in life, they should wear a smile when they walk into the classroom. Write a composition about your favourite subject and it includes the reasons for liking it. Homework Nothing in the world is difficult for one who sets his mind to it. 世上无难事,只怕有心人。 本节内容结束本节内容结束 更多精彩内容请登录:


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