2019中考英语 七下 Unit 7-12重点短语句型和练习 人教新目标版(同名1778)

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《2019中考英语 七下 Unit 7-12重点短语句型和练习 人教新目标版(同名1778)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2019中考英语 七下 Unit 7-12重点短语句型和练习 人教新目标版(同名1778)(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、七下U712重点短语句型和练习第一部分:一、阅读理解。阅读下列短 文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 What does it mean to be green? Green is more than just a color. It also means taking special steps to protect the environment the water, the land, and the air we breathe. Why green? Plants are green, and without them, the Earth wouldnt be

2、 such a lovely home for us human beings. How to be green? Reduce the amount of stuff you use and throw away. Reuse stuff when you can recycle cans, bottles, paper, books, and even toys. Enjoy the Earth walk in the woods, plant a tree, and eat some of the delicious food it produces. Reduce It! When y

3、ou use less of something, you do a good thing for the Earth. For instance, a shorter shower means you used less water and less fuel since your house uses fuel to run the water heater that warmed up the water. Turn off lights youre not using. They last longer and use more energy. Turn off the water w

4、hen youre brushing your teeth. When you can walk or ride your bike instead of driving in the car. Youll use less gas and get some exercise! Put your computer to sleep instead of leaving it on with the screensaver running. 1. What doesnt mean to be green?A. To protect the environment.B. To recycle th

5、e cans C. To leave the computer on.D. To turn off the lights. 2. We can tell from the third paragraph that_. A. To use less energy can help protect environment. B. Walking in the woods means to love the Earth.C. In order to save time, wed better drive a car instead of walking or riding.D. A short sh

6、ower means there is not enough fuel. 3. What does the underlined word in the first paragraph refer? A. The water B. PlantsC. The landD. Green 4. Whats the best title of the passage?A. How to take a short shower. B. We should walk or ride a bike to work.C. We had better take off the lights on time.D.

7、 How to be green.5. Which of the following is not true?A. Green is not only a color.B. Reuse stuff when you can recycle cans, paper and even toys.C. When you use more of something, you do a good thing for the Earth.D. When you can walk or ride your bike, youll get some exercise!参考答案15、CABDC二、首字母填空。阅

8、读短文,根据短文内容及首字母提示,在空白处填入一个适当的单词。Everyone wants to relax after working or studying for a long time. I have many w_(66) of relaxing myself. Let me tell you some of my favourites.I am a big sports fan, so the usual way I relax is to watch or play many kinds of sports. My favorite is tennis, but I am i _

9、(67) in all kinds of sports. Whether I am playing tennis or watching a game on TV, it is e_(68) to see team members doing their best. Its amazing to see players playing very well. Its true that playing sports is not physically(身体上地)“relaxing”, but I find it r_(69) cool, and a good way of “relaxing”

10、my brain after a days hard work.I enjoy listening to music, and I always have some music playing during my f_(70)time. I listen to all types, but I enjoy listening to b_(71) piano music. Some people cant study w_(72) listening to music, but for me, I b_(73) I can study better by listening to light s

11、ongs.Some people choose to relax by traveling. I dont have a favourite place, but I hear that traveling in Japan is really e_(74). I like visiting different kinds of places and eating f_(75) snacks there. I also enjoy sightseeing and seeing how the culture and people change from place to place.66_67

12、 _68 _69 _70 _71 _72 _73 _74 _75 _【参考答案】 66. ways 67. interested 68. exciting 69. really 70. free71. beautiful 72. while 73. believe 74. enjoyable 75. famous三、重点短语回顾1. _捎个口信;传话2. _ (给某人)回电话 3. _此刻;马上 4. _度假 5. _邮局 6. _警察局 7. _在对面 8. _在前面 9. _沿着(这条街)走 10. _向右/左转 11. _花时间 12. _给(某人)回电话 13. _中等身高 14. _

13、一点;少量15. _最后 16. _ 点菜17. _世界各地 18. _许愿 19. _吹灭 20. _受欢迎;流行 21. _切碎 22. _给带来好运23. _骑马 24. _喂鸡 25. _许多 26. _在乡下;在农村27. _消防站 28. _总的说来 29. _对感兴趣 30. _深夜不睡;熬夜31. _跑开 32. _冲大声叫嚷 33. _放风筝 34. _搭起;举起 35. _去沙滩 36. _去露营37. _互相;彼此 38. _吃惊39. _上上下下;起伏 40. _把弄醒 参考答案:1. take a message2. call(sb.) back3. right now4. on (


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