九年级 units 9-10习题课件 人教新目标版

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1、英语,第18课时 九年级Units 910,(人教版),重点词汇,1.prefer(v.)更喜欢 2Australian(adj./n.)澳大利亚的;澳大利亚人的;澳大利亚人 3suppose(v.)推断;料想 4smooth(adj.)平滑的 5spare(adj./v.)空闲的;不用的;抽出(时间、房间等) 6director(n.)导演;部门负责人 7war(n.)战争 8down(adj.)悲哀;沮丧 9dialogue(n.)对话;对白 10except(prep./conj.)除之外;除了;只是 11shut(v.)关闭;关上,12.sadness(n.)悲伤;悲痛 13pain(

2、n.)痛苦;疼痛 14perform(v.)表演;执行 15pity(n./v.)遗憾;怜悯;同情 16total(n./adj.)总数;合计;总的;全体的 17master(n.)能手;主人;掌握 18praise(v./n.)表扬;赞扬 19painful(adj.)令人痛苦的;令人疼痛的 20relaxed(adj.)放松的;自在的 21kiss(v./n.)亲吻;接吻,22.greet(v.)和打招呼 23value(v./n.)重视;珍视;价值 24._capital(n.)首都 25mad(adj.)很生气;疯的 26passport(n.)护照 27northern(adj.)北

3、方的 28season(n.)季节 29knock(v./n.)敲;击;敲击声;敲击 30worth(adj.)有价值 31manner(n.)方式;方法 32exchange(n./v.)交换 33behave(v.)表现;举止,词汇拓展,1.Australian(澳太利亚)Australia 2suggestion(动词)suggest(近义词)advice 3spare(同义词)free 4direct(导演)director 5sadness(形容词)sad(快乐)happiness 6behave(行为;举止;态度)behavior 7move(动人的)moving 8perform

4、(表演)performance(表演者)performer 9empty(满的)full 10end(结尾;结局)ending,11.intelligent(智力;聪颖;情报)intelligence(同义词)clever/bright 12north(北方的)northern 13pain(痛苦的;疼的;费力的;使人厌烦的)painful 14shut(近义词)close 15wound(受伤的)wounded 16relaxed(放松)relax 17value(有价值的)valuable 18gradually(形容词:渐进的;逐渐的;逐次的;平缓的)gradual,重点短语,1.既然那

5、样;假使那样的话in that case 2坚持;固守stick to 3大量;充足plenty of 4关闭;停止运转shut off 5偶尔地;间或once in a while 6(在词典、参考书中或通过电脑)查阅;抬头看look up 7总共;合计in total 8顺便访问;随便进入drop by,9.毕竟;终归after all 10大动肝火;气愤get mad 11作出努力make an effort 12把擦掉clean off 13脱下(衣服);(飞机等)起飞take off 14特地;格外努力go out of ones way 15使(某人)感到宾至如归makefeel

6、at home 16习惯于get used to,重点句型,1.I love music _ I can _ _ _我喜欢能随之唱歌的音乐。 2He _ groups _ play quiet and slow songs.他更喜欢演奏轻柔舒缓歌曲的组合。 3I prefer movies _ gives me something _ _ _ 我喜欢能让我思考某些事物的电影。 4She likes _ _ play different kinds of music.她喜欢演唱不同音乐的音乐家。,that/which,sing along with,prefers,that/which,that

7、/which,to think about,musicians who,5.What _ you _ _ _ when you meet someone for the first time? 你第一次与别人见面时应该怎么做呢? 6I _ _ _ to be _ _ when I meet my friend. 当我去见我的朋友时,我努力准时到。 7No,youre _ _ wear a suit and tie.不,你应该穿西装系领带。 8Yes,its very _ _ _ others _是的,让别人等你是非常不礼貌的。,are,supposed to do,make an effort

8、,on time,supposed to,impolite to keep,waiting,一、根据句意和提示写单词完成句子。 1After he got everything ready,we _ (贴) the photo on the wall. 2You can feel the _ (悲伤) from his words and expressions. 3Are they _ (表演) a play in front of the homeless people? 4This movie is well _ (值得) watching. 5All the students went

9、 to plant trees on the hill _ (除了) Jim. 6If you can take these _,you are sure to make it. 7You can fill the _ bottle with some orange juice. 8In summer,he _ swimming to running in the past. 9In the south of China,there is always _ of rain. 10She often plays the piano in her _ time.,stuck,sadness,per

10、forming,worth,except,suggestions,empty,preferred,plenty,spare,二、用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。 11Would you mind _ (shut) the door?Its too cold outside. 12By reading this article,we can learn about good table _ (manner) 13The young people had a _ (pain) experience at the age of 15. 14Love Me Once More is one of th

11、e most _ (move) films that Ive ever seen. 15I think no one can truly understand my _ (sad) at the moment. 16Zhang Yimou is a famous _ (direct) in China. 17In our school,Wang Lin has many _ (Australia) friends. 18The TV play has a happy _ (end) 19What are you supposed _ (do) if you dont know the way?

12、 20A big factory stands in the _ (east) part of the city.,shutting,manners,painful,moving,sadness,director,Australian,ending,to do,eastern,三、从方框中选择恰当的短语并用其正确形式完成下列各句。 go out of ones way,clean off,drop by,get mad,after all,stick to,plenty of,shut off,in that case,in total 21How many students are ther

13、e in your class? Let me see.Oh,there are fiftytwo _ 22_,we have to stop our decision. 23We dont need to hurry.We have _time to catch the train. 24_working hard,and youll be successful. 25Make sure to _ the gas when you finish cooking. 26I _ Alices home and chatted with her for one hour. 27Lets help

14、her.Its difficult for one person to finish the work,_ 28Jack _to buy the medicine for his grandpa just now. 29I really _ when someone speaks loudly in the classroom. 30We should take the pictures down from the wall and _ the dust(灰尘),in total,In that case,plenty of,Stick to,shut off,dropped by,after all,went out of his way,get mad,clean off,1. I prefer music that has great lyrics.(From:Unit 9/Section A)我更喜欢歌词优美的音乐。,prefer,【题组训练】 .单项选择。 1What a heavy rain! So it is.I prefer _ rather than _ on such a rainy day. Astaying at home,go out



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